
Calian POV

Don't look down, don't look down! I looked down and the building is accelerating it's fall to the skyscraper. This is very very bad! I need to time this right, I couldn't risk getting crushed by two buildings. The building is falling closer and closer, tilting more and more. 3... 2... 1... Jump! I sprung from the rail at the exact time the building hit the skyscraper!

I crashed directly onto the building windows and broke through to the inside. Office space, I'm in an office space and I survived it! I survived a collapse of a building! PRANG! The windows next to me shattered open, the Nemesis and Jill kicking through it. "Are you alright!" I ran up to Jill and held her up, she's going to be having the PTSD of her lifetime from all this.

"Yes, yes, it's not like this is the most dangerous I've ever been in," she still had the gall to be ironic in this situation! See for yourself, we have just made it alive from a building crashing into another! What more could be more dangerous than that! If I hadn't timed my leap right, I would've been crushed between the concrete!

Alas, I'm too tired to gave a responsive retort and just decided to shrug it off. I need water, I need to eat something, I'm dry and I'm hungry. "What do we do about Nemesis," our dear Nemesis is still struggling to stand up from all that banging and smashing. "Give me the pen," I held my hand to her and she returned my fountain pen.

I snuck up behind Nemesis and carefully turned the pen, activating its destruction sequence and tucked it below the tank. "We should now have about 20 seconds before the pen explode," I calmly walked over to a nearby window and blasted off the glass with my SMG. "What are you doing?" Jill asked inquisitively, you're about to know.

I hung my umbrella from one of the window grills on the top, seemed strong enough to hold two people under its mass. "Now, hold my Umbrella tightly," Jill, still confused, held the Umbrella in her hands, I pressed a button on the tip cup and we're good to go. "Well then, hop off," I pushed Jill out the window and I jumped together with it.

Jill screamed sharply and quite shrilly as the handle and shaft detached, wire ropes started being released connected from the shaft up to the tip cup. Jill continued to be terrified at this and we arrived down to the ground in under 10 seconds. BOOM! I gazed upward as the floor we're previously in went up in flames, let's hope Nemesis is no more.

I swung my umbrella hard as the wire rope made a constant wave up, detaching the handle and pulling it back just as quick. I then turned back, "Well, that went w-" my voice was cut by a very strong push on my chest, toppling me over to the concrete sidewalks. I gaped up at Jill, her expression is very dark and it certainly looked like she wanted to kill somebody.

"Eh eh eh, what's the problem!" I slightly stepped a couple of feet back, Jill's expression turned into a new shade of dark and the shadow of the building burning in flames overhead doesn't make it any better at all. "You asked me what the problem is! You pushed me off the window!" She pointed at me accusingly and grudgingly, I swore I could see her eyes glistened in fear, oops, where's the brave and stubborn Jill gone to.

"I sincerely apologize, that's by far the fastest way of getting out of the floor," I cautiously came near to Jill, soothing her with a pat in the back. Ehm, what do I do to curb a woman's anger? "One day, I'm going to shove you off a building and I'll see how you'd like it," she glared at me with derided hate and walked away.

"I'm sorry alright, desperate times desperate measures," she doesn't seem to listen and just keep walking away, am I back at square one i this relationship again! It's all because of Nemesis that big stuffed- "Alright, I've already forgiven you," has she though, well her gaze softened a bit, I guess that means that I'm safe? Maybe? Maybe not?

"Carlos, come in, Bastard's hopefully taken care off and we're now heading back to the station," she said over the radio and Carlos instantly responded, has he been waiting by the radio? "Thank god you're all right Jill, you too Calian. Secondly, what made you think to use yourself as a bait! You could've died!"

Jill's face turned a little sour and proceeded to raise the radio. "Don't start, I did what I have to do," you don't actually have to do that, but a sacrifice's a noble cause. "I know and thank you, meet me back at the station, the train is ready for departure," finally! A moment's break coming soon, even if the break will only be a couple minutes at most, it's still a short time to rest.

"We're behind the police station," Jill stated in seeing a large brick gothic asylum-like building. "Are police stations normally that... ominous," the police station is shrouded in a deep dark veil of menace. It's as if the whole station is demonized, the atmosphere is just too tragic. "It has seen better days and even before the outbreak it has always been... quite a sullen structure."

That's one way to put it alright, nothing better to describe it as such. "Hey look its the Gun Shop Kendo, the one you said was the best gun shop in the city," the key grammar right there is 'was', past tense. Yep, the gun shop is not the best anymore. It is rundown, windows smashed, overturned cabinets, the outbreak really took it to a toll.

"It's well past its glory days," I scoffed and entered through the red doors, the neon sign is still flashing on but inside, everything looks... dead. "Don't move!" What is it this time, I just can't catch a break can't I.