The City Has To Be Destroyed

Calian POV

"Is that it?" Mikhail looked at the 4 pale heads scattered across the floor, wiping a bit of sweat from his forehead. But all of a sudden, the pale heads' bodies started smoking, it's like seeing liquid nitrogen but a hot kind of liquid nitrogen. "No! That's not it! To know if a pale head is dead or not is by seeing smoke."

"If upon termination, the pale head is releasing smoke, that means it's not dead. If it doesn't release smoke after a minute, then it's dead," Upon hearing that, Mikhail volunteered forward to kill the pale heads by shooting each of their necks to pieces on the ground. "How does even work, where does the smoke come from?"

"It's too complicated to explain, if you'd like a detailed learning session, we could schedule it after we're out of here," we walked over the dead bodies and stood in a stalemate between the hanged body bags or the stairs. "Up or through?" I asked, not really into body bags neither the stairs, starting form this world, I'm probably gonna start to hate stairs.

"We're going up, the culture sample also known as the antigen is up there," the doctor took charge and stepped up the stairs followed by everyone behind. I have to say, the doctor's very brave considering he's a... doctor. I don't mean to be insulting but... it's rare seeing a doctor killing someone because unlike military medics, Dr. Nathaniel Bard is only a researcher and a resident doctor.

But, I guess I've learned to not take up the habit of mainstreaming. "Dead researchers," I sighed and shot two dead researchers on the ground in the room and needless to say that they won't get up anymore. "There it is! The antigen," the doctor is staring into a glass chamber with multiple slots to insert different test tubes in.

One particular slot has a test tube with some amber colored liquid. The doctor fiddled around with the electronic pad, moving the metal arms inside the chamber and pulling out the tube. The arm then deposited it into another slot connected directly to a gap next to the pad and out it goes, the antigen sample.

"One done, three more to go," the doctor gazed onto the liquid in the tube, shaking it a little and safely tucked it into his briefcase. "Now, we go though the body bags," the doctor calmly said before going down the stair together with the rest of us. We had to walk next to a load of body bags hanging in the air, the smell formalin pinched my nose.

We entered the door into a room with a lot of servers and another stair downwards. "Look at that big door. Hmm? Why does it say, 'NO POWER'?" Carlos said, once he arrived at the lower level, facing a big gate door and a panel filled with red. "That might be because one of the power cores are disengaged... Ah! I'm correct, we just need to push it back in."

The doctor led us to a back room where 3 giant pods are built into the wall, two of the pods are green and in, while the middle pod is out and red. The core is cylindrical with a handle in its front side to enable anyone to push and pull it out. "Now, anyone care to push?" I went up forward and gripped the handle with both my hands.

Exerting minimal strength, I could surprisingly push the cylinder back inside! I honestly thought that it's going to be very heavy and not easy to shove in. "That's easy enough," I exclaimed and got out of the room, the panel is now green and we should be able to enter. The doctor pressed his five fingers on the panel and a horizontal green light moved from the top to the bottom.

Ding! A sound of affirmation resulted and the big gate is open. "Are those Tyrants?" Jill couldn't cover the shock of seeing the room I'd probably call a 'cultivational chamber'. Why do I call it that? Because on the right side are humongous glass tanks cultivating Tyrants within and on the left side are the same big tanks but they contain Hunters instead of Tyrants.

"The apex of Umbrella research on Tyrants has always been in Raccoon City. And today, I'm going to really put a dent in their operations," the doctor coldly uttered before strolling down the walk way and accessing a terminal on a device in the center of the room where diagonals meet. "What are you doing?" Jill warily asked, still a bit suspicious on anyone with a relation to Umbrella, huh.

"Just one more step and... terminate!" the doctor continued pressing the terminal until he pressed it particularly hatefully. We looked around on the cultivation tanks, the Hunters and Tyrants started inflating uncontrollably, everyone including me, prepared for the worst. But... the worst didn't happen and instead the best thing happened.

The inflated monsters blew up like a balloon! Blood colored the cultivation tanks like a crushed cherry along with strawberry sauce on a Sunday sundae, absolutely beautiful! "So, this is where the monsters are made?" Jill asked again, a good mood shone her face, looks like killing every one of the monsters in the tanks.

"Not entirely true, NEST-2 is focused on vaccine research and weapons and materials research. The true production line for these monsters are positioned in the NEST where the bastard William Birkin and his b*tch Annette, developed the G-Virus along with all the nasty vile thingamajigs happening inside it. That includes monstrous plant zombies and zombies with big yellow eyes on their head."

The doctor's face showed an immense amount of disgust for NEST, I'm pretty sure I would be disgusted as well if I would to go check the lab out. "Big yellow eyes? On a zombie's head?! Yes, I've... we've encountered a few of those, big yellow eyes with flesh tentacles am I right?" the doctor seems shocked after Jill finished, wonder what it could be?

"That is super bad news, an alpha bad news. That means somehow, someway, the Golgotha Virus has spread out! William Birkin couldn't have done that! that leaves... Umbrella, those sons of b*tches. You can't cure the G-virus with my vaccine which means, the city has to be destroyed!"