Calian POV
"It's 8 SAM missiles, EIGHT!" Mikhail emphasizes on the eight and even that was excessive. Eight missiles to take out Nemesis and it survived, wonderful. "Missiles are explosives, to kill the T-type, you need penetration! Rail guns, sniper rifles, you name it! Explosives don't work that well!" the doctor replied back.
Hmm, what he said is true, explosives don't do crap against Nemesis. "Can we now move on," I calmed them both down, and stepped in between them. "Once we get the vaccine and the sat phone, we're out of here, far from the monster. So, let's focus our eyes on the matter at hand and forget all about the monster still alive back there. Got it?"
"We don't just need the vaccine, we need the antigen and adjuvant," the doctor added and why are we going through the plot of the game? If you already had the vaccine, shouldn't you be able to mass produce it already? "Can't we just go get the vaccine?" It's Jill's turn and I completely agree, I don't want to further complicate things here.
"It's not that simple, with just a vaccine, it would take longer to replicate it while with the antigen and adjuvant, it would be far smoother in the vaccine production," yeedee yada yeedee, a bunch of nonsense, a chief vaccine researcher needs the vaccine itself to create another vaccine? Bullcrap. This is just the Gods trying to result in everything being much more difficult!
"Fine doc," Jill sighed and looked forward, where are we anyway? "Let's proceed shall we, we're now just in front of the decontamination zone, walk through the disinfectant spray and UV lights and we're already in the steps of the labs," the doctor opened his arms laterally and slowly stepped under and in between the UV lights, turning 360 degrees and getting sprayed by disinfectants.
"It's that easy," the doctor said and went out the spray into the other side. I hate disinfectant sprays with a passion. Back when I was still a rich kid, I had to enter a lot of chambers with automatic sprinklers filled to the brim with disinfectants, I hate disinfectants and I hate Corona. "Oh God, It's John," we entered the room to see the doctor looking on a dead body on the ground with a horrified expression.
"A acquaintance doc?" Tyrell pried and the doctor nodded, quickly going past it. "Where to go doc?" Yeah, we have entered a corridor with a door at the end, a locked door on the right and stairs leading up next to it. "Up, we go up. I'm not looking forward to this," the doctor drily spoke as he gazed down at another dead researcher.
"No one is doc," Mikhail continued as we slowly went upwards into another corridor with an opening leading to a hallway on the left, a very creepy, dark hallway with flashing red lights and weird growls. "I despise this," Kendo whispered before we move into the dark creepy hallway with a dead researcher sitting horizontally on the ground.
"I think it's wiser to just blast any dead man's head at first sight," immediately after I said that, I annihilated the dead man's head with my SMG. "Good idea," Jill said before looking left to a passageway and shotgunned a dead researcher's head. "God forgive us for defiling the dead," Mikhail uttered.
"Looks like the passageway collapsed, we can't go through here," doctor sighed, setting his eyes upon the hallway with a lot of rubble blocking its way. "Graves... he's a friend and now he's dead," we exited the hallway and walked down the original corridor where another dead man lay on the ground with blood splattered all over the wall, opposite of a door.
"This room is where it all started, the epoch of our vaccine research, I designed the vaccine synthesizer myself," we all walked into a big room with 4 hospital beds on the left and right along with a lot of servers and electronic panels lined up and a peculiar machine in the middle of the room, connected to the wall with a small opening enough to fit a tube in and a lot of different buttons and consoles to press.
"So, this machine created the vaccines?" Kendo, touched the cold smooth metal cover of the device and asked out. "This machine created the first vaccine, the second and after was created in a different, much more efficient production line that doesn't require manual work," the doctor quickly went to an electronic panel in front of the large windows, looking down upon more of Umbrella's facilities.
"Damn those bastards! This is how they override the production lines, destroying it in one fell swoop! We have a mole in the facility! I've always been suspicious on how Umbrella actually destroyed the vaccines, f*ck them!" the doctor pulled a flash drive from one of the sockets connected to the panel in anger.
"But wait, if they used an override key, that means we could also use it to unlock the locked doors within the facility in ease! The mole fortunately never thought of anyone going down here anymore! Ha ha!" the doctor smirked brightly with a haughty face. "Everyone! We're going back down," the doctor called everyone and led us back down, in front of the locked door after shooting the two researcher corpses.
"Aha! And... Oh oh," the doctor exclaimed after inserting the drive in a socket and the panel changed from a red 'LOCKED' to a green 'UNLOCKED'. The door slid open and there's a zombie and a pale head inside. Everyone reacted and again, shot fiercely at the two and then focusing everything on the neck of the pale head.
The immense rain of bullets, punctured a hole in its neck, we could see the broken spine inside. More incoming! 4 pale heads emerged from inside the room behind a bunch. Everyone released fire, a full volley of a lot of bullets scattered down on the 4 pale heads. Every single one being peppered everywhere in bullets. Bullets really do the talking around these parts.