Calian POV
"GODDAMMIT!" Mikhail yelled and stomped the stage floor while getting up from the fall, he looks heck-of-a-mad dog! "No! No! No! No! Not again!" Jill shouted frantically while pointing at the Nemesis in the opposite direction of where everyone is currently facing in. "Umm, any heads up?! I haven't exactly fought the beast yet," Tyrell asked nervously while picking up his rifle.
"Bullets do shit to it! Where's the doctor!" Jill asked as she began searching for the doctor as everyone also is, it seemed that only I knew the doctor made it out safely! "I'm up here! You're currently in the center of the disposal grounds! The only way out I could think of is the giant crane overhead!"
"Now, those vats contain the biological solvent! You mustn't shoot at it! Now! Hold on down there until I could find the controls for this damn crane!" the doctor finished and I looked up to find a big yellow crane hanging a large, very large yellow hook of some kind. "What are we expecting here?!" Kendo spoke up after what seemed like ages since he last uttered a word! Too busy caring for his little girl.
"Expect your bullets to not work a normal rate and for a big bad monster to come chasing after!" Jill said again, after all, she had the most experience in facing this monstrosity! GROWL! Here goes nothing! Everyone immediately releasing a barrage of shots, whether it's Kendo's submachine gun or the U.B.C.S issued weaponry and an MGL, they're all firing non-stop!
ROAR!!! The Nemesis roared in pain as he opened his arms wide like King Kong would do and started climbing onto the side and ran all around in front of the vats on the incline! "AHA!!! GET READY FOR THE ELECTRIC SHOCK OF THE LIFE TIME!!!" An invigorated and almost maniacal scream sounded from the speakers around the huge chamber as I saw each individual vat's two protruding metal plates started glowing blue!
ZAPPPP!!! Each of the plates from the 8 vats totaling a number of 16 electrical plates started glowing even more and finally releases an electrical discharge that would put lighting storms to shame!!! The bright light is truly too much as I had to cover my eyes! Although from that disadvantage, I manage to catch a glimpse of Nemesis electrocuted with lighting running through his entire veins!!!
GROWL!!! I could feel the blue light disappearing under my eye lids as I slowly opened them to peer outside! I saw what's left of Nemesis, skin still red, not enough baking I suppose! But why has the electricity stopped!!! "CRAP F*CKING PIECE OF SHIT!!! THE FACILITY HAS NOT GOT ENOUGH POWER FOR A PROPER ELECTRICAL FRYING!!! I CAN ONLY MINIMALIZE THE OUTPUT!!!"
"IF NEMESIS STARTED RUNNING AROUND AGAIN IN THE AREA OF THE VATS!!!!! SHOOT THE ELECTRICAL PLATES TO ELECTROCUTE THAT B*TCH!!!" The doctor's angry shouting continued once more and Nemesis has got up again!!! Didn't you just got electrocuted?! This monster is a cheat by the Gods!
"So, shoot the plates, got it!" Jill took it to her mind and readied as Nemesis screamed once more and pounced to our direction!!! Carlos instinctively pulled out two flashbangs and threw it to an arc towards the jumping Nemesis as Jill fired two consecutive rounds! The flashbangs blew midair in front of the Nemesis' eyes and the flame rounds came after, burning it alive as it painfully whined!
It couldn't take it anymore and decided to blow off some steam by running on the inclines once again! "Now's the time!" I shouted and shot my SMG towards the electrical panel by tracing Nemesis' movements and finally deciding on the 3rd vat!!! Zap! The electrical field expanded from the panel and engulfed Nemesis whole!
"AHA!!! I'VE FIGURED OUT THE CRANE CONTROLS!!! OOPS!!! THAT"S NOT WHAT I WANTED TO HIT BUT I'M GLAD IT DID!!!" The doctor controlled the crane hook to move down towards our direction but instead out of impulse suddenly contracted and changed direction towards the 3rd vat where Nemesis is still standing there getting zapped to oblivion!
The crane hook moves towards Nemesis at such speeds it smashed Nemesis on the chest and right through to the vat, puncturing it, spilling and splashing the biological solvent everywhere! Nemesis cried out in such a manner that I would've pitied it if it's not for the fact that it's trying to kill everyone at the moment! Especially Jill, my mission objective!
The solvent continued pouring out of the vat onto Nemesis and its back is currently smoking as if its skin is evaporating into thin air!!! Wouldn't want to be that guy! Nemesis shrieked and finally got off the vat as it fell down to the ground along with the still flowing solvent on its back! "EVERYONE GET ON!!!" The doctor said on the speaker as the crane hook slowly descended onto the floor.
Everyone stepped into the big crane that would readily fit 1 and a half the size of Nemesis and everyone held onto it tightly as it ascended back up to the safe walkways! "NOW LETS CONTINUE THE SHOW!!!" The doctor's trembling voice full of elation came and I could hear him pull a strong lever in the speaker!
Gush!!! The biological solvents from the remaining 7 vats all gushed out forming a mini whirlpool in the center of the stage! The Nemesis still writhing in pain, writhed even more as the stage got filled by the solvent forming a small pool with the height reaching the incline! "That's a deserving end to that meddling f*cker!" Jill hissed towards the drowning Nemesis, hands clutching the walkway railing tight, her knuckles turning white!
"Hahaha!!! That was the most fun I've ever had in a long while!!!" The doctor was happily chuckling after throwing Nemesis into its early 'grave'. Sadly, I knew the future and that it won't die yet which is unsettling! "Never thought of you as an operator engineer!" Mikhail joked and laughed along as did everyone, a bit of humor in this scenario won't hurt.
"Hahaha! I am after all, the ace of all trades! Hahahaha!" Now that's just plainly arrogant, it supposed to be jack of all trades, he just had to raise it three tiers up to ace! "Enough pf the laughing for the moment, I'd really like an off from this facility!" Oh, I would too Jill, very much would!