Gamma Virus And Vaccine

Calian POV

"I can gather as much that this is a lab space," the room describes itself so, with multiple tools such as test tubes, beakers, flasks along with Bunsen burners and tanks. A lot of large equipments also scattered around orderly, tucked in the sides a big decontamination box for test tubes and also a large display refrigerator equipped with still shining UV lights.

"Let's search the place," I swept the left desk and files, nothing important or could be used in any situations. "Look here Calian, I think we have found our battery pack," Jill came and showed me the pack. Around a foot in length and a handle totaling a weight of around 2 pounds, how did Umbrella even thought to use this, highly impractical if I say so.

"Well done, let me search around for a bit," I looked and scrambled the right side of the room, it's suffice to say, nothing remotely handy is found and now I'm on the left side. "Oh look, a letter filled with some nonsense of course," that letter was the worst I've read, rambling on the stories of love between a researcher and his creations, the Gammas, utterly disturbing, not to be read by the human eye.

"I found something," I dragged a strong box out of the white lab cabinets, and placed it down on top of the table scattering all the test tubes down to the floor. "Locked box under the desk, could be anything," I said to Jill before turning back to the locked box, the box is as black as Umbrella's always been and the Umbrella logo is present once again.

"Let's shoot that lock off," Jill took her gun out and proceeded to shoot the shackles till it finally broke down and detached itself from the box. "Okay, what's inside of this box," I opened it with a push and well, there's a folded paper, and two injection tubes. The tubes have liquids inside of them, not sure what but I can make out that the pale green one looks rather baleful.

The other tube has a dark blue liquid in it, quite like the color iodine makes with starch. These two tubes are protected under a metal casing with of course, and Umbrella logo printed on both casings. "A madman's call of justice," Jill declared before passing me the unfolded paper as I read carefully on what's within.

"My little darlings!

Although Umbrella have shut you down and the facility is under constant duress by Umbrella's hit team, we shall rightfully prevail. Of those idiots at the Family, they just don't understand just how much potential my Gamma Hunters have. Such adorable and sweet creatures, what have you ever done to be deserved like this!

Let me tell you, I will not stand by this inhumane and unfair treatment! I'll show those fools when I finally infected their glorious city of Geneva and the Family will have no where to escape but to get eaten as food by my cute hungry little minxes. The time has come! By tomorrow I shall have departed to the city of organizations where you Umbrella heads hide like cowards while us researchers do your bidding and die in the end!

I'll show them enough! They will beg under my feet for the vaccine but why would I use it on them when I could just inject it to myself when I look upon those blasphemers rightfully devoured by my tiny lovable little beasts. In the end who will be laughing and who will be proud at seeing their creations at work!

Umbrella, I'm coming for you.

P.S. Remember, the virus is the green one, the vaccine's the blue one"

"Well's that quite the announcement to make and what is this 'Family' he's talking about," I looked at Jill whom also shrugged at having no idea whatsoever at this 'Family', I honestly can't recall anything on the subject. I did play Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6 but that was over 7 years ago, I can hardly remember anything aside from a few of the main highlights.

"Whatever it is, it's Umbrella's superiors and being located in Geneva, they must be important. Something else to add, no one knows where the Umbrella headquarters really is and now we know a location and that is in Geneva," Jill stated her mind clearly and soundly looking quite satisfied by what she just said and practically copied from the letter.

[Hidden Slip Mission: You've discovered something about Umbrella Corporation's superiors, track down the Family and erase them off the face of this world. (Very Difficult, progress on your discretion)]

I raised my eyebrows in shock but quickly hid it lest Jill notices. What's this? I've never got one of these before. Very Difficult? For it to be appraised as so, this must not be taken lightly, not at all. I'll see to this matter another day another time, at the moment convincing Jill is top priority. "Well, these injection tubes must not fall in the wrong hands."

Jill stated clearly and I can also see why, those monsters are vicious and their only downside seemed to be fire and a big open mouth to shoot at but these creatures are very resilient and if a whole city is infected with just a drop of this virus, it will be Raccoon City allover again. "If you say so, then the virus and vaccine shall be left in your hands."

Jill gazed at me with surprise, before eyeing the tubes and then back at me. "Why do you not take it for yourself and your agency, I'm just a cop on the local level," she muttered slowly and if not for my better hearing, I would only be able to make out a bundle of incorrigible words. "I've seen you Jill and if by the end you're still alive. The government might as well task you onto a nationwide and international duties."

"Never doubt your abilities Jill, as I've seen, you fought as well as any special ops agent and I have. There's no mistake in seeing that you might be one in the future, maybe part of an anti-biological taskforce, who knows," she seemed very touched at the words that I just said and she shakingly grabbed the tubes in utmost determination.

"You said so yourself!" She hmphed and went out the door in crossed hands. Bang! What just happened, that was a heck of a mood swing! Well I'm just glad in the end that it worked so well.