Crynn POV
"So, what's our first order of business?" Aria asked while we strolled out of the restaurant. "What do you think is most important in a world of magic," there's a lot of important things but what's really most essential of them all. "Magic?" That's important but not entirely the correct answer. "I'll change the question. What do wizards use to cast magic here, you can look around."
"You're getting me a wand?!" Aria spoke out in surprise and her eyes instantly sparkled, is that easy to sparkle your eyes? "Yes, that's the shop," I pointed to my left at a shop, 'Ollivanders', best wandmaker in all of Britain, I think. "So you'll enter alone because I've been here in the future and I don't want to mess up time. Upon entering say that you'd like a wand."
"Don't forget to mention that you're a MACUSA auror and your old wand is snapped in a duel against dark wizards. If the wandmaker asks you about your old wand, answer that your old wand is a walnut, dragon heartstring, twelve and three quarters inch in length. If he asks you if the wand is unyielding, say yes, if he asks otherwise, say not and answer that my old wand is unyielding. Got it?"
I grinned at her confusion, oh the joy of introducing the Wizarding World to someone unfamiliar to it. "Ehm... sure," ok, looks like she's not sure. I repeated to her a total of two more times before finally she's already sure and entered the shop. "Here, 20 galleons to pay for the wand," I gave her the coins before she entered the building. Furthermore, I want to apologize for future Bellatrix Lestrange for taking her wand information, I'll pay copyright.
"Welcome to Ollivanders! How may I help you!" The moment Aria went inside the welcoming, small shop, she was instantly greeted by a man whom appeared from behind the shelves of wands. "Hmm, you're a new face, perhaps I need to introduce myself. I am Garrick Ollivander, wandmaker and owner of this fine establishment, how may I help you."
And that is Ollivander, the same Garrick Ollivander that sold Harry Potter's wand albeit much, much younger and more arrogant unlike his older and creepier self. "My name is Ariane Veil, MACUSA auror, need a new wand," she answered with fake confidence appearing as relaxed as she could be. "What happened to your old wand?"
"Snapped, in a battle against dark wizards," she briefly answered, trying to stay short and not taking too much time in the place. "Merlin! That's unfortunate! Especially with Grindelwald's rise, it's a good thing he's been put off," loos like the news hasn't reached Britain, Grindelwald has escaped and is certainly not put off.
"To begin finding the correct wand for you, I need relevant information on your old wand," Ollivander raised his glasses. "Walnut, dragon heartstring, twelve and three quarters inch. Unyielding," actually, unyielding really suits Aria, to be a good archer is to never yield to the enemy or to all obstacles against the arrow.
"Unyielding... unyielding... I've got just the right wand for you!" Ollivander suddenly released an excited growl that startled Aria into thinking, 'What's whit this dude?' Ollivander soon returned with an exquisitely made black box an opened it up to reveal the wand. And the wand is certainly not disappointing in any manner.
It's a dark brown wand carved intricately and featuring the engraved writing and runes on the sides, keeping bay the power hidden within. "This wand is very special, the moment I lock my eyes with it the first time I inherited this shop, I fell in love with it and had always made it my mission to sought a worthy wizard or witch for it, give it a swing."
Aria looked suspicious as she slowly gripped the wand and swing it into the air. Out of expectations, a huge lion-like beast went out of the tip and enlarging itself to fit the room. The color of the lion is a blackish swamp green combined with sharp spikes all around its body but mostly concentrated around it's neck, circling around the room in glory and screaming power.
"This! This smells like poison! HAHA!!! Absolutely wonderful!" What's strange is after whiffing out the air and discovering the scent of poison, Ollivander didn't turn green in fright or red in anger not so much pale white! But, he looks so delighted, liek he'd won a lottery or something! Even Aria is weirded out by Ollivander's reaction.
"Finally! After a long 10 years, I found it's rightful owner, I didn't even know who made the wand!" Ollivander raised a hand to wipe unshed tears from the corner of his 'red' eyes, is this a soap opera?! Aria raised a brow at Ollivander and refixed her center of attention to the still wandering creature, running around Aria.
"That creature running around you is a Nundu, a magical creature whose danger exceeds dragons! The creature in its adolescence needs a minimum of 100 wizards to catch and at its peak of maturity and age of adult, even 200 wizards aren't likely to be able to neutralize the creature. just a newborn can kill an entire village of inhabitants," Ollivander exclaimed in fascination at the creature running around the room.
"Yew wood, Nundu claw core, 13.5 inches long. Yew wands are renowned for granting their users the power over life and death, mixed with the poisonous and undefeatable property of the Nundus, you have yourself one of the most powerful wand I've ever seen, all for 14 galleons please," well, that's a cheap price if I've ever seen one!
"Right," Aria counted her coins and spread exactly14 galleons on Ollivander's counter. "Thank you for your purchase, just remember that Ollivander's is the best in Britain," Ollivander let out a final, charming smile before showing Aria out. "Well that's interesting, Aria mumbled to herself as she carefully descended to the street from a platform, one stair tall.
"Did you get your wand?" I looked at Aria walking out and immediately looked at the wand on her hand, ooh pretty! All brownish black and furnished! "Yes, the owner said that my wand is a Yew wood, Nundu claw core, 13.5 inches long wand," wait a minute! Yew wand! That's the wood that made Voldemort's wand and is very rare with the addition of controlling life and death! That's wondrous!
But, Nundu claw? I've never heard of a Nundu parts being made into a core but I do know that Nundu's are giant poisonous creatures living in Africa and often needs more than a hundred wizards and witches to take down! Which makes the wand ever more better! "I guess I need to extend my congratulations for getting such a nice wand."
She said her welcomes and now, time for the second order of business.