Calian POV
"I'll let you do the honors," I stepped aside and motioned to the big yellow switch in which Jill licked her lips upon, sounds so wrong in so many ways but a woman's got their own tendencies. "See you suckers!" She cackled loudly and pushed the switch up and the power panels spiked in energy and are slowly turning colors from blue to green.
A loud and large discharge of energy came from beyond the glass and in the substation. Large bolts of electricity could be seen running through the flesh walls and into the cocoon. Exploding massively, disgusting bits of yellow and red flew to the skies and down like rain onto the substation, the giant spider is surely no more.
"That's that done, Carlos, I've restored power to the subway!" Jill said with pride over the radio, who wouldn't have some after escaping and successfully destroyed an entire nest of large carnivorous spiders. "That's great! Next should be the traffic control system in the subway company's office," Carlos excitedly spoke over the radio, even I could feel him bumping his fist into the air in exhilaration.
"I know where the building is," Jill said earning another piece of laughter from the subway, "Nice going then partner!" Jill frowned a bit and smiled a little, "Not your partner," maybe another day Carlos, maybe another day. "So, we just need to route the subway routes and we're on our way out of here, am I right," of course I'm not right, if what my memory serves me well, the train will crash and only Jill survived, I think.
"That's right agent," Jill showed a smile that said 'spot on', very bright, very wrong. I sighed in silence as Jill happily opened the door out of the building. if she weren't a cop, she would've skipped goofily right now. BOOM! I can't comprehend what just happened, we came out of the building and suddenly a wall next to us exploded!
Bricks and shrapnel flew everywhere and i swore I could here big strong footsteps emerging through the wall. I flapped the fog and what I see may just terrify me for life, Nemesis staring at us with an advantage in height, slowly raising his hand releasing spiky tentacles from it, wait a minute, tentacles? Tentacle + Spike = Flying tentacle mace!
"Duck!" I reacted as soon as the idea of tentacle maces came into my head. I gripped Jill's neck from behind and pushed her upper body down and then thrusted her from below Nemesis' horizontal tentacle slash. Jill is still in the state of disarray and there's no time for this! I aimed and grabbed Jill's ankle, my other hand is still on her neck and I lowered it to tightly hold her shoulders.
And lift! I carried her bridal style past the fog, and oh now she's no longer disarrayed is she! She seemed quite mad and would probably hit me if not given the severe situation we're in. I sprinted across the alley we came from and the Nemesis is still chasing! Jill in a moment of brilliance, shot at an unused car battery on the floor.
Hitting it just in time for the Nemesis to arrive, electrocuting it in place and temporarily immobilizing the big bad monster. I went up the stairs and bashed the door to open, closing it behind me with a thump. HA! We survived! We're back to the garage! "Put me DOWN!" Jill exploded and shoved her over glaring me with deadly eyes.
"You don't get to do that anytime again," she fumed and stomped down the stairs, taking out her radio, the U.B.C.S guy is still dead and the Nemesis is nowhere in sight or in mind. That last statement was a lie, I believe we almost just died there! Hard missions really can't be trifled with. "Carlos, the monster is still alive," Jill said shaking over the radio, her mental state has obviously suffered.
"What! Go back to the station now!" Carlos reply of anxiety instantly came and his underlying tone refers to a command and not a suggestion. "Not until the traffic control is online!" She obviously doesn't realize the tone and downright cut the communications. I can imagine Carlos being pretty pissed by the notion. Let me repeat, not today Carlos, not today.
"Ok, lets plan, the subway offices is over the street, down the boulevard step stairs and a sharp left," I hurriedly explained less Nemesis comes knocking on the garage door. "Alright! Let's d-" the hard slam of the door surprises us, cutting Jill's words. The gray door has its hinges free and flung back to the wall, only one thing in this game has that kind of power.
"Nemesis! Let's move!" We immediately exited the garage onto the alley, we must do this as quick as we can. Jill opened the door and rolled a grenade inside, "That'll slow him down!" A boom and roar passed through the door and in our ears. "We made him angrier and we ought to do this fast!" We ran down the stairs avoiding the zombies which respawned out of nowhere, I hate this game!
I heard a loud roar and a mesh door came flying above me and crashed into the donut store, smashing up its windows. "Left! Left! Left!" important things must be said trice and there's nothing more significant in nature than this circumstance. I went up the stairs and closed the door behind, moving a large heavy pot behind it.
"That was terrifying," I shuddered and opened the door into the traffic control room, "Let's do this quick," Jill and I entered the room, the lights are wonderfully on and the screen still has red lights on specific tracks. "We're at Redstone Street and we need to route it to Fox Park, the first line is blocked so that's not an option."
Jill started thinking in her head, gears running as swift as possible. "Faust Avenue Line 02, Raccoon Central Station Line 03, Saint Michael's Clock Tower Line 02, and Fox Park Line 01!" She pressed the green glowing button and similarly green light flashed on the screen. The tracks are lighting up, 02, 03, 02, 01! All have lighted up!
"You did it Jill! Just to get back to the station," I could hug her now, once I got on the train, I'll have a little resting time before everything escalates once more. BOOM! ARGH! NOT AGAIN!