Crynn POV
"Do you provide breakfast?" A new day! A new dawn! A good sleep! A great adventure awaits! It's been a great morning so far, waking up, going in for a nice shower and everything's ready, the only thing left to do before my planned schedule is to have a breakfast. "We only provide drinks and occasionally small portion of soup and snacks, all of which aren't supposed to be breakfast."
"Then where could I go get some British wizarding breakfast then?" After drinking that butterbeer last night, I'd very much like to try out some other wizarding cuisine. "Diagon Alley should have quite a few restaurants. Correction, a lot of restaurants for you to choose from. Would you like me to show you how to open the gate?"
"No thank you, I knew the specific methods to open it," the bartender nodded and went back to his post to wipe the pint glasses clean. "So? No breakfast?" Aria waiting by a pillar while reading a newspaper saw me returning and called out. "Unfortunately no. But, Diagon Alley just behind this pub has a lot of restaurants," I didn't really know if Diagon Alley has got restaurants but now I know.
"Do you have a watch? We should set the time," I just remembered that, we're in a different and country so the time is also different. I need to adjust my Egyptian time to British time. Is it 09:34? It sure is if the clock on the wall is correct. I quickly turned the crown and shifted the hands going straight to 09:34.
"Looks like we need to buy you a new watch," I looked up and found Aria tinkering with a digital watch! Unacceptable! "I seem to forget that we're in the 20s," Aria sighed and chose to unclasp the metal watch straps and handed the digital smart watch to me which I pocketed or in this case, cased, into my briefcase.
"Follow me," I smiled and led her out the backdoor where a multiple barrels and some stone and bricks lay side by side. "Why did we come here?" I summoned my wand in an instant and tapped the needed bricks to open the portal between two worlds. "Because of this," I smiled as I saw the scenery unfold as the bricks moved away, I would never get used to this in the future.
Aria's jaw dropped as a whole new world completely uncovered truly opened up her worldview. Owls, ravens, hawks and other birds flying in the skies carrying letters or packages. Shops everywhere and fortunately the alley is not yet bustling but I'm not sure if we could even call this street of shops an 'alley' anymore.
"Well, we haven't got much time," I said to Aria next to me, pleased by her shock as she soon closed her jaw and tried to appear unsurprised, ultimately failing. "How did the wizards hide this in plain sight?" Well, for the wizards, it's as easy to hide anything in the flick of a wand. "Muggle repelling charms and other charms hid this in plain sight. We could see the pub as a pub because we have magic inside us. But the non-magicals perceive the pub as a run-down building."
"Wizards are incredible as they are cunning, also very dangerous, never forget that," I deliberately warned her, wizards and witches must not be underestimated. "We can discuss that later, I'm hungry," right, problems with hunger always comes first. And in coincidence, there's already a restaurant in front of us!
Georgie's Delights, the decor looks good, let's go in. "Table for two," I said to the waiter up front as he guided us to a table with 4 seats, and he magically pulled two and seated us in our place. "The menu, I'll await your orders," I'll just ignore that because that feels like I'm a general in war which I'm not because he's obviously speaking about taking our food orders and not strategical orders.
"Anything you fancy?" I asked Aria as I looked over every food on the menu carefully, I want to try'em all! "I'd like to have the English Breakfast," what's best to try out than to start off with the simplest one. "Diving duck egg or the German flying chicken egg?" Pardon? Did he just say, a diving duck and a flying chicken? Those weren't what I expected at all!
Two unfamiliar names that's not written anywhere in J. K. Rowling's books. Ehm... "I'd like the flying chicken egg," the waiter nodded and recorded the order with a self writing pen and a small floating book. "What about you miss?" Aria looks stupefied as she continued reading the menu in search for a breakfast to order.
"Hmm... I guess a Grostein and chips?" What's that? "Be back with your orders in 5 minutes," the waiter finished and went to inform the chef of our orders. "What's Gorstein?" Now it's my turn to look gobsmacked, I didn't read everything on the menu only fast glimpses. "Well, I have a picture right here. Looks like fish but can't be too sure of that, am I right?"
She flipped the menu and displayed the picture clearly. It's a black and white portrait of a deep fried fish (I think it's a fish) with some fries, all placed neatly in a basket. "I guess we'll have to wait before finding out," I said with hesitation because is it really safe to eat in the Wizarding World? Probably not but you only leave twice.
"Before we do anything, I guess we should open our bonus objectives. Just think of bonus objective in your head," I also thought of the word and a blue screen appeared once more.
{Fantastic Beasts : The Crimes of Grindelwald : Prevent the Destruction of Paris}
{Bonus Objectives : }
{1. Messer Upper : Plans are meant to be offed. Conspire and completely derail Grindelwald and his team before they even made it to France. Let them now that the God's chosens are not to be messed with. (Rewards : Conspiracist Title, 100000 Mission Merits) }
{2. The Bodyguard : Ambushes, hidden attacks, secret strikes, all are categories under the pretense of underhanded tactics and that is exactly what's gonna happen! Attend and protect the British-MACUSA meet in the small Wizarding Diplomatic Island of William Joseon. (Rewards : Defender Title, 20000 Mission Merits) }
{3. The Mysterious Case : What are mysteries? Merely puzzles waiting to be solved. Multiple killings towards wizards and witches have been happening in the past few weeks, 1 death turned into 2, and 2 deaths turned into much more. Solve this case and bring the offender into justice! (Rewards : Junior Detective Title, 20000 Mission Merits) }
{4. The Forbidden Library : Forbidden spots will stay forbidden until cracked. Steal and retrieve the Book of The Silver Star in the Lost Forbidden Egyptian Catalog Library of Forbidden Books located somewhere in Egypt and hand it over to the Director of The Department of Mysteries. (Rewards : Junior Explorer Title, 25000 Mission Merits) }
{5. Alfwic's Theory : A role of a scientist and in this situation a potioneer is never easy especially concerning fame. Help the Potioneer Alfwic prove his theory that potions entering the body can be recycled into a new potion. Beware, this mission is not advisable for the current God's chosens unless you don't fear death and a ton of assassins, sacrificial offerings as well as human experimentations. (Rewards : Discovery of The Ages Title, 500000 Mission Merits) }
{6. The Magizoologist : What's a magizoologist without an animal and here, you are the animal! Have a magizoologist accompany you or you accompany a magizoologist for 30 days and stepping 20 meters further from the magizoologist will not be counted in the time (Rewards : Accompaniment, 10000 Mission Merit) }
"Well ain't the bonus objectives this time absolutely delightful! That's sarcastic by the way."