Leaky Cauldron

Crynn POV

(A.N : Ok, before beginning this chapter I'd just like to apologize for a mistake in the few afterword teasers concerning this volume. It's supposed to be in 1927 and not 1926, I misread the dates. Just that, thank you.)

"We're here sir, 45 pence please," We stayed silent throughout the entire journey, I didn't say anything and so do Aria. The driver tried asking a few questions but ultimately resulted in me and her ignoring him hence, he stopped talking. I retrieved a galleon of gold from the suitcase and placed it in front of the driver, "Keep the change."

I got out before the driver got to say a thing and then Aria got out as well. "Why are we in Charing Cross Road, wherever that is, I ain't a Londoner. You don't sound British either, what's on this road?" Something incredible and hidden in plain sight is on this exact road. "You'll see later," such a tease, she'll be so surprised.

"Hmph," she grunted in dissatisfaction as we walked down the road. "Where are we going?" hmm... true, the wikis never said the exact location of the place, just that it's on the street, somewhere. "Oh! There it is!" I saw a dark shop, now windows, just wooden planks all painted black. A fading shop sign hung from above the door identifying it as the 'Leaky Cauldron'.

"This suspicious looking place? it's not got a proper sign, not even windows," you'll be amazed going inside then. "Well, I'm going to enjoy your surprise," I entered in a swoop and closing the door instantly, not letting out any sort of spoilers to Aria. "Whoa! What is this place?" Aria's mouth opened as she entered, surveying the environment of the bar.

Although it's at night, it still has a few visitors. A man holding up a cup of tea with its spoon stirring it around magically whilst also reading a floating newspaper. Not just that, someone else seems to be drinking a beer that never seemed to end! "Welcome to the Leaky Cauldron, one of the few connector points between the non-magical world and the obviously magical world. Come on, we don't got all day."

She followed closely behind in awe of the place, even I myself can't stop the amazement seeping through my eyes. Although I've been in the Leaky Cauldron, the last time I was here, I just finished bombing a bank. Unsurprisingly, I was in a hurry to get out and so can't bring myself to look around the area.

I remember reading the news on a Daily Prophet magazine during my boring stays in the Room of Requirement. No casualties in the Gringotts explosion only a few scratches on a wizard. I'm absolutely shocked, I'm sure I actually killed someone which is very disconcerting to me, I never kill people. I was even very guilty at the time.

Alas, the most a wizard got was a few scratches! I could've sworn the placement of my C4 explosive was very close to the Gringotts front door where a lot of people gather. But no, that huge explosion only resulted in a hole which now that I realized isn't even that big of a hole, very disheartening for a C4. "What are you doing?" Aria shook me out of my thoughts and I looked at her next to me.

"Just... thinking, let's get going," Aria nodded and so I approached the bartender behind the main bar table. "Gentleman! Lady! What can I get for the both of you!" The bartender cheerily said upon turning his entire body to face us but a second later, his brow went up. "Looks like I'm unfamiliar with the both of you. My name is Strouch Vast, owner of this fine establishment for over 100 years."

The bartender proudly presented himself and dear lord! 100 years as a bartender! Aren't you tired! Secondly, you don't look a year over 50! Reduce your shock, time to introduce yourself. "I'm Crynn Avter and the witch I'm with is Ariane Veil. We're with the MACUSA so we're a bit foreign around these parts."

"MACUSA?" The eyes of Mr. Vast lit up and wandlessly grabbed a newspaper article from a nearby shelf before showing it to us. "I heard today is the official handover of Grindelwald from the MACUSA to the British Ministry and will be processed into court and hopefully then, Azkaban. How does that go?" The bartender asked in curiosity.

Should I tell the truth or a lie? Bah, I'll just tell the truth. Honest is one of my main features anyway. "As usual, Grindelwald escaped," I broke the news in the most uninterested tone I could make as the bartender stepped back in shock and fear! "You folks failed to contain Europe's most infamous Dark Lord!"

"We can partially blame Rudolph Spielman and his team of aurors for not being serious enough in their transfer of Grindelwald as he escaped via the British' prisoner carriage," the bartender looks disappointed by the news. "I guess Grindelwald's war is coming," he sighed and looked up in melancholy.

"Right, I'll repeat myself, what do you two fellow brother and sister from across the ocean in a different continent want to order?" And now he's back in his joviality, it's weird how one can switch between two contradictory emotions in a whim. "We'd like a room to stay for the night, preferably a room with two beds."

"No drinks or and delicacies then?" I shook my head while looking at him with a smile. "Alright, a room with two beds cost 1 galleon please," I handed him the coin as he pocketed it beneath his rags or that jumbled up mess of a robe. "Are you hungry? Or maybe a drink?" I whispered to Aria beside me wanting her opinion before retreating into our room for a good night's sleep.

"What's on the menu?" Aria asked and the bartender returned with a key on his hand. "Here, your room key," he placed the key on the table before going back to wipe the beer glasses on a counter. "Actually Mr. Vast, we changed our minds. We would like two pints of butterbeer," the bartender immediately joyed up and grabbed two big glasses.

"Coming right up and you can call me Strouch! Mr. Vast sounds like my long dead father!" He laughed out loud and went to prepare the two pints of butterbeer. "What's butterbeer? How does it taste like? It sounds gross," I've tried the Universal Studios one, and I can't say I like it but this time, I'll really try the authentic one.

"Two butterbeers! 8 sickles!" I gave him a galleon and he returned 9 sickles as a galleon is 17 sickles and a sickle is 29 knuts which is a weird currency system. "Let's try it out," Aria looks disgusted by the very yellow drink, like butter. I tasted a sip, sugary, sweet, almost non-alcoholic! It genuinely tastes good!

"I detect a pinch of butter? Maybe brown sugar. Is this butterscotch?" She muttered to my ear, her warm breathe sends a tingle down my spine. "Yes it's butterscotch made into beer," I smiled and continued drinking, neither of us said a thing and just continue sipping and enjoying the nice butterbeer and finally we retreated into our rooms and slept as well as we could be.