Sludge Nemesis

Calian POV

"You mad?" I jokingly asked Jill in a whisper seeing her fiery attitude just getting much more molten. "Me? Mad? I'm exhausted and frankly, I want nothing but to say good-f*cking-bye to this hellhole," Jill then stopped and shot a dead researcher's head in the corridor, definitely getting mad, I doubt her sanity would stay in place.

"Don't forget my invitation," I secretly laughed seeing her braggard state. "I said I'll think about it," she gritted her teeth, grinding it harshly looking much madder than just 'mad'. "The clock is ticking," I sang cheerily and giggled behind my hand as Jill glared strongly at me with her flaming eyes.

"There's our way out!" At this point, Dr. Nathaniel Bard is all smiles. Happy that he's alive, retrieved the vaccines and probably is carrying every evidence the United States of America need to completely shut Umbrella down on its hooves! Any time now... I now you're coming Nemesis! "Great! Can't wait for an out of here!" Carlos brightly said in the stroll.

Finally, at the room that marks the end of Nemesis! We're on a walkway overlooking a large hall I presume is used for weapons testing as Umbrella's big laser gun is parked right there! "What's this place doc?" Tyrell looked around the large hall from above, the hall is empty and very clean, no stains to decorate the floors and walls.

"Weapons testing hall, every type of weapon you'd think of would be tested here aside from a few much too dangerous ones," the doctor added mysteriously in the end, I bet he meant weapons like the giant laser which is capable of creating a giant hole across the facility's reinforced metal walls. "Interesting."

Jill spoke without much interest which is immensely contradictory and I don't mind it one bit, sarcasm is sometimes seen as entertaining in dim situations. "Well! I aim to agree-" BOOM!!! BANG!!! The corner of the hall suddenly blasted open as a terrible liquid sludge came through in a menacing fashion as you'd see in any slime monster movie!

The walkways also got smashed as the floor dropped 50 degrees downwards and everyone fell and glided down in shock! Seeing the horrible sludge in front, everyone moved right to avoid falling into it and rolled off the side onto safe ground! "What the f*ck!!!" Jill was first to react, I didn't even need to react, I was already ready!

"We were so close!!! SO DAMN CLOSE!!!" The doctor yelled in insanity his index finger and thumb pressed together so closely to indicate just how close we were! "Doctor!!! What is this madness!!! I though you said that the biological solvent will kill any biological beings!!!" Mikhail instantly whined loudly and angrily, he is one hundred percent fed up by Nemesis!

"Kendo, I think you should go and hide in that room," I whispered down at Kendo, his hands trembling while holding his daughter, he was frightened. I don't blame him, anyone would at this time. "What! I can't just be a coward! I need to fight!" Although his tone is chivalrous, his expressions and movements, not so much.

"Do you care more about your daughter or us. We will handle this. You and your daughter can wait it out. You don't want to lose your daughter no? And I'm sure your daughter don't want to lose you! SO now, kindly go and hide!" I accidently roared at my last statement from getting too impatient and Kendo reluctantly whimpered and retreated away with his cute daughter.

I shifted my head around just in time for the big fleshy goo to bloom open like a Rafflesia Arnoldii, ugly, smelly and absolutely disgusting! Giant supports of flesh shot out to the ceiling, holding the entire body up! From inside the blob, a huge segment came out with 5 huge mouths with long fangs and razor sharp teeth!

Aside from that, two huge arms pierced out from within it with huge claws ripping the sides of the ceiling! Finally, the original Nemesis head stays normal in the middle of the entirety of the gigantic blob and roared down at us!!! "This... this is absolutely horrible!!! I didn't know the Nemesis could evolve under the biological solvent!" The doctor retorted!

"F*ck you!!! Just so you know, this is the last time!!! No more!!! NO MORE OF THE LIKES OF YOU!!! I'M GOING TO CRUSH YOUR HEAD LIKE A WATERMELON IN A PLANE TURBINE!!!" Interesting way to put a sentence together Jill but I heck of a loved it! "The last time?! Yeah! The last time we're going to meet it because we're dead! I have no optimism in winning here!" Tyrell bit back quite pessimistically!

"Missiles don't work, bullets much worse! What can we do! Doctor?!" Mikhail turned towards the doctor, who seems to be the only one in the hall shooting Nemesis with a pistol. "We're in the weapons testing hall! Big, dangerous weapons are constantly tested here! That! There! Click the big red button!" The doctor turned his head and immediately showed expressions of joy!

He pointed towards the big container unit behind us. I, as the closest person already knew what's inside the big box as I slammed the button and the container opened in a futuristic voice! "Dodge!" BOOM!!! The two gigantic arms sliced down towards everybody up front as they all jumped front and back to avoid it!

Thankfully, I'm in the back and is currently in the process of opening the box! After fully open, what came out is really beautiful! Though not quite the same as the Resident Evil game! Inside it is a big, no, massive cannon!!! It's barrel spans 3 meters long in a rectangular shape with coils in it! The main body of the gun is connected with all sorts of wires and pipes not to mention, a digital control screen!

But most convenient, is that unlike the original game where Jill would have to carry the gun. In this much more realistic world, the cannon is converted into more of a turret, connected to a seat, a firing button and what looks to be a bulletproof glass shield along with numerous springs to reduce recoil of the huge cannon!

HAHAHA!!! Your end has been inevitable from the start Nemesis!!!