Calian POV
"So, everything fine so far," I smiled as we strolled quietly down the alley, there's never a peace much better than this one in Resident Evil 3. "You had the gall to ask that Calian," Jill said expressionlessly, traumatized much? "I'm just asking for your honest opinion, it's so far been completely great."
I'm definitely losing my mind, why am I even starting this conversation? To loosen the day, the atmosphere, yeah right, no chance at all. "Hmm, let me see, so far it's been... extremely bad," she called it the day, I've got nothing to refute on that, it really has been the worst day of my life! But calm down, it's just the beginning of my new start!
We entered in some guy's kitchen, complete with all the premium cooking appliances available and a double deluxe refrigerator and also a face hugger zombie right up the living room. Who has been easily shot dead under Jill's assault in a matter of seconds. Why am even speaking like this, my mind is losing its balance, and its losing it rather quickly.
"Ladies first," I gestured towards the front door of the building in which Jill smirked and opened the door accepting my humble request. We walked out of the building calmly and collected, the fire burning around us, the cars crashed around us, the ruined buildings around us, most importantly, we don't care.
"So, just a friendly bet, what do you think are the chances of the monster showing up at this moment," I mischievously asked, giving Jill the best mock smile I could possibly make. "Nope, no cha-" A burning piece of debris shot out from somewhere and landed with a loud prang right on the front street, slitting Jill's sentence in half.
What comes most shocking is the sight of Nemesis jumping off the roof of a three story building and threw down an Umbrella weapon box. Opened with a snap, Nemesis put his hands down into the box and got out just the most terrible thing that he could take out. A Goddarn rocket launcher with a laser pointer.
"You shouldn't have jinxed it Calian!" Jill immediately ran away to the nearest escape route, through another alley! "How do you expect me to know that Nemesis would show up all of a sudden!" I retorted with my life currently on the line! The laser pointer doesn't seem to be able to decide whether to target me or Jill as we went around the corner.
"The most important question is, how is that bastard still alive!" The primarily most asked questions by Google search in 2020, total lies by the way, just thinking of fun thoughts whilst running from a laser targeted rocket launcher. "I don't know, Umbrella must have made him extra resilient!" The laser has appeared again, time for some ridiculous moves to dodge this big problem.
I zig-zagged and jumped once in a while and it seemed to have work, until... Swish! Nemesis pressed the trigger and the rocket exited the barrel with grace, opening up its stabilizer fins and the booster launched! "Duck! Duck! DUCK!" Jill ducked exactly the same time as I did, the rocket just barely grazing a few inches above us as it continued going and hit the corner end of the alley.
Boom! A small to medium sized explosion shook the walls and waved the ground as debris fell everywhere and blasted all over the site. "We have a situation Carlos! The monster is still alive!" I shouted over my glasses as Carlos' rushed voice sounded out. "What! How did that happen! I thought you both killed it!"
"I think that the saying, 'Where there's a will, there's a way' must have some authenticity, because it certainly has such a high will in trying to kill us!" I shout the communications abruptly and slid under another rocket, do you have the knowledge on how bad this situation has evolved into! "Are we at the substation!"
We are at the substation, I could still see the remnants of the destroyed nest cocoon, hopefully the spiders won't get involved in the mess we're in. A rocket flew past and hit the police cruiser right in front of us and flung it up to the air and crushed some of the zombies past the high mesh fences. "Jesus Christ! F*cking piece of shit!"
Tone down the cursing please, we don't want anymore accidents and curses! "Nowhere else to go!" We arrived in front of the substation, where vehicles pile up creating a darn barrier! Swish! I did the only thing remotely logical to save our lives, by using my precious umbrella! I in a swift one move, managed to unstrap my umbrella, pointed it towards Nemesis and opened it up!
BOOM! I could very well hear the sound of heaven, so sweet with birds flying around and white eagles soaring about and Greek Gods along with ones of other pantheons, greeting and congratulating on all my grand endeavors. But that wasn't going to happen as reality is never so easy.
All I felt in the split moment was a rocket propelled grenade exploding on the canopy, blowing me and Jill away. We were flung in a horizontal axis about 20 degrees upward and over all the overturned and destroyed cars. And I don't how this happened but I seriously must thank the God of Fortune after this.
Somehow, someway, we managed to land safely on a firefighter inflatable rescue mattress. "We just survived that, we just survived that," I mumbled twice, still in quite the misty state, my eyes are centered onto the bright stars overhead and onto my umbrella. "Yes, we survived Calian, you can stop saying that now."
My umbrella, my umbrella! My umbrella is all fine! I honestly thought that bullets are the maximum of what the umbrella could take, not to mention, it just held onto a rocket blast! "Calian, I don't know how long the luck would hold on, we better quickly go," I completely agreed with whatever Jill just say, not that I didn't catch it, more like I'm too tired to do so.
I've said I'm too tired too much already, I don't know how many more too tireds I could take anymore. "Right, let's get out of here," I'm done with this place, I'm getting on that subway no matter how this game likes it.