Crynn POV
I turned my head left and right. I saw the aurors making for the two cargo ships in extreme speeds! Approximately 10 aurors on either side, all with their wands out. Whilst waiting for them to take action, I gazed into the compartment for a green button. Sure enough, it's the only green button and also the only one made of rubber, fancy.
I pressed it and the board opened up to reveal the world map! Now, this is a very elaborate map, all countries on it have written names, some very small and some very big. Just like America, the USA or in here, MACUSA, is placed to cover the middle section of the USA. So, the names aren't muggle based but based on the wizarding names.
Another very large name sets itself in the middle of China with a oriental text feel, written 'QIN'. I remember what Qin is, that's the name of a very famous Chinese dynasty before Christ which is interesting because that dynasty ended over 2200 years ago. But lets not worry about that, need to find Britain.
Expectedly, the UK is still called the British Empire which ended in 1997. Hmm... I looked into the manual once more to find anything I missed. Upon exiting the territorial waters border, the available names of apparition will light up and therefore allows drivers to press on for instant apparition across seas and oceans. So, we need to wait until we're out and then we could get ourselves to Britain.
Looks like we need to speed up! I whipped the Thestrals as they neighed loudly and ran faster on the surface of the sea! I gazed up at the aurors and they're getting quite close to the ships. Seconds later, each one of them fired a blue magical stream, stringing across to tether the wands connected via magic to the ships hull.
All the aurors on the left then proceeded to pull their wands and magical string to the right and the rest on the right pulling the ship to the left. Shortening the gap between ships to prevent Grindelwald's escape! Which... I'm sure won't hinder the great dark lord that much. Anyway, this has been an impossible task all along and frankly, it won't hurt to fail.
The two bows of the two ships are getting awfully close, really closing in the gap as Grindelwald came speeding up nearer and nearer in the middle of the large ships filled with cargo container that massed tons. Grindelwald immediately raised his wand in the air and waved it in circles towards the sky!
What is he doing? He continues circling his arms before finally, a wisp of magic appeared out of the elder wand, growing larger in both size and intensity by the second! BZEEEUU!!! The moment the wisp turned into the size of a basketball, Grindelwald calmly aimed towards the in between of the two ships, releasing the horrible magic inside the white glowing ball!
The ball turned into a spark of laser that hit both ship's bow and front hull in ferocity! BOOOOOOM!!!! What happened next was an explosion in the caliber of multiple C4s stacked together! Bothe ships were blown out of proportions as their front hulls and bows evaporated into nothingness, leaving two huge holes that would most likely sink both ships. Vicious!
I looked back and well, the black lines on the president's face couldn't be hid anymore, as even if it's under glamour, the atmosphere around her really puts her off. Grindelwald made way through the gap created by his extraordinary explosion as I followed through with a lot of aurors and guards behind me.
"Hasta La Vista!" Grindelwald laughed out loud in an overbearing farewell and the air around his carriage shifted and soon enough, devoured whole in a black and white whirlpool as Grindelwald escaped by carriage apparition. Have we crossed the borders? I looked down on the carriage board and found that multiple names on the map is glowing.
Names such as MCSAK glowed white over in Southeast Asia, just stretching above Myanmar to Indonesia. As did the EDO which is none other than Japan, CHOSON indicating Korea, FRENCH EMPIRE above France. But my destination is ultimately the BRITISH EMPIRE on the British Isles, predictable ain't it.
Also, did Grindelwald just said 'Hasta La Vista'? Really ripped off Arnold Schwarzenegger slash the Terminator. "Madam President, looks like Grindelwald escape, perhaps an advice concerning MACUSA traitors need to really be under attention. All good things must come to an end however. I don't want to be interrogated ruthlessly and mercilessly by the MACUSA! So! Goodbye!"
I took a last glimpse at Seraphina Picquery's fury as I pressed down on the 'BRITISH EMPIRE' name. And I immediately saw the whole carriage from the bottom, to the sides to the top, all engulfed in a black hole. ZIUP!!! Looks like J. K. Rowling got a thing right as her description of 'forced through a very tight rubber tube' is completely correct in my current sensation.
I felt as if all my skin is being compressed, stretched in the same time and I felt my blood flow just stop! I feel a void of oxygen or any air in my lungs as they all got sucked by a vacuum. I feel extremely powerless, unable to move my body. The sensation of all 5 senses blocked off is also there yet I could still feel the feeling of my skin.
ZIUP!!! "What the hell was that?!" Aria screeched beside me and I shifted towards her. She is sweating quite a bit. "That was apparition, the wizarding form of teleportation. Sensation of getting sucked into a very tight tube many beginners say its unpleasant but veterans of the spell are too used to it to even feel anything anymore."
"Why and how are we teleporting? Where even are we?" I stood up on the carriage as I took a good view of the area. We're above a sea with a huge landmass coming. A lot of beautiful plains and I could make out a huge 1920s urban city. "Aria, we're above the English Channel and looks like that's Brighton, that's the Surrey Hills and that is London."
I feel like a badass saying that especially when I had my right feet on the board and a finger pointing towards London. Just like the statue of Christopher Columbus and Napoleon Crossing the Alps.