That's Goddarn Albert Wesker!

Calian POV

"I just want to say thank you," Kendo whimpered with a budding pool of tears around his eyes. Please don't cry on me, I don't know but I just don't like when others cry because of me. Whether the cause of it is good or bad, I just don't really like it. Makes me feel embarrassed or shy of someone putting that much hate or love or thank to me.

"Easy there, you don't need to do that," I held his shoulders up when he's about to go bow down or worse, prostrate himself in front of me. This is a civilized modern era, you shouldn't carelessly prostrate especially if you know nothing about whoever it is you're prostrating to and I doubt Kendo knows anything about me, and he's only an acquaintance, not even an established friend yet.

Thankfully, the room has gone empty as everyone has left and are waiting for us inside. "Come on, we're not done here. We still need a sat phone, the vaccine and let's not forget, a helicopter. So don't bring yourself down at the moment, plenty of time to do it later," I shook Kendo back upright and swept his shoulders for further emphasis.

What I just said may sound rude, but my tone doesn't. It's the way of saying something which defines a polite or an ill-mannered person. You can compliment someone on 'pretty' but your tone can change the compliment to a sarcasm which indicates that you're not 'pretty' but instead 'ugly'. Anyways, we should really get going.

Kendo nodded to me and we went out the door to a group ready to rumble, even the doc is holding a gun. "You can use a gun doc?" I asked out of good will and curiosity, doctors heal not kill. "Every Umbrella personnel, even their janitors, are trained in firearm use. I'm average but I can sure put a few holes in the living dead."

The doctor laughed and puffed, raising his pistol up in ease, old men are not to be messed with. Especially if their doctors, you don't ever offend a doctor. "So, which way doctor," Mikhail has both his hands on his rifle, looking as ready as a commander in Iraq. "We go back in where we came from," The doctor, entered a door, I don't really remember the layout of the hospital so I'll just follow the most knowledgeable one, Dr. Nathaniel Bard.

"There red door," The doctor so gladly pointed out a red door to the right of the second room I entered in this not-so-fine establishment. Which is great! i don't have to go explore the entire hospital anymore because apparently, the entrance is this close, and it's locked. Mikhail blasted the entire lock to pieces with his rifle, sweet!

"That's easily taken care of," the doctor took note with a raised eyebrow and opened the door for us. "Great more corridors, just what I need," my mouth turned dry when we entered the door, it's another creepy white painted corridor with some narrow stairs down. "You're used to it already, can't hurt seeing more of this," Jill snickered.

"This is a whole lot better than R.P.D, their corridors became an eatery for this long monster which doesn't have any eyes, it's hearing is hella' dope. What's truly disgusting is just how long its tongue is," Carlos said with an expression fully oriented on 'yuck'. "You mean lickers? That's one of the T-virus mutations. It has extreme hearing and a tongue as sharp as a sawblade and as flexible as a jelly snake."

I bet this doctor's story telling abilities has got no match, his expression could turn so fakely grave in a second and back to normal in another second. It even affects the atmosphere of the area! "So, it turned from white sterile to dirty machinery, getting better," oh God, we entered another corridor, with a whole bunch of pipes and machines next to us.

"Every Umbrella Lab in this city is hidden both intensively and extensively, this means that the entrance to every lab has to be very well hidden. Sewers, construction sites that never finished, the mayor's office, R.P.D, you name it," the doctor explained as we went past all the machinery and piping of this small corridor.

"R.P.D? The police station is connected to an Umbrella laboratory?" Jill asked and it seemed that everyone wanted to know as well, judging from their reaction of leaning their ears forward. "Police Chief Brian Irons is a corrupt son of a b*tch who loves a good torturing. if I'm not wrong, he's got a slaughter house hidden in his small manor filled with human body parts, and abducted girls."

"S.T.A.R.S ex-head, Albert Wesker doesn't get better. He's one of the lead scientists in the development of the T-virus, best buddies with the bastard, William Birkin and his wife Annette Birkin. A very sadistic man, you never want to cross him over. Never knew where he went though, stopped showing up in NEST for a while."

"That's because he's dead. My colleague, Chris Redfield witnessed him getting utterly manhandled by his own creation," Jill stated coldly and everyone oohed. "He had it coming," the doctor nodded three times and patted Jill's shoulder like an old grandfather comforting his grandchildren. "This door will lead us right to the front gates of NEST 2."

The doctor opened the door in style and walked out gracefully, his lab coat fluttering about in the night breeze. We finally made it out onto a courtyard with high walls, coated in barbwire, white Umbrella trucks lined up in an unruly fashion as if they're rushed. And there it is, about 30 meters forward is a big giant opening right into the Umbrella facility.

Now, the only obstacles between us and the gate are just a bunch of crates scattered around the courtyard, a few forklifts and one big truck on the right wall. "Does anyone hear that," Tyrel suddenly said, stopping us from our advance. "Hmm, sounds like a chopper?" Kendo sharpened his ears, pointing them upwards.

"It's getting louder and closer," Carlos squinted his eyes towards the air, preparing his hand for a worst case scenario which I think is unlikely to happen. "I know this buzzing!" Everyone turned their heads towards a suddenly frantic Dr. Nathaniel Bard. "And how are you familiar with it?" Mikhail asked normally, his gun still lowered.

"You of all should know what that buzzing is! The last time I heard it was in Umbrella's R&D hangar!" We suddenly felt a burst of wind from above us as we looked up. A jet black very armored, very cool looking helicopter flew past and settled up above the wall. I can see clearly, the Umbrella logo on its side.

"Jill Valentine! How a nice reunion!" A very calm, condescending, overbearing, God-talking-to-mortals voice sounded from inside the front window of the helicopter. The windows are black but, faced by the a few homing flood lights on all four corners of the wall, everyone could see through the glass to take a good look at who's behind the steering will.

And oh my! Is that- "You said he's dead!" the doctor roared. "I thought so!" Jill roared back, unable to keep her eyes from the enigmatic figure sitting in the chopper cockpit. "Everyone! Mind telling me who that is!" Kendo now joined the roar and different from the, he obviously has no idea about who that is. I could see that cheap smirk on the man's face and the glaring black glasses on his eyes.

"That's Goddarn Albert Wesker!"