Calian POV
"So... There are zombie men, zombie dogs and now, zombie spiders, I never would've thought!" I complained but sadly only Jill heard my plea and not God. "At least they don't take much to kill," Jill shot two bullets at each spiders which doesn't waste that much at all. "Then we should finish this quick, I hate spiders, seeing them makes my skin curl."
I and Jill started sprinting down the hall of flesh and to my delight, no more spiders around which is absolutely fantastic! And to my endless regret, I just had to jinx everything to my absolute despair. 3 spiders stuck and crept up the ceiling, God they're horrifying. I did a top notch quick thinking, pushing up a tube on my ring, two small metal sticks came out and I immediately placed the ring on a metal beam covered in flesh.
The two spiders started twitching and fell out of the flesh top, we took them out before they could even muster the strength to get up. "What was that?" it's just another one of my many, many gadgets available. "Electrocution ring," I answered curtly whilst sprinting down the flesh corridor, the grid is only to our left.
"With all those trinkets, you should just go try out a cast for Inspector Gadget," Jill grunted as we went left, is Inspector Gadget the 1983 TV series, pretty sure it is. "You mean the guy with a lot of hands out of his head," now I remember, its also a movie 1999 and 2003 and it's absolutely ridiculous, nothing is realistic in the movie, pure hogwash.
"Yeah that one and we're here, there's the switch," Jill said and pointed at the grid switch, small bolts of electricity flew around it, I don't want to get electrocuted. "Cover me," I said to Jill and she turned around to watch our back. "This is a lot harder than I expected," I casually pulled it and it didn't budge, I pulled with one hand, it still didn't go.
"What's taking so long Calian," Jill fired two more shots into some enemies and can you please be patient. "I'm working on it," I placed my umbrella on the floor and luckily, it isn't flesh but concrete, no dirtying my poor umbrella for the sake of it. "Done!" This time i pulled strongly with both my arms and it finally moved and the grid is turned on.
"The next one should be accessible by the ladder," I opened a mesh door to a ladder and promptly climbed it, Jill sadly had to leave her riot shield to even bother climbing the ladder, finally something Jill can't carry around too much. "You two, have you arrived at the substation yet!" This is a very bad time for a conversation Carlos, we aren't exactly in the best spot.
"We're working on it, with giant spiders crawling all over the grids, you can't expect us to easily do this can't you," I said through my glasses and directly shut off communications, no disturbance allowed. We went past the wooden bridge over a small transformer and down to our net switch. This time, I don't waste any time and directly pulled the switch down.
Pssh, the sound of sizzling electricity zealed me back up, "Just two more grid switches, one through there and another straight left," I aimed my gun at the red spots on the umbrella, they're so near I could practically taste my exit out of here. As we sprinted on, a wall in front of us imploded and two spiders came out with it, an ambush!?
I fired and hit a small box with an electricity sign next to them and what do you know, it exploded with electricity and the spiders spasmed and erupted in yellow liquids and red flesh. "That is utterly disturbing and now we know just how much they're weak to electricity," Jill's eyes suddenly lit up and her lips flashed a creepy smile.
"Do you know what that means," she looks as if she's going to be starting a massacre, I'm sorry but the city's suffered enough. "What?" I groaned as I turned left and pulled the switch down, another one bites the dust. "It means that switching the substation on would decimate the entire spider population including their mama queen which tried to kill me! Or give me its babies, either way is unpleasant and revolting!"
She IS starting a massacre, and great news cause it is to kill the spiders, I would accept spider extermination any day and I won't ever spare a spider after this mission, they've traumatized me well enough! I ran down with vigor to the final switch, pulling it as fast as my hands could manage and not au revoir substation, I won't be missing you.
"It's done! That way is the exit," I pulled Jill under the spiders and blasted them all with my gun, "Go!" I stashed my not needed umbrella on my hip and sprayed bullets all over, these spiders are very unhappy with our overlonged presence. "There it is!" Jill shot and reloaded her shotgun in a constant motion, these spiders just ain't stopping.
She took out a grenade and pulled the pin, tossing it over the concrete floor and rolling down the aisle of spiders. BOOM! It exploded in a white flash, smoke running off and fragments hitting out. "That's our chance!" I made the final push, jumping and smashing through the mesh door and rolled on the ground, landed on my two feet and the mental crowd cheering after.
"Calian, just because you are slightly insane doesn't mean you should stand and pose like some deserving champion," nooooo! My fantasies ruined, shut up Jill! "Now, let's go, it looks as though the spiders aren't too keen on going out of their lair," right, that's the plan Jill, time to completely kill these spiders out!
And in the end, even if the spiders weren't all killed, the missile targeting Raccoon City in a few hours would do just the same trick. "Carlos, come in, we're almost done with the substation just the final switch and electricity will come lighting your day up," Jill said through the radio, sweating like bullets, even I'm sweating in this cool suit.
"That was a heck of an exercise," I am goddarn exhausted and can't wait to lie on my couch dreaming flying sheeps and cute cats, oh yes I'm dreaming the cat life. "Now let's go turn on the substation, I can't wait to drive the spiders out," oh neither can I jill, I'll so let you do the honors!