La Couronne Et La Guerre

Crynn POV

"Whooh! Need to get used to that," I appeared out of the 'black hole' and appeared back into the dark space between worlds. "I need a time to chill! The Mummy really took the energy out of me especially with all the shite that happened!" I muttered to myself and stretched by back, neck and all the limbs and ankles to really relax my body.

Another discovery I found was that, the moment I stepped back into this space, my low levels of saturation and thirst is immediately filled back up! Just a second ago, I was utterly thirsty and hungry from battling Imhotep and now, I feel full! "Hey! Sound! You did not bother to greet my return!" I shouted into the void, expecting a return.

{Mission : The Mummy : Protect Richard O'Connell and Defeat High Priest Imhotep (Accomplished) (Rewards : Hard Reward Box, Lottery Chance, 10000 Mission Merits) }

{Bonus Objectives Completed : }

{6. Book Worm : A black or gold book, which is better, why not take them both. Hold the Book of the Dead and the Book of Amun-Ra on two hands. (Rewards : Book Worm, 2500 Mission Merit) }

{Total Rewards : Book Worm, Hard Reward Box, Lottery Chance, 12500 Mission Merits}

That's what I'd like to see, a bright blue screen full of rewards just awaiting for me to harvest. Though not the right voice, but definitely the right stuff. [Once again human! I congratulate you on completing your second journey on hard mode. I can't help but be honest when I say that I never thought you'd go out alive from the horrors of The Mummy!]

"Hohoho, of course I'm the best, it isn't that hard," I flaunted without shame and judging by the silence, I think that the voice might just be ticked off from my rightful arrogance. But don't get too proud myself, lest I embarrass myself by failing the next mission. Speaking of which, should I go for another hard or maybe a relaxing normal?

[Well, either way, I've got my own business to attend to at the moment. I'll leave you to your matters, I promise I'll be back in a few minutes to bring you a surprise!] And the voice is gone, I don't know whether to expect goodness of badness from this alleged 'surprise', I'll just figure that it's good news.

The last time, I used the lottery right away, maybe today, I shall open the box first. What may appear from this one I wonder? I remember my previous box, purple light shot out! Maybe I could get another purple! I thought in my head to open this Hard Reward Box and open sesame!

{Congratulations, you've acquired an Orange Weapon}

Ooh?! What's orange?! Is it better than purple? In my opinion I love orange much more than any shade of purple, I see orange as a uniquely royal color. I felt a light tug on my head and I looked down to see what's on my hand. The Godly powers above must've been the one to move my arms up because I'm not wrong when I say my arms were straight down seconds ago.

And how happy I am in seeing what's on my hands! My right hand is gripping a saber but it's no ordinary saber! The saber guard and grip is encrusted with a thin, soft layer of gold and the crevices and hills of the grip is completed with sapphires all of which have the size of a thumb and some other small crystals engraving the hilt.

The scabbard is no less beautiful! Also layered with gold and from the mouthpiece to the tip, there's no end to the sapphires decorating this majestic piece! The upper and lower hooks are made of bright, sparkly silver, polished throughout the ages The chains are as delicate as a sponge cake and as hard as diamond, attaching itself from the upper and lower hooks to the upper and lower hooks of the item in my left hand!

Which is also... a saber! The left saber, although not as fancy as the right one has a certain edge of danger on it! The grip is a simple soft, velvet black wood handle without too much delicate carvings on it. The guard is a brass colored loop guard, crafted to reinforce the grip and defend against an enemy's bash towards the hand, with how small the width is, it's surprisingly very firm and dense!

The scabbard is fully black with an exception to the upper and lower hooks which are brass colored, the end result is... I am immensely pleased! I've always admired swordsmanship, any form of it whether its kendo, fencing, medieval arts, Chinese, I've dreamed to learn the styles of it all but with my busy schedule, I haven't the time to learn. Anyway, what's these sabers all about?

{La Couronne et la guerre (The Crown and The War}

{Orange Dual Sabers)

{This pair of French-made sabers would get a sky-high price if it appeared in a Sotheby's Auction. It would similarly be a weapon sought after by anyone capable of magic or simply, the supernatural. Created by a grandmaster French craftsman, this pair of sabers accompanied Napoleon Bonaparte in the majesty's ups and downs.}

{The Crown which is drawn in his coronation and signifies his kingship and leadership over France. And The War which is open only in battles where inevitability of blood to be shed is in its maximum. Together, this pair of sabers could level the battlefield and bleed enemies to form a ruby filled river of death and brutality.}


{Magic Cancellation: Napoleon Bonaparte is a known powerful muggle even wizards respected. Wanting the ability to block magic in the middle of a battle, his craftsmanship poured a multitude of runes into the blade, which can cancel out most magic spells. Grants user the ability to cancel any magic, no cooldown.}

{The Final March Towards Waterloo: The last battle in the Napoleonic Wars is also one of the most significant! Napoleon was directly ambushed by over 100 wizards in Belgium, instantaneously losing him the battle. With his grievances towards the underhanded tactic, he poured all of it into his very blade, cutting down all wizards and escaped the battle heavily injured but alive. Grants invincibility for 5 seconds, 1 month cooldown.}

{Flight of a Dwarf: Napoleon was often called a man with a short stature. Deeply humiliated by this, he had the craftsman to infuse space magic within his sabers, enabling him to be agile in battle and to let his enemies know that his tiny insignificant height is a direct advantage to himself. Throwing both sabers forwards to a direction will teleport the user to the direction with a limit on displacement of 10 meters, 1 minute cooldown.}

{Call of The King: As a prime king, admired and adored by everyone, Napoleon is not only compassionate to himself and his family but also to his country! Grants the user a temporary buff to all allies in a radius of 5 meters, 1 hour cooldown.}

Holy shite! What sort of OP sabers are these!