Turning The Wheel While The Vampire Stays Offended

Crynn POV

"Fine, I can't use my power too much in the desert else my blood supply runs out," he shut off his telekinesis field and all the flying objects dropped down one by one. "Put your guns down O'Connell, normal bullets don't do a thing against vampires," I walked to O'Connell and placed my hands on top of his, lowering his gun down.

"Oh! Then what kind of bullets can kill us?" Ferrous said aloofly and with slight confusion. "Incendiary rounds and explosive rounds of course," in the Twilight saga, vampires have only one physical weakness, and that's fire. Just slicing off their heads won't do, they could easily reattach it back. And fire, they burn, vampires will burn to ashes and they can't reattach, signifying their 'death' or 'death after the undead'.

"And what are those?" Ferrous tilted his head to the right as he stared at me disoriented. "When is the exact year, you step foot on this place?" This is the 1970s, I'm sure incendiary bullets and explosive rounds already exist in this time. "1910, what's the problem here," great, out of everyone we had to meet, we met a vampire lost in time.

(A.N : Incendiary rounds are invented in 1916, just for your information.)

"Its 1974," the vampire's eyes bulged and let out a very screeching screech. "Impossible! It's not possible for a piece of paper to keep me frozen that long!" Well, this is Hamunaptra, nothing's impossible here, you'd think a piece of ancient paper that could freeze time is much more explainable than walking statues armed with golden spears.

"Ok, ok, I'm trapped here for 64 years, no problem," Ferrous began hyperventilating and if this is a cartoon, smoke would be spewing out of his ears by now. "No! The Volturi! Without me there to advise they could be doing everything wrong!" This has gotten bad real quick, I looked around to find Evelyn shrugging at O'Connell, and Jonathan leaning on his sister, unreliable shites.

"Relax, the Volturi is doing just fine," I think they're doing ok, the last time I saw them, they retreated from Alaska, ruing all the reputation they had. "Alright, I'm sure Aro is capable enough of not making stupid decisions, I sure hope so," Ferrous has began to cool down and now muttering words beneath his head.

"You hadn't answered my question," the vampire's eyes lit up and walked back to the pedestal, his black robes fluttering in the non-existent wind, then's Snape, now a Volturi vampire, is it that easy to make your robes bellow. "This is what I'm here for," his eyes lit up even more and slowly turned a circular handle on the pedestal.

I never would've thought, a vampire would have a hard time turning something, but here I'm seeing a Volturi higher up, trying to turn a wheel with all his force. "I though vampires have super strength!" I teased him from behind, it's always amusing when I see someone teasing a cold person, and vampires are certainly cold.

"This mechanism is designed to be used by someone with a high physical strength and not mere mortals which is why I'm getting a hard time!" Ferrous seemed a little bit offended as he continued turning the wheel crank, pushing it with all his power. "Maybe you're getting too old, what's your age 1000?" Twilight vampires are very old, Aro is more than 3000 years old, Jane's around 1000 years old and Carlisle Cullen is more than 300 years old.

"I'm around 3000 and could you please shut up for a second!" Everyone around me seemed shock that the handsome 20 year old is actually an overdue 3000 years old expired man. "How, is it possible," Evelyn whispered from beside me. "They're vampires darling, they drink blood, hearts don't beat and they don't blush nor shed tears."

"Wait a minute! Aren't vampires afraid of the sun, how can he be here in the desert when their weakness is sunlight," O'Connell whispered to me as I saw Ferrous' eyes getting darker by the second, I should've told them that vampires have enhanced hearing. "The part where vampires weaknesses are garlic, the cross and sunshine is all myth, they only sparkle when the sunlight reaches them."

"PARDON!" An angry voice displayed by an equally furious vampire turning a wheel sounded comical, and it surely is. "I'm sorry, but don't you vampires sparkle in the sun," if vampires can blush, then this one, would surely blush with fury as his face slowly contortted into what could be said as pure anger and offense.

"We vampires don't 'sparkle'! Have you ever seen phosphorus, they 'glow' in the dark. Vampires are the same except they glow in the sun," I actually found that weird, how can one glow in the sun, it doesn't sound logical, but I guess nothing sounds logical anymore nowadays. "Geez calm down. By the way, where's your sharp canines?"

"Vampires don't have sharp teeth! Our teeth are the same as humans!" Ferrous, now looking more offended as ever have literal ticks on his head, as the veins threaten to pop, which doesn't make sense, but whatever. "How do you clear this room of those statue thingies," clearly, someone has done destruction, and its certainly this guy, with all the rubble and statue bits around, I'd say he's done some DAMAGE.

"That's actually going to take quite a while to explain, so let's first hold it off till later," he drawled and look a bit upset and obviously regretting something. "Why have you answered every question we've asked, that is not Volturi protocol," Volturi would kill if any of their secrets or just vampires getting found out. They would kill an entire town for the sake of it, or them.

"I don't really care, and no one is going to believe you guys anyway. Even if you come looking for vampires, I doubt you'd find any," not a bad response at all, the Cullens lived in forks for 2 years, all cold and their mysterious gold eyes, and they never f*cking ate. But I guess the town's full of idiots anyway, can't notice a thing. Seriously, I think only Bella is the smartest of them all.

"Finally!" he happily exclaimed as the wheel hit its pivotal stop as the sound of moving gears vibrated through the ground and the farthest wall to the back, opened itself up for whatever's inside.

"I can't wait to see it!" Ferrous can't help but jump like a little girl making us all oh so curious.

I can't wait myself to see what's behind all these statues.