Calian POV
"It's time to get back," I lowered myself down the ladder and back into this disgusting water with all the trash floating around. I'd be so happy to burn these clothes if not for the fact that the clothes are much priceless and it's certain that the chance of me spinning the slot and getting another Kingsman movie is nigh to none.
"Now let's g-" A big fat Gamma jumped out of one of the sewer drainages on top and splashed the water around. Boom! Jill reacted quickly and shot out a round to meet the big bulgy face of it, burning it completely alive. "That's brutal," I quietly lifted my chin up to get a better view at the burning mess, the ash from evaporated skin flew too the air as the sizzling hadn't stopped.
"Well, killing in any form is brutality itself," Jill smiled lightly as she retorted, I can't deny the reality that she said is true. Choking, poisoning, drowning, every single way of dying is just as brutal as what I'm seeing. But in the end, they all don't feel anything. "I believe it's dead, we can very well move now."
I walked forward in slow style, the water is really getting out to me, I'm starting to not be able to bear the revolting stench and the sludgy water waving around my shoes and the top side of my fashionable tux pants. "That's it, I'm not staying any longer in this flow of garbage," I wracked my head and started moving faster through the murk.
"Ooh a ladder? I must have missed that," Jill scratched her head looking at the ladder just beside the entrance of the sewer rivers where we came in. I had to jump down instead of sliding on the slope to prevent all the junk from getting on my upper apparels. "Well, let's go up then, I can't handle it any longer," I pursed my lips into a thin slit as I speedily reached and jumped onto the ladder.
Reaching the top in no time whatsoever as we are now standing on a short circular stair. "Well, finally I could try this battery pack out," Jill enthusiastically said and she positioned the battery on top of the gap and pushed it down slowly through its rails. As the protruding metal stick below attached to the socket of the device, a green light appeared with it and the shackle reattracted itself from the door lock.
"More piping," I went through the door and walked calmly, I believe nothing could do as much as to shock m- "AAAA!!!" I jumped up like a shrill little girl and fell back clumsily. That gave me the shock of my life! I admit to not really focusing when all of a sudden, a Gamma jumped out from under the railing and opened its mouth in a scare.
"Wow Calian, never thought of you as a scaredy at before," Jill smirked and fired a shot at the opened mouth as I gaped at her and the Gamma and back at her and then at the Gamma. "That terrified the bejesus out of me!" I gathered myself and stood up albeit a little bit traumatized. I feel like I'm in a horror game, oh wait a second, I am in one!
"That just called you for being unconcentrated," her smirk grew wider as she stared at my shamed state. "I bet you would scream like that if you'd happen to a similar circumstance," my eyes narrowed and pulled away in a 'hmph', I'm not pouting, just annoyed. "Ha ha ha, like I would Calian," she laughed in mirth and continued to show a face of ridicule, darn her.
"Shut up, let's go into this room," I let a still laughter stifling Jill to open the door with her battery, this lock system is really annoying, do Umbrella expect their employees to carry one everywhere they go. "Oh look, another pouch for my collection," Jill smiled and took it from the table this time attaching it on her shoulder holsters.
"You're starting to look ridiculous with all those pouches," I looked up and down at her, one pouch on her left hip and another on her right and now one more on her holster, Jill looked like a crazy pouch girl. "These pouches are useful for situations, you can't never have too many," she finished adjusting the straps and started looking around the room.
This is a less special room, with only some hazy windows and a whole lot of generators and relay panels lined in the corner and a bundle of pipes going around the room in circles. "We should be done here," I said as I finished checking through the drawers which surprisingly earned us more explosives mainly for Jill and her big MGL, I envy that so much.
"Are we at last done in the sewers," I exhaustingly asked Jill and sat down on the fold chair to relax my mental and physical state before we get moving again. I stretched my back and let out a tired yawn. I want to doze off into the sunlight, not thinking of anything more, just done, no more mortal matters, no more worldly views, just me and the sun together in the end of the line.
But unfortunately that can never happen as even in death, I'm still very much living. To live in death is to die in the living, contradicting each other, denying of truth when it's in front, accepting of lies when it's never false and accepting everything as if you're always forced. "We should have one more door to open and that's our exit," thank you Jill for cutting off my philosophical thoughts of nonsense and self rambling.
"This place also just happened to be the location you boosted me up upon," I raised an eyebrow at this, and after a few memory reading, the site does seem to overlap with that ladder. "Well what are you waiting for, let's get out of this 'hellhole'," Jill chuckled at this and opened the door with vigor. Look at me, a 25 year old young man ending up even more fatigued than a woman nearing my age.
Death had truly taken a toll out of me. "I'll be right behind you," I said to Jill lowering herself down the ladder with relative ease, down the ladder, down my life. I'm getting awfully sentimental aren't I, stop that, think of happiness, think of Jill your future partner. Think of how I rescued her from a future life of miserable and painful events.
Think of how I will save her from a future of mind control and loveless life. Yes, happy thoughts, whoowh! I'm finally back energized and ready to take on the world for the second time! "You look abruptly different," Jill raised her head and looked at me carefully, oh do I? I guess I've just successfully left my life behind and its time for A NEW START!
"Oh it's nothing," I smiled reassuringly and optimistically, it's going to turn into a very good day! I can feel it! (Spoilers : The day just gets worse and worse and much much more worse ψ(`∇´)ψ)