Athánatoi Aporrofités Aímatos

Crynn POV

"Come on! Continue! Continue!" Mr. H really wants to hear the story's continuation. "But what awaits us is genuinely frightening. A colossal statue came alive, raging towards us. The outer skin is almost impervious to magic, powerful spells could only chip bits off the statue. That's when I had an idea, why not use their weapons back against them!"

"I used one of the fallen guards' golden spear and launched into the air, swiftly and I'm able to imbed the spear deep into the back of the statue's neck, specifically the blue stone powering it. By creating a crevice between the blue stone, we're able to launch an explosive strike that hit inside the crack and destroyed the statue," am I too enthusiastic because I'm certainly not when I fought against that giant!

"Then where exactly did you find the corpse and why didn't you bring it back?" Now that's the question I'd like to hear. "The tomb your operative broke into is not any normal resting place. It's housing an Ancient Egyptian vampire, still alive all this time!" Is this the third thunder of the day, I think it is because the unspeakable is once more, shocked.

"Vampire?! Impossible! Vampires could only live up to 500 years old! Unless you mean..." The unspeakable blabbered until he stopped and letting me answer it. "I'm talking about the vampires with no magical abilities but instead other scopes of abilities. Heard of the Volturi?" Looks like the unspeakable answered the same as I am.

"I should've known it's the 'Athánatoi Aporrofités Aímatos', to live that long, they're truly immortal," the unspeakable sighed but my question is, what the hell did he just say again? Please repeat, I only heard 'Athani Aprofit Amtos'? "I'm sorry what's that?" Newt Scamander asked, in my opinion, he shouldn't have asked.

"I forgot they don't teach that in school neither do the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. And I could see that although you knew about the Volturi, you never knew of their species. Just as we are human, they are the 'Athánatoi Aporrofités Aímatos', translated directly to Immortal Blood Suckers, it's modern Greek by the way, we're not using the ancient one anymore."

"They are as their name entails, immortal and they live off blood, we can call them vampires to make everything simpler. But unlike magical vampires, they have super speed, super strength, super hearing, and other supers added with a very sturdy body, resistant to magic and also high regeneration rate."

"If the vampire is lucky, upon transformation, they will get a supernatural ability. Actually, the chance of getting the ability is really high, so most needn't worry. These supernatural abilities differ from each other, some gain the ability to read memories, absolute sense of what's a lie and what's the truth, pyrokinesis, umbrakinesis, and lots, lots more."

"Basically, an average wizard won't hold a candle against, even 10 average wizards won't do a thing. They're very dangerous, and although the Wizarding World cooperates with them on some accounts, the cowards fear them too much to reach coexistence which is a big shame," and another sigh, this guy really laments, doesn't he?

"You can continue," ooh, finally, back to my turn. "Ok, we entered in the final room, a room filled with riches! Gold coins all over, precious weapons, gemstones, jewelry, artifacts, and other wonders. The vampire sat on the throne, a woman accompanying beside him on yet another throne. Both look exquisite as if they hadn't aged a day."

"Brasidas Malfoy however, aged tons. His body or atleast what's left of him was directly placed behind the throne. At this point, what remained was skeletons and black robes, his wand, his ring, his nameplate and whatever is in his robes. What attracted me was the placement of his hand. His body is lying on the floor but the arm stretched upwards and the skeletal hand seemed to have touched an object on top of a pedestal."

"Deem me curious! What would the Department of Mysteries want with the item. I touched and gently picked it up! Apparently, just touching the item made the sleeping vampire Godridden mad! Woke up and started shouting gibberish Ancient Egyptian, full of anger! You know what I smell that time, the scent of rotten eggs!"

"I was imediately shocked beyond belief because I knew that scent from anywhere! Posionous gas, Hydrogen Sulfide! We instantly reacted and with great haste left the room and blew the entrance, trapping the gas inside the room, guess we now know what ability this vampire has, control of gaseous substances."

"You can hold it there, I'm interested in this item, what is this item?" my story has ended anyway and my purpose of coming here has always been about this object and the continuation of this hidden slip mission. "Here, this is the item, a pearl," I held it up facing the bright skies of the rotunda as I bask in the pearl's smoothness, shininess, and etherealness.

I placed it on the table as the unspeakable gripped it up on gloved hands and began inspecting it closely, there's no signs of recognition though. Next, the unspeakable took out an object out of thin air, a very thick magnifying glass and he peered into it to look further under the pearl. The last thing he did was to pull out a metallic stick with metal ball connected to it through a rope.

He placed the ball directly above the pearl and the ball slowly floated and levitated, a minute later, the ball had hit the tall ceiling. "This small pearl looks to contain a very high magical power, full of energy but unfortunately, somehow sealed. If it hadn't been sealed, my dowser ball would've already broke through the roof."

"Is that it?" I asked trying to show, a most normal face. "No that's not it, I know for sure that an object this small containing that much power must have hidden secrets!"