Veritaserum Ingredients

Crynn POV

"Next up, we're going to an apothecary or some kind of shop that sells herbs," I hummed along the way looking left and right at the shops around, Diagon Alley is starting to get bustling! "Are we buying herbs?" Ehm... obviously. Why would we got to a herb shop if not to buy herbs. "After the first mission I got a schematic for a truth serum."

"A truth serum?! Can it really gut out the truth from anyone's mouth?" Aria curiously asked. "Well, the real name is Veritaserum. Veritas is Latin for truth and frankly, yes. It could directly make anyone spill their beans," I laughed, it will definitely be useful when it comes t certain situations that just torturing won't get anywhere.

"Right on time," I spotted a shop with the name, 'Berty's Apothecary' on the sign board and from outside, I could see through the windows that the shop inside appeared bigger than the building outside which is very normal. I pushed the door and a bell sounded, ringing for one of the salesclerks to come at my beckon, not literally.

"How may I help you sir, we have almost every herb found in the British Isles and some imported from overseas, what would you like?" Ooh, polite young man, I certainly want to buy something. To make a Veritaserum, we need a stalk of fluxweed, knotgrass, a lacewing fly, a leech, powdered bicorn horn, and shredded bloomslang skin, so...

"I need a stalk of fluxweed, knotgrass, a lacewing fly, a leech, powdered bicorn horn, and shredded bloomslang skin," I said in a stroke of breath, not even out of it yet. "Fluxweed, knotgrass, lacewing fly... You're making Veritaserum! Are you perhaps a potions master!" The man said surprised, he could recognize the potion from the ingredients, quite studied.

"I'm running an errand for a potions master friend of mine, he's brewing Veritaserum but unfortunately, he can't come due to some... complications," the salesclerk doesn't look convinced but doesn't push further and instead waved his wand and the ingredients came flying out of each different shelves and all packed up nicely in a brown paper package bag.

I haven't even really stepped foot into this shop and my package is ready?! How efficient! Well, I looked around and like any apothecary this one also has multiple shelves in rows, each shelf housing different herbs, fungi, and other materials. Behind the cashier counter however, stands a tall shelf with potions in them.

"Come with me to the counter," We passed in between two shelves with a lot of different kinds of grass, leaves and even branches of wood, this is definitely an accomplished apothecary if I've ever seen one. "Greg! This wizard is buying ingredients enough for a vial of Veritaserum. You'll complete with Jack, thank you very much sir do come again," the salesclerk amicably said before going up to serve other customers.

"I'm Greg and the total ingredients are worth 10 Galleons," that's relatively cheap, I slid 10 galleons on the counter and the cashier pocketed it with grace into a cupboard. "Thank you sir, do come again," the cashier smiled and showed us the way out, everybody's very polite, there's no British aristocratic arrogance.

"Where are we going next," Aria inquired as I looked at my clothes and then at Aria's clothes. "We're going to a clothing store, I'd like to fit in better into the wizarding world and maybe you'd like to get out of that tux," I stretched my hand to and waved at down from my tuxedo down to the pants as I did the same to her to further emphasize our predicament.

"Hmm... I think we walked passed a clothing store back there," Oh? I didn't notice, then we should turn back. I walked back and saw the shop Aria probably meant, 'Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions', just the shop for any wizard and witch. "Let's go in," I said to Aria and we stepped into the robes store.

"Welcome dears, what could I get you?" A lovely voice that could successfully mimic the kind old aunt that helps the abused kid in any family oppression movie appeared from in front of us. We set our eyes on the sender of the voice, a lady that looks to be in her 50s, still young yet getting older. "We would like to buy robes."

"Ah! Of course! Before that, I'm Monera Malkin, you can call me Madam Malkin! I have been the owner of this shop for over 100 years now, oh those good old days! Anyway, what kind of robe do you want? Dress robes? Travelling robes? Ministry robes?" Wait, wait... This woman is Madam Malkin? Then doesn't that mean she's more than 170 years old in the Harry Potter movies! Blimey!

I knew wizards could live long like Armando Dippet whom dies in his 300s but damn I thought otherwise! Well, need to take note that wizards and witches live long lives. "We need 4 robes, a robe fit for travel yet comfortable, a robe that could resist magic and extreme temperatures, lastly a robe that doesn't get dirty easily," I quickly calmed myself and said all the requirements.

Aria who doesn't know anything stayed silent beside me, if only I had the full series books right here with me, I could get her to read all of it and she would know what's up. "That's a lot of requirements but I could take it. For magic resistance, I have two type of common magic resistant fabric, acromantula silk or dragon hide."

"What's the difference?" Need more information. "Acromantula silk has less resistance than dragon hide but its much more comfortable and much lighter, allowing mobility in all terrain. Dragon hide however offers high resistant, impervious to most low standard spells but the equipment is a bit bulky and most only will wear it during battle or duels so I think we can cancel dragon hide?"

"Yes, we'll take the acromantula silk," sounds a lot better than dragon hide, I can't imagine wearing scales. "Ok, the next few requirements are easily done, now for the fitting," Madam Malkin swiftly summoned her wand and pointed it right at me, "Corps Mannequin Duplicate." After saying the chant in a French accent she diverted her wand elsewhere to a nearby women's mannequin.

Instantly, the previously women's mannequin morphed into a men's mannequin, and those that look like me? Is this how the Wizarding World measures body sizes? Incredible!