Calian POV
"Stay where you are!" A ragged voice sounded once more, ok back to Kingsman training. How to hear where the enemy's at, sound tracking and vibration checking. The voice is loud, and quick uneven footsteps moved below. What's that, about 2 feet my backside, three short steps back. A barrel pump?
Shotgun then, probably of the same model as Jill's, a shell has just fallen, a few milliseconds of interval time to the next shot. The length of the barrel is about 14 inch and the trigger and finger should be at the end of that. And now! I swirled back in a swift step, motioning my hand upwards as fast as possible.
I immediately grabbed the forearm and aimed it up to the ceiling. The mystery man reacted sloppily and only fired a shot when the gun has fully turned 90 degrees up. I then directly did a downwards chop on both of his hands holding the barrel and the trigger consecutively. That just loosened his grip enough for me to confiscate the shotgun out of his hands and changed it around so now, the shotgun is aiming at him threateningly.
"Who are you?" I pumped it once, sending the shell out of the ejection port and doing a classic hip fire pose. "Kendo! You're alright!" Jill, after hearing that the scuffle has gone in my favor, turned around with her pistol in her hands and aimed it with similar threats in place. But just before, Jill suddenly showed a knowing look and put her gun down calmly.
"Jill! It's glad to see you, but who is this fella here," Kendo, probably the store owner by his name send glares after me. Soooo, should I put down my gun? "This is my friend from work, Calian, give the man his gun back, would you?" That's completely codswallop, 'friend from work' my bottom! But, I'll give him back his shotgun.
Kendo forcefully took it back and send me his last 'glare of the century' and turned to Jill, giving her a bright smile in this so not bright situation. "Sorry everyone, I'm a little jumpy at the moment, can't know exactly when those zombos will show up on my front desk," he did a great job on that, I could see that some zombie corpses were... thoroughly desecrated around here.
"No can do, the city has turned to a shit hole!" Jill stepped past a zombie corpse on the floor, yup I can really agree with her. "Ha ha! Yeah, didn't quite know what to expect around here anymore," Kendo said a little bit more jovially now, trying to keep things steady. "Well yeah, we're using a subway to get people out of the city, you in?"
"Ehm... Subway, yes that's good thinking," he nervously said and I could see that he really wanted to go but there seems to be something critical holding him back. "When we get out, there's gonna be a lot to do. We could use a man of your skillset," Jill said out positively and Kendo just stared at the door on the far left with sadness and just despair.
"What's wrong," Jill voiced her concerns, Kendo's creases gets deeper and his face showed a sign of giving up and his eyes got infinitely miserable. "There's nothing, just uh... bad timing," he looked down, not wanting to show any weaknesses and his slight breaks in his voice. Jill eyed him worriedly and Kendo patted her on the shoulder.
"Look, don't worry about me, I've got other arrangements already made," Kendo turned around and gave a farewell to Jill and hurried back to the door. Kendo, Kendo, is he the one with the infected daughter, or is he not? Do I take the risk, urgh, there's no pain and harm in that right? "Kendo!" Jill raised a brow at this and I reassured her with a touch.
I gestured at his ear for a whisper and he forwarded it. I put on hand beside my mouth for an extra 'effect'. After finishing wait I was saying, his eyes lit with more hope than ever and a very soft and optimistic smile began taking over his mouth. "If that's true, I'm gonna owe you one!" He thanked me and went inside the door with his back straight and movements determined.
"What did you say to him?" Jill narrowed her eyes suspiciously at me, what do I say? "Just a little bit of inside information that just happened to fit his arrangement," I shrugged and Jill definitely didn't look at all satisfied by my answer. "And what'd you know about his 'arrangements'?" Hmm, what do I know of his arrangements?
I happen to guess it right that this man was the father of his infected daughter back in the Resident Evil 2 Remake. "I made a wild guess that come out to be true," I smiled purposefully teasing Jill a little in which she furrowed her brows, rather annoyed. "Well, time to head back to the subway," I called out, going out of the gun store in a stretch.
Bang! Another lock shot down, by the end of this day, we would've destroyed tens of locks already. "Another alley to conquer another bouquet of victory," I said resigned at the alleys, when are we going to not come across anymore alleys. "All we'd be getting would be bouquets of opened heads, zombie heads," Jill chuckled and side-stepped a heap of trash bags with a few flies around, thank God they aren't mutating, how horrifying would gigantic flying flies be.
"What in all f*cks is that!" Jill held her head back in disgust as a creature slowly made its way around the corner. It's a zombie with a face hugger on his face! A long sharp tentacle pierced out of its back and dangled above the hugger. And what would make it even more sick would be the gigantic yellow eye on the hugger, covering almost every part of the zombie's face.
"Another Umbrella abomination," I shot a burst at the yellow eye, instantaneously killing it. "At the very least, it's very weak on its eye," Jill shot one or two arounds to ensure the zombie stayed dead. Oh, I'm sorry, it's dead-undead.
Heh, that's a pun, don't y'all think it's funny, heh. You bunch of humorless freaks.