The Death Of A Traitor

Calian POV

"Do the U.B.C.S always deal with similar difficulties?" Jill asked, panting after that horrid chase and dodge to the subway, it's a nightmare on its own level. "The missions before have been very successful and none can compare to Raccoon City where more than half of our total members is gone and turned into zombies."

Carlos deadpanned but I could see pain hidden behind his layers and I know pain when I see one, not because I live a life of pain, but because I second majored in psychology. "Through here," Carlos opened the metal door towards more stairs downwards, can we quit it with all these stairs. Like, mate, don't the lot of stairs amount to a too much?

"Carlos, I know I... and you didn't get off to a great start, but... thanks for the save," Not the most sincere apology Jill is capable of, but it'd do fine in this situation where everyone has tehir capabilities cut and limited in a dead end. "Hey you saved my ass first. You're a hell lot braver than me. That also reaches to you agent."

Carlos smiled widely and opened a door opposite to the subway escalator, at last bringing us back to the subway station. "But what truly matters is that we can now get everyone out of the city and yeah, you'll both be safe," I know myself that the 'safe' is purely garbage, if I'm actually 'safe', I'll drink the sewer waters.

"What about you?" Jill asked Carlos earnestly as we approached an overhead door as the only barrier between the train and us. "From the sound of it, I won't be catching the train," Carlos seriously said without worry and with conviction, hmm, is it about the Umbrella researcher? What's his name, Dr. Nathaniel Bard? Yep, that's the guy.

"Why not?" Jill asked back, willing to push into other's matters, can't say that's rude because in events like this, you need to have extra caution and more information. "I do believe Dr. Nathaniel Bard is still loitering somewhere in this city. And Umbrella protocol is as always to either eliminate him or bring him in, alive."

Carlos stared at me wide-eyed and obviously shocked, "Don't be surprised, I myself was tasked into capturing at least one Umbrella researcher and headquarters just happened to inform me that this Dr. Nathaniel Bard is the only researcher left alive that is before my communications back was cut and I have neither the time nor the effort to get him."

"I can only hope that you stay true to your... deep morality upon meeting the doctor," I went through the door and left behind a gobsmacked Carlos and a deep in thought Jill Valentine. "Huh, that's interesting," Jill went in and followed me behind leaving a still very much in shock Carlos. "Ri-right," Carlos stuttered and came back into place, shutting the door behind us.

"Ah! My favorite cop and agent!" We approached behind Mikhail and the black man in which Mikhail greeted us merrily, opening his arms in a wide welcome. "Good work you two, get inside, the subway is just about to leave," Mikhail blithely pointed towards the subway car, doors opened and seats comfortable.

"Now, Carlos and Tyrell, you have your order to go back into the city and find Dr. Nathaniel Bard," I heard Mikhail said and sat on one of the soft banquette seat. "This isn't the last ride out of town, right?" Jill said unabashedly at Mikhail, Carlos and the black dude whose name is Tyrell with a little bit of concern.

"Do not worry, once the civilians are safe, the train will be back," Mikhail replied in his posh Eastern European accent. "It's all right, you go on ahead. I'm not gonna leave you in a cold, cruel, Carlos-less world," Carlos humor flirted shamelessly with his self-assured smile and his ever handsome face, darn flirt.

"Ok," Jill smiled and grinned, entering the train and sitting on one of the seats opposite of me. "You need to find this scientist, his vaccine research could save us all," Mikhail gave them his last order translated into a demanding request based on how you see it. "You heard that Carlos, use your morality!" I sat back and relaxed totally ignoring the combined looks of the U.B.C.S squad members.

"See, you're learning, the only life that matters is our owns," Jill scowled at the voice, dear Nikolai, smug trash. "Good, let's go," Mikhail left the two members and entered inside the car, fully sitting himself, setting his M16 rifle right beside. I thought a man like Mikhail would choose to use an LMG instead, a mere rifle seemed to be too small for him.

"C4," I remarked, hinting in ridicule as everyone's eyes looked to the seat next to me, where C4 explosives and a remote detonator laid dangerously. "Well, in case of emergencies," Mikhail put his hands up and smiled back. Ok, a C4 next to me and a train full of passengers, what cold go wrong. Probably a train explosion which is nothing big, I kinda expected it.

"Well tuck yourselves in everyone, we're about to finally make it out of this infested city," Mikhail went back to each individual train cars to address the situation leaving me here behind with Jill and Nikolai. "Time for a drink and a nap," I drank some bottled water Mikhail gave me just before he walked away and closed my eyes for a short snooze.

Where am I? My mindscape, my dream, is this lucid? Let there be light! I called out and nothing appeared as I continued drifting down the black void of nothingness. Maybe not entirely lucid? The scenery changed again all of a sudden. Now, where is this? I was standing right below a tall clock tower just behind the castle gates.

I can see Jill panting on the ground as she stood up and smile proudly at what's in front of her. Following her line of sight, I can see the Nemesis, bare chested with weird fins on his arms and wild claws on his hand, or better, on his detached hand. Jill turned around to leave but in a flash, Nemesis gave one final stretch and struck his tentacle at Jill, piercing her arm with a spike.

Jill turned pale and fell down, unconscious and convulsing in pain! No! Wait a minute? Why am I even shouting 'No!', this is just a dream and I looked back towards Nemesis now fully dead and suddenly a gray haired man approached behind, "Interesting... you've done me a big favor Jill." The man, Nikolai! Smiling so maliciously, I'm really going to kill hi-

I suddenly opened my eyes, this is the subway train? What was that dream? Am I seriously turning insane? I looked around, the train is still moving, Jill is staring out the window and Nikolai is chatting with Mikhail. "You don't really think a pencil-pusher like Bard is still alive, don't you?" Nikolai's sneering and arrogant voice happened to just ruin my good wake.

Oh, how much I would give to just kill him now. "I have it on good authority. Why? You worry about team mates or something else?" Mikhail questioned Nikolai condescendingly, his eyes narrowed threateningly. "Funny how brainless zombies can ambush an elite platoon. Funny the gate was locked. Don't you think," Mikhail looked up facing Nikolai, the latter grinning in return.

The light suddenly went off- BOOM! The front car just exploded! And the door sliding door opened to reveal Nemesis still very well breathing in the flesh. "How is the f*cker still alive!" Jill shouted out furiously, charging bravely only to be held back by Mikhail. I happened to sit on the back of the train when I noticed quite cowardly how Nikolai is moving backwards slowly, his one hand reaching for the door. It seems that this is my chance to kill this traitorous schemer.

I chopped down at Nikolai's shoulder with force and dislocated his shoulder, grabbing both his arms on his back. Nikolai screamed with pain and rage as he looked at me with fury, both Mikhail and Jill turned back to me hearing the Nikolai's useless whines of threats. "You know Nikolai, I always have disliked you."

I then pushed him to the front of the car, nearest to Nemesis as he fell over to the floor. The Nemesis unleashed it red tentacles and pulled Nikolai by his neck towards itself. "Yo-you ar-are no-not sup-supposed t-to ki-kill m-me, yo-your jo-job i-is t-to ki-kill th-the sur-surviving S.T-S.T.A.R.S me-members!"

Nikolai suffocated under Nemesis' deathly grip, but the Nemesis has no tolerance and begun tightening up the tentacles. I immediately pulled the stack of C4 next to my seat and waved it away to right beside Nemesis's feet. "Everyone, hold onto the pillars!" I pressed the detonation trigger with vigor! BOOM!

The train car exploded and our car flipped off to the side, the force too strong for us to hold on as I got thrown and the last thing I could remember was hitting my head onto the walls and then all is black.


General POV

A slick and dark colored chopper was seen flying over the Southern States as it came into a sudden halt in the air. The helicopter was obviously heavily modified, painted to the side of it, the logo of Umbrella Corp. Covered with strong metal plates armed with hydra rocket launchers, hellfire missiles, and an M230 30 millimeter automatic cannon. It is an obvious sign that the chopper is most definitely made for combat.

A man wearing a similar dark jacket and dark shades is driving the helicopter. The radio by his side sounded out in a passive voice. "Nikolai's signals are lost," a monotone sound continued on, causing a brief surprised look to sprout out of the man's chiseled and handsome face which sadly is designed more for villainy than heroism.

"Traitorous?" The mysterious man quirked his eyebrows. 'That can't be, men like Nikolai only care for wealth and power, he won't be so foolish to betray us at this time,' the man continued thinking when the radio interrupted him once again. "He's dead sir, his heart monitor dropped in an instant," the sound informed him once more.

This time, the man showed an annoyed look and exasperation at that. "Do I have to do everything myself! Command, I'm turning back to Raccoon City," he steered the wheel to turn the chopper around, feeling completely irritated at this timely event. "Roger that," the radio closed itself as the man silently nodded whilst speeding his chopper to the maximum.

His eyes shone on by the moonlight, a deep hellish red with snake slits. Whatever this mysterious man is up to, it ain't good let me tell ya, it ain't good.

(A.N : Can anyone guess who this mysterious character is, I put in the clues with the eye and the black jacket together with the dark shades. I'm excited about how this character will mess up the plot, hehehe.)