Albert Wesker's Fall and A Volume's End

Calian POV

"Argh!" I whined down on the ground, my backs ache, my hips wanting to melt down and my legs, screw my legs! Let's not forget Jill, she's also down on the floor writhing in pain, probably feeling the same as I! "You've gone rusty Valentine," Wesker sneered, pushing his head down to stare into Jill's grayish black pearls with ill intent!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Thankfully, Tyrell chose the right moment to release a spray of bullets at Wesker! "Can't I not have any disturbances!" Wesker roared irritatingly and disappeared in a cloud of black! I willed all my strength to get up, this is worse than all those strenuous exercises my gym teacher forced on me!

But sure enough, years of training shouldn't lie, I successfully stood up albeit still a bit faltered but it's nothing too big! I saw in the distance, the Wesker is nonchalantly fighting Tyrell with simple, minimal but fast movements! To chop, slice, pound, punch, all movements sound extremely straightforward but I know myself to see the movements no less than complex and sophisticated.

I looked down on my watch, only arsenal left on my watch (Heh, I look a my watch and on my watch, funny right... never mind.) is the umbrella which will hardly work in my opinion, perfume bomb (never using it), explosive fountain pens, my ring and my watch. I gently turned the case of the watch and so does the smart screen!

Explosive pellets, not now. Poison darts, not gonna be very effective. Tranquilizer darts, love it but I believe it wouldn't be efficacious on a man modified by the virus. Electricity darts, that could very well be it! There's nothing better to solve a battle than electricity! I looked up and see Tyrell severely losing, his hands had gone twisted and Wesker put him down to the ground with a neck jab.

Now or never! I clicked one of the side pusher and a thin inconspicuous dart with a wider back shot out swiftly! I feel like an African blow darter! Launching blow darts to neutralize the targets of their hunts and in my case, Wesker's my target! Unsurprisingly, Wesker caught wind of the attempt at his life and nimbly stuck the dart in between his index and middle fingers.

"Really, a pin?! Of all that you coul-" Zap! The dart glowed a faint blue and suddenly, the words coming out of Wesker's mouth stopped. Wesker's body is also slightly trembling, I love my electricity. But, it may look like a pin than a dart, but Kingsman being very unoriginal decided to name it a dart even when the shape leans more towards a pin.

"Hooh!" I wiped a sweat, the dart could hold for 20 seconds, giving me enough time to do what I want to Wesker. I wasted 5 seconds of walking to his position and pulled out on my signature gadgets, my very loved, very explosive, explosive fountain pen. I spun the barrel and the nib approached outwards and without further ado, I directly plunged the pen deep into Albert Wesker's stomach!

Like my previous uses of the fountain pen, t started beeping slowly at first and picking up its pace. How did I not get electrocuted from stabbing my pen inside Albert Wesker's electricity running body? Simply because Kingsman have though of almost everything including inventing a paste which they painted on the pens and other gadgets for electricity insulation.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The gunshots startled me awake, not that I wasn't but I'm extra now! Three bullets cruised the air and precisely hit the big bad boss on the thorax, the right clavicle and the left shoulder joint! The electrocution finally stopped and the dart dropped to the ground in a metal ding.

Wesker, hurt from the shot, the stab and the electric torture slowly moved back step by step and slipped off the edge of the roof. I had the honor to witness the fall myself as Wesker's jacket fluttered by the wind, him falling with grace, almost no dignity left and in style! Beeeeeeep! BOOM!!! And blow goes Albert Wesker which would likely still be alive but who gives a crap!

And of course Jill had to be the one to shot at her ex-boss, she looked wary and tired as she had already risen to a sitting position and held her pistol up before gently lowering it back down. I carefully picked back the fallen dart, no longer does it have the capacity to hold electricity hence I'm safe and I deposited the dart back into my pocket.

"Are you alright?" I stretched down to grab Jill's hand and pulled her up, she seemed a bit lightheaded. "You accepted my hand, does that mean you'll accept my invitation?" I asked with a smile yet not so much a smile either as it didn't really reach my eyes but it's still a smile regardless of it.

"I have thought long enough, if it weren't for your efforts, I would've died times too many to count," not exactly accurate but... I'll take the very nice compliment from the very nice beauty. "But do you really know of my future," Jill mumbled softly, I knew no one wouldn't give in under the seducing of knowing the future!

"Of course, have I ever lied to you!" The corner of my lips grew wider as a bright curve formed on it, looks like Jill is successfully in the team! "You lied to me tons," Jill deadpanned, did I ever lie to her, I'm sure I never lied. "Technically, I never lied. I'm really a member of Kingsm-" Jill held her hand up to stop what I was saying.

"You're also technically not telling the truth but from fighting all the monsters I've seen and even my former boss, I've learned that I'm not at all strong or even adequate in the eyes of the genuinely strong even when they've lost their mines or humanity. I need strength and I believe by joining you, I would get a chance of developing myself more. That doesn't mean that I'm joining you to repay all the lives you've saved out of me."

Jill looked embarrassed and decided to look elsewhere aside from anywhere near me. But that is cute and I'll pretend I didn't hear that last sentence. "Very well!" I cheered happily and sent my direct invitation to the lovely Valentine, hope she will press 'YES' this time. She looked a bit reluctant at first, not deciding whether to really accept or not.

Alas, resolution showed out of her face and she resolutely pressed the big 'YES'! [Congratulations, Jill Valentine has successfully joined and integrated herself into the Greek Pantheon]

{Hard Companion Mission : Resident Evil 3 : Convince Jill Valentine to Follow Thee on Thee's Journey (Accomplished) }

{Returning in 2 Minutes}

"There you go, as simple as that," Jill looked surprised, I'm guessing the text box indicating the end of the mission also appeared on her side because I can also see her blue screen. "Just liek that and we'll both be gone in 2 minutes?" She looked even more shocked at this, "Where do we even go in two minutes?"

"You'll see where we'll arrive in due time, it's kind of this dull black space with a slot machine and numerous other devices with an annoying voice," I merrily said, I'm delighted at having a teammate, I can admit that although travelling through worlds is fun, it just isn't the same without a friend to keep you close and now I've got one!

"Are you just going to stand there chatting together or are you going to board the chopper!" Mikhail fully up from the pounding Wesker gave him minutes ago is now sitting on one of the helicopter seats as the rotors started spinning furiously spewing heavy, forceful gales everywhere. I truthfully didn't even realize the chopper is already starting up!

"Actually, Calian invited me into his organization and I though why not? His organization will send a special chopper to pick us up," Jill said with a smile as she and I walked closer to the helicopter. "Wait, you mean you're not leaving with us?" Carlos' smile stiffened, he looks disappointed of sorts but then a small smile took over.

"Are you sure Jill," he carefully asked for a last confirmation and she nodded in determination which also earned a nod from Carlos. "Very well," he entered the secondary pilot seat and started flicking switches left, right, up and bottom with Tyrell as the main pilot. "If we ever meet again Calian, Jill, We will all owe you one," Mikhail shined a gentle grin as he patted the doctor and Kendo, both agreeing that they owed the duo something especially Kendo.

"Oh right! Here catch!" The doctor pulled tow injection tubes out of his pouch and tossed it over to us! I caught both tubes as I looked, it's the vaccine. "Don't forget to inject it before you leave!" The doctor loudly shouted as the rotor rotated with much more force! "Looks like we're parting here! Jill! Calian! We will forever be in your debts! Farewell! FAREWELL!"

The last farewell was repeated by everyone, all very grateful for us and the helicopter quickly ascended, leaving just as quickly as when I came to the world. "Looks like only a few seconds left for us," I gazed onto Jill, our eyes meet the peaceful city became much more at peace. "Looks to be true," Jill gave one last smile before I and her completely disappeared off the rooftop.

I'll enjoy our future missions, together.