Crynn POV
Looks like he's tired of being locked in Britain, unable to go out, reminds me of myself before I died. "Why don't we talk for a minute," I spoke clearly, I guess the rest of the conversation would be smooth sailing. "There's a err... bench there," Newt Scamander invited me to sit down, I placed my briefcase to my right, Aria is still exploring around the fountain so I'll leave her be for now.
"First question, where were you before New York. I'm asking because this will be related to teh subject," I explained calmly as Newt Scamander tilted his head in suspicion. "In Egypt, looking for a sphinx, did not find any," well that's a huge coincidence! It's perfect! "Wonderful, I'm also in Egypt before arriving in Britain."
"So, I and my friend will be visiting the Department of Mysteries to return an object belonging to theirs from Egypt. Your only role is to accompany us and make something up to signify that you met me in Egypt along the way and if you are any lucky, the Department of Mysteries will send us on a road trip and you'll get yourself your international travel rights back, is that understandable?"
I talked in quick pronounciations yet slow tone to make it easier to get it in Newt Scamander's head. "Ehm... Let me get this straight, you want me to lie to the Department of Mysteries," he looks like he's hit a conundrum. "On the premise, a chance of getting back your international travel rights back. What can a lie hurt."
"A lie can put me to Azkaban!" Scamander hushed loudly, looking around to see if anyone heard him. "I have something valuable the Department of Mysteries want. If they caught your lie, it would be easy for me to have them let you go," I have that, and multiple objects belonging to a dead Malfoy on my hands, so I won't worry about that.
Newt Scamander seemed to contemplate deeply and for a second, he answered, "Fine, anything for my rights, I never destroyed New York." He mumbled that last sentence in resentment, I can understand him. "Well, show us the way to the elevators?" I asked as I stood up from the fancy black and gold bench, everything is just so over the top around here, in a good way.
"Why do I agree to this, this is barmy," I heard that! The wizards really haven't an whispering abilities do they, just cast Muffliato and no one will hear you, heh, magic. "Are we set?" Aria walked right to me upon seeing my return. "Yes we're set. We will be going to the one of the departments in the Ministry."
"You're a Mummy fan right? So in the last world while exploring Hamunaptra, I discovered something belonging to the department's, so if they asked you any questions, just basically be a Mummy fangirl, the first movie by the way," I whispered that entire paragraph, tiring. Aria excitedly gasped and nodded a few times with a big smile.
"Through here," Scamander sighed as we went inside an archway entrance to arrive into a circular room with 7 different elevators all around. "Where to go Mr. Scamander? The usual Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures or do you have any travel rights appointments left?"
An elevator operator in front of one of the elevators asked out, looks like he's familiar with Newt Scamander. "Err... Not this time Jimmy, my appointment's done, we're taking a ride to the 9th level," the operator looked in surprise. "Truly not your usual destination," Jimmy the elevator operator voiced out and opened out an old fashioned lift and invited everyone in.
"Thank you Jimmy," Newt Scamander said before pressing the ninth button. The elevator moved backwards, not upwards or downwards, but backwards! So advanced! And finally downwards. Ting! In less than 20 seconds, we've arrived in the ninth level, otherwise known as the Department of Mysteries.
"Worst decision of my life," Scamander muttered and heaved a long huge sigh of encouragement and walked forward. We went out the elevator room and immediately found ourselves faced with Department of Mysteries reception. "Welcome to the Department of Mysteries, how may I help you?" The witch on the front table asked politely.
"Tell your superiors that I've found a corpse with a silver plate that wrote Department of Mysteries Operative," I omit the name and some other information for privacy's sake. "Please wait a moment," she held up an ancient but new rotary dial telephone and wandlessly turned the dials around. Sadly, her conversation with the telephone is silenced! I cant hear a thing even though the witch's mouth is moving to form words, fascinating.
"A wizard will be here shortly, why don't you have a seat," the receptionist stretched her hand at a nearby waiting sofa. I took a seat as did Aria and Scamander, we would make a fine three musketeer. Yup, soon enough, barely a minute later, a wizard wearing a silver mask and long robes along with gloves that essentially covered most of his body came banging through one of the side doors.
"Are you the one reporting to have found a corpse of an operative. Let me repeat, is it operative and not researcher?" unaccompanied by a greeting, this man instantly went in! "Unless I'm blind, I'm sure it read operative on the metallic plate," I joked because the atmosphere is a tiny bit serious so a lightening would do.
"Operative, really! Any names?!" This wizard is rushed! "Err... before you answer, I'm afraid no unspeakable wears masks," Newt Scamander interjected right there. And yeah, unspeakables don't wear masks do they. Unless this wizard is an imposter! "We're Unspeakable Operatives! Not Unspeakable Researchers! They're different! All of you will write confidential agreements after this!"
"We wear masks, while the researchers don't! Now, any names?!" Okay, I just knew that there are two different unspeakable divisions which is interesting and this wizard looked very rushed. "There is, Brasidas Malfoy," I saw the wizard's eyes bulge in shock from behind the two mask eye holes.
And the wizard said, "Come with me."