Convincing II

Calian POV

I secretly sighed in relief, the first overall big step is over, just another gigantic hurdle to cross. I'm getting way too nervous for this. "That's great then-" Jill cut me off once again, "Does that mean you're going to invite me to your organization!" Jill's eyes suddenly sparkled and her facial expressions grew hopeful. Darn, does she want to join the Kingsman that much?!

"Ehm... you see, the Kingsman Organization is both true and false," yeah, let's start off with that then, this going to be painfully slow. "What do you mean?" Jill tilted her head and asked, her eyes flashed dangerously this time, she seemed to suspect of one of the many foul plays in the world, everyone should know it as, lying.

"Ehrrrm... this is what I mean, the Kingsman Organization doesn't necessarily exist in this world," Jill seemed to have dissolved into a short shock, and a hateful glare beginning to sprout towards me. "You lied!" She accused me of lying! I'm not lying, it's just complicated to explain, yeah real complicated. It's just 4 words to be spoken, 'I'm from another world', that's easy right?

"Don't rush into assumptions, that's totally not what I mean, let's try to focus on the word, 'world'," I gave her a clue which could potentially save my life and spirit from her baleful glares. "Does that even explain anything. World can mean the universe, it can also mean our planet! Are you an alien!" She asked, an absolutely horrified realization escaped to her face.

Oh great, this is just like another sitcom skit where someone asked another if they're an alien in a fake acting expression and the sound engineers immediately playing the background laugh track. "I'm a world... starts with a T and ends with an R," I then gave her a Traaaaaaa..... to further emphasis on what I'm going to tell her!

"Traverser?" She showed a confused expression while answering with the correct synonymous of the original word, just... wrong in my context. "It's traveler... T R A V E L E R... Traveler," have you ever heard someone saying world traverser, nobody says that, it's only world traveler. "And..." Jill started to slowly raise both hands in a shrug and widened one eye.

"I'm a world traveler, I travel through worlds, I've been to two before this one..." Then Jill started laughing an incredibly leisurely pace, all the laughs are laced carefully with intense sarcasm. "Come on, Calian. You can do better than that, that's gotta be the lamest joke I've heard in a long, long while," it's not a joke.

[Oh! Hello Calian, are you there? As you knew, I've got an unusually tight schedule full of play dates and accompanying Apollo to write haikus and South East Asian verses. I forgot to mention that to successfully invite someone, you need to sent out an invitation! Oh dear me! I had a meeting with Aphrodite concerning the wonderful massage I promised her! Don't worry! I believe you could figure how to do it by yourself! Ciao!]

You darn voice!!! I curse you and Apollo! And I curse you and Aphrodite! What wonderful massage?! It's probably just a guise to a sexual massage parlor! Stay calm, and what's this invitation mechanism? So do I just... 'Invite Jill Valentine', I said in my mind and a blue screen popped out in front of my eyes.

{Invite Jill Valentine Yes/No}

I'll leave that to later, back to the convincing. "I really am a world traveler," I 'reassured' her one more time, if she doesn't believe, I'll sent an invite. "Prove it," she rolled the ending T across her tongue, ok, you want to play like this? 'Invite Jill Valentine,' I thought once and the blue screen appeared back but this time, I tapped the 'Yes' button.

"Whoah! What's this!" I saw my screen disappear and heard a yelp from Jill. Looking up, I saw a similar blue screen in front of her head, more specifically her eyes but don't worry, these 'screens' don't emit dangerous UV light. "Received invitation from Greek Pantheon Representative, Calian Otho Aurelius to join his team! Yes or No?!"

She looked up at me, surprised and much too shocked. "What's this?" One of her delicate fingers tapped the blue screen with intent! {Your invitation has been declined, try again another time} She declined my invitation?! "Why did you press no?!" I'm on the verge of being a bit upset but I'm not, yet.

"For all I know, this could be another one of those schemes that would pull me into trouble," she announced, looking at my eyes unwaveringly, showing the might of a warrior. "Argh, fine. I'm a world traveler, the Greek Gods send me on missions to different worlds to complete. This Umbrella? this suit and my glorious gadgets? I got 'em from the Kingsman world."

"How about my top notch skills?! Try winning in a fight against John Wick, even if he's barehanded and I had all my trinkets to use and I still barely won! So... the Greek gods send me on another quest that I chose myself using a slot machine and my current mission was to invite you to join up with me go on an infinite travel on an infinite amount of worlds! Sounds good yeah?"

"Sounds like a whole bunch of bullshit that I'm still willing to accept, I mean, zombies and killer monsters, they were comic material and now, they're in real life. I'm willing to believe in world travelers but... what makes you think I would accept your 'invitation' so easily," I knew this wasn't going to be easy so you can calm down, Calian, you can convince Jill Valentine!

"Okay new plan, how about I give you essential, very essential information only if, you would accept my gracious invitation," I hope I don't sound too much like a snob. Oh God, now that I realized, I'm like those teachers in pornography where they demand their *obvious* female students to do unquestionable things in exchange for a pass in their exams!

"And what is that," Jill squinted and cautiously spoke, this is the time, my convincing will surely work this time! "Your future."