What!? You Can Do Magic!?

Crynn POV

I guess unleashing the mummy is bad huh. And how did this guy get the news so quick? Anonymous informant perhaps? I guess the archive is national which means it has ties to the government. Which means this guy got the information from a member of the Egyptian government. I know I'm pretty smart, no need to praise.

"You said that Hamunaptra is a pipe dream! but we found it! Look at these! These are proof that the Ancient Egyptian has carving and engineering techniques way beyond their time!" Evelyn stood up and stared bravely at the uncle, tossing the gold and jewelry found in Hamunaptra all over his table.

"Do you know how much stress I've got these days! And its mainly because of you Evelyn! And that wizard and that f*cking vampire!" He steam rolled every idea of Evelyn's bravery and threw it all out to the garbage dump. vicious and fierce, this guy has got a lot of charisma. Unquestionably one of the factors that made him the director of the National Archives.

"Wizard? This is the second time I heard someone call you that," O'Connell whispered to me with raised eyebrows. Either I tell them the truth or this uncle tell them the truth. Why is everyone I've been meeting acquainted with the Wizarding World. "You don't understand how mad the Ministry of Magic is!"

That is definitely not good, the Ministry of Magic whichever country they from, is a snobby bunch of pricks and no one wants to be on their bad side. "I'm afraid I don't understand what you're saying," Evelyn decided to boldly try to challenge her uncle, it didn't go well. "Do you understand this situation!"

"Do you know how terrified I am when a large peregrine falcon suddenly show up on my window bringing a letter stating that the Ministry's magic sensors detected a highly abnormal surge of magic coming from none other than you! A muggle! And than another letter stating that a wizard and a vampire travelling with you has driven off the Pharaoh's guards in the area!"

Uncle stood up and walked pushing Evelyn back with every outburst until her back bumped the door. Uncle gave a loud shriek while pulling his non existent hair apart returning to his comfy seat. "Wh-what a-are y-ou tal-talking about, what i-is this mi-ministry," Evelyn is now back to her fearful position, its funny how people could change so quick, bt I believe this where my trouble truly starts.

"Why don't you ask your friend there!" He pointed at me, I sighed knowing a lot of questions are coming soon. "The Ministry of Magic is a governmental structure in the Wizarding World to control their wizards. Each significant country has one and there are also different departments in the government. Every Ministry of Magic is independent and only the ICW could control them."

Uncle rubbed his face between his hands while Evelyn and the rest ferrous not included doesn't have much to say except for a indiscernible look on their face, a mixture of shock, indignation and others. "There you have it! And now that form of government is about to tear us apart!" Uncle shouted with a blend of annoyance and agitation, while the rest still looked blank.

"You were a wizard capable of fantasy magic all this time!" O'Connell dinally became the first to snap as he grabbed my shoulders and began shaking forcefully. "Stop! Stop! I know it's wrong keeping secrets but there is a law to uphold, and that law is to not do magic in front of non-wizards like you guys!"

O'Connell looked pissed, Evelyn looked pissed, Jonathan looked pissed, the uncle looked pissed. Is this how it's going to go! Everyone taking turns showing pissed in their faces and flashing it on me. "I know this maybe a big news and a mind breaker for everyone but please stay civilized we all believe in democracy, words on words right!"

I began to back off further into the couch, trying to dig a crevice into it so I could hide and be away from this awkwardness. "Now I don't care but we need to fix this situation or the Ministry of Magic will act themselves and take our heads along with the problem!" Uncle pulled out a long stick, a wand from his drawer and placed it gently on the table.

"Now, I can hardly believe a single word the letter said about a magical surge coming from you Evelyn. So you may as well put your hands on the wand and give a flick," the uncle, I still don't know his name, motioned for Evelyn to reach and grab the wand. His eyes unwavering and his hands placed seriously under his chin.

Evelyn gently picked the wand up before giving it a swing to the left. PRANG!!! Instantly all the glass on the shelf cracked into dust and slowly into nothing but particles in the wind. "JESUS CHRIST!" Uncle was the first and fastest to react, staring at the sad shelves. "You destroyed my shelves and are able to do magic!"

He appeared surprised. Hell! I looked surprised, everyone looked surprised, what is this sudden development? The heroine suddenly possessing magic, I'm sorry but mind I asking what world I am in again? Ah right, I'm in the world of The Mummy where NONE of THIS should HAPPEN! I'm getting too much shock nowadays, oh I hoped how I could return to my daily job, testing saves, stealing art once in a while and just relax.

But of course not, a pandemic just has to be my end and my beginning at the same time. Sure this whole travelling thing is nice and I love it, but there are just some times where you'd rather not be in it. I need some scotch and whiskey, I've never drank in my past life but might as well just start now.

"SO you can do magic, let's just for a moment forget about that, we have more pressing matters to discuss. The Ministry has demanded all of you to reseal the mummy you opened and revived. That includes you wizard and you vampire unless you want your coven to know of your... endeavors here. Either way, we must seal the mummy back into the afterlife."

Uncle laid back onto his chair, finally relaxing after everything that happened just then. He placed his hand down relaxingly as he turned his head to gaze onto his left shelf collection. He pulled up a mug and slowly sipped into it. Pfft! The moment his mouth devoured whatever's in the mug, he spitted everything out onto his left shelf.

"Blimey! What is that! That's not coffee!" He looked at his shelf, his expressions turning very quickly from being calm into horrified. I can honestly see why, blood is scattered throughout the shelves, Impossible, how is this so quick. The first plague of Egypt, water turning into blood.

There's a high chance that I won't be having a hair cut anytime soon.