Crynn POV
Grindelwald is starting back his jinx as the skies started thundering more and more, probably as a response to the sudden arrive of Seraphina Picquery and hypothetically, her guards and aurors. I looked back and saw multiple squads of wizards and witches following behind a gloomy looking madam president.
She pulled out her wand and fired a blue colored spell towards the stormy clouds! BZAAH!!! The spell ignited midair, in the middle of all the clouds, directly pushing them all away and vanishing everything. Now, only the clear night sky is left with a pale yellow moon and Grindelwald's attempt of lightning control has turned into a fiasco.
Where are we anyway? I looked off the side and we're way above Brighton Beach, not the one in Melbourne, Australia or the one in Brighton, UK, but the one in Brooklyn, New York. Wow, this carriage is fast, the Wizarding World is certainly not losing out when it comes to flight, not at all. I whipped the Thestrals in seeing Grindelwald moving downwards to the seas!
What is he doing?! The seas although in the middle of the night is filled with ships, about two great passenger ships and multiple cargo ships, let's not forget the high waves. Swish! Another arrow is launched from my side, just missing slightly above Grindelwald's shoulders. "Shooting in a flying carriage proving to be difficult?"
"I've once set a record of most bullseyes from a moving helicopter in a distance of 100 meters, a total of 17 bullseyes, never want to do that again, too tiring and too much effort," what a bizarre record, at least it's not as strange as a record for the most stairs a man could climb using their heads. But 17 bullseyes in a row from a moving helicopter 100 meters a distance? That's insane.
We've finally touched the surface of the water as the Thestrals folded their wings and ran on water. Grindelwald's carriage grazed the seas and he aimed his wand at the prisoner carriage door! Brang! Ripping it off in one gesture as the interior, apparently filled to the brim with water is burst outwards!
Another wave of the wand and two men in robes and a fancy middle aged man with graying hair were thrown out of the blown door. Grindelwald looked back and waved his wand, a white orb shot out! I steered the carriage left as the orb touched the sea roof and... Boom! The explosion caused a pillar of water to rise and so, directly causing two aurors at the back to crash into the pillar.
Might be Bombarda Maxima, I recall the color of the spell to be white. "You have a massive security breach Madam President, Europe's number one wanted wizard is escaping!" I yelled back to once more because I still can't decide on the president's past 'PARDON' minutes ago. I gazed back once more to find the president subsequently raised her wand.
Patronus? She casted a charm, which exited in a form of a serpent with horns on the back of its head and a particularly shining looking stone in the middle of its forehead! The illusory grayish white Patronus turned its head and dived backwards towards the mainland. Not only that, the moment Grindelwald saw upon the Patronus, he flinched, appearing angrier and impatient.
Whipping his Thestrals for a speed up! Is the president sending a message to the MACUSA? No wonder Grindelwald panicked, reinforcements are the worst that could happen to a criminal escaping from the police. But what really intrigues me is the Patronus itself, a magical creature. I thought Patronuses could only be ordinary animals.
Now, Grindelwald looked more in alarm than he had always been. He really wants to escape, doesn't he. Secondly, carriages have have apparition systems? Thirdly, the ICW has a law on territorial waters? The UN hasn't even been established yet and the ICW has already had these kinds of laws, I'm beginning to think that the muggles were as uncivilized as what the purebloods are saying!
Back to the matter at hand, don't let Grindelwald get away. Sounds easier said than done. Grindelwald restarted waving his wand in succession, each singular wave, producing a pillar to suddenly struck up towards the sky, frequently hitting an auror or two every time. "Any luck?" I said to Aria, who hasn't shot an arrow since the last one.
"I don't have a clear shot," she squinted her eyes and pulled the string further back and finally released the string in hesitation in whether it would hit or not. A clear sphere with light transparent blue hue surrounded him and the arrow was directly erased upon touching the layer. "Ok, looks like arrows won't do anything if we couldn't rapid fire, that's Protego by the way, a shield spell."
Aria grunted and sat back on her seat as I surveyed for a way to stop Grindelwald. Directly in front of my and the prisoner carriage is a path in between two massive cargo ships! We could use that to our advantage! "Madam President, How about the two ships!" I didn't specify what to do with the ships to avoid Grindelwald from catching my plan.
But if he is the genius everyone talked about, he would still know what I'm aiming for but let's see what happens. In the meanwhile, I opened the carriage manual book to the table of contents page. Hmm... flood lights, instant roof, escape hatch, apparition! Just the system I want! I turned over the pages to the apparition page.
To commence apparition, open the world panel by pressing the green button. Under the ICW's law on international travels in 1758, carriage apparitions are only permitted to apparate into countries with a coastline pointing directly towards any of the major oceans. This means that countries like Egypt and Mongolia will not be accessible through carriage apparition.
To directly apparate outside of the magical territorial waters of any countries, press the country's name on the map and the whole carriage with its contents will be away in no time. Ok, that's very neat.