General POV
"So, doc. I forgot to ask but is there any side effects to the vaccine," surprisingly, it's not Jill whom asked that but its Kendo. It seemed that Jill had also forgotten to ask one of the most important questions in medicinal history. Never consume drugs without first informed of its 'after taste' which could sometimes be highly dangerous in quack practices.
"Ah! Thank you for reminding me. Out of the thousand tests with the vaccine there may be a slight chance of a possible after effect," the doctor said out, knocking his own head gently with his index finger, as if showing that the thought slipped from his mind. Kendo and Jill reacted immediately upon the doctor's admittance to the matter.
"And mind me asking what's the frequency of the side effects and what are the symptoms," Jill felt her head ache and rubbed the palm of her hand on the temple of her head. Everyone on the sidelines is clearly ever so nosy and are leaning forward nearer for a better catch on what the side effect may be.
"Out of the thousand, only 2 got the side effects. The first develop regenerative abilities and the other, super strength. Can you imagine a lab mouse with the capability to puncture a 1 cm thick metal barrier. A lab mouse capable of covering up deep dangerous arterial wounds in the blink of an eye. Both are very positive side effects, we monitored the mice activities for months and nothing changed. The side effects are constant, unchanging."
Jill and the others were amazed at the explanation, thinking that such side effects were incredible! Sadly, the frequency's lower than 1 percent which makes it unlikely for the two to gain the abilities. "Well that's good, now just to wait for Calian to wake up," Carlos went and sat on the chair next to a table, leaning his gun on the wall and relaxed his arms on the rest.
"Wonder what on TV at this time of the year," Carlos found a remote and joked, pressing the start button towards the TV hanging on the ceiling. And SMPTE color bar screen showed in a bleep, on the top left is the today's date, 'Sep. 30, 1998'. In the middle of the screen are large word written in white bold texts and black background, 'EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEMS'.
Everyone stared on the screen bewildered by the screen's display until the speakers voiced out. "Attention all citizens. The contagion spreading throughout the city has been designated uncontainable. On October 1, Raccoon City will be completely destroyed in a missile strike. All residents capable of rational thought are urged to evacuate immediately."
The female voice ended and repeated once more, finally taking everyone back by surprise. "That's only a day away, there are still people in the city!" Mikhail growled up to the TV, too bad it isn't a living being and can't talk very well without the necessary coding and programming designating it to do so.
"I don't think Uncle Sam gives a shit," Tyrell retorted by the side, looking angrily at the screen and took the remote away from Carlos to shut the damn TV off. "It's hardly a day away than it is 2 hours and a half away. It's 9:30 p.m., they said tomorrow and tomorrow's 12:00 a.m. is coming right up," Jill pointed at the clicking clock above the desk showing its hands at the numbers 9 and 6 respectively.
"But wait, we have the vaccine. Any chance we could give the military a call?" Kendo gave an idea in which Mikhail threw off the side. "The radio lines are cut, communication towers are inactive! How are we supposed to do that!" Mikhail sat down on the sofa in a huff, frustration has clouded his mind for not thinking straight enough.
"Sat phone! We could use a sat phone," the doctor suddenly interjected in between and he may just have given the solution to save the city. "Sat phone! Of course, how could I not have realized! Tyrell! Where is your sat phone!" Mikhail went up and stretched his hand in front of Tyrell, his mood has gone back up in the thought of saving the citizens.
"Oh, you mean this piece of wreck," Tyrell said sourly before fetching a sat phone from his pocket with a metal shard destructively imbedding in the middle of it with its cables sticking out. "What happened," Mikhail coldly said and stared at Tyrell, his forehead develop black creases with black clouds and crows around his brain.
"Shrapnel got to it," Tyrell averted his gaze, trying to look anywhere but Mikhail's glaring eyes. "I have a sat phone! But its in NEST 2," Dr. Nathaniel Bard said his fingers pointing downwards, indicating that the facility's underground. "Did I hear it right, or did someone say 2? Cause I certainly didn't need a number 2 right now." *Number 2 means defecate
A male voice surprised everyone in the room as they all turned towards the bed to find a woken Calian sitting upright on the bed with his hands on his head, suffering from a killer headache. "Calian!" Jill shockingly put her hands around Calian's neck and hugged him tight rather briefly as she shyly pulled back just as quick.
"Are you okay?! Do you feel anything wrong in your systems?!" Jill asked two consecutive questions with haste, not quite a rap but almost as fast. The Doctor raised his brows and looked at Calian then at the still sleeping Natalie and back and forth and back and forth. "Hmm," the doctor squinted his eyes and went right up to Calian, took a nearby scalpel and slit his wrist.
"Ow! What do you do that for and who the hell are you!" Calian should've recognized the doctor but it seems that his vision is still blurry and threatening to close under the heavy weight of drowsiness. Jill too seemed to be taken on by surprise on the doctor's sudden actions and forcefully confiscated the scalpel and looked the doctor in the eye.
"Watch closely," the doctor held the wrist up, holding it so that the slit is visible for everyone to see. In less than a second later, the slit started closing itself rapidly and no scars are left, just clean skin!