Arabic Spells

Crynn POV

"الرمال واضحة (Google Translate Arabic to Sand Clear)," Newt softly chanted and steered the wand horizontally. The sand inside the building is slowly being extracted out into the desert in all areas and in the end, the building is wiped clean. "What was that?" I asked him, it sure sounded Arabic, maybe because it is.

"Erm... It's one of the few Arabic spells I learned before going to the Egypt. Apparently the Middle East have multitudes of spells to make their lives easier in the desert," well, that's delightful. I looked to the side and Aria seemed to be preparing to launch a magical arrow into the structure, why is that?

The shining golden arrow appeared and she lets go of the string. The arrow flying straight into the inside, lighting up a few dark spots and ultimately found a dark corridor as the arrow shone the way through, smart. "Magic Archery? A rare form of magic nowadays," Newt mumbled to himself as the arrow, punctured through the ground slowly dissipated into the air, the light no more.

I don't understand why Egyptians love their corridors so much. "Let's go in, then?" Aria said, this does bring back bad memories. "Any spells to disarm traps, Newt? Might want to use it right now before we go in," well don't blame me for not having the spells required for this, I would pay a lot for a spell to disarm traps especially when we're going on a trip visiting Ancient Egyptian ruins.

"Err... I do know an Arabic spell, they invented this spell because exploring their Wizarding Families Tombs prove to be immensely difficult as they're all wired with traps. نزع سلاح الخطر (Google Translate Arabic to Disarm Danger)," Newt's wand glowed a slight hue of yellow before disappearing, "There, done," Newt said.

We carefully stepped in the gates as the sturdy sand stone floors held us up, must be careful. [Hidden Slip Mission: You have entered into the 'Lost Forbidden Egyptian Catalog Library of Forbidden Books'. Find the 'Book of the Ocean' and bring it back to the Head of The Department of Mysteries Operatives.]

Now that's the notification I'm awaiting. I guess we now know what book we're looking for. Aria looked at me and I looked at her, we both nodded at the same time. She should've also received the message. "So, Newt. I believe I've some indication on what we're looking for," I started off, the first and most important information in everything is the name of the information.

"Oh?" He tilted his head and questioned. "We're looking for a book named 'Book of the Ocean'. I now know why this place looks familiar, it's the 'Lost Forbidden Egyptian Catalog Library of Forbidden Books'," this place probably houses a lot of books," Any library would have a ton of books, this building is not an exception of it.

"Never heard it," Newt spoke as we all made our way to the entrance of the corridor. "Lumos," I summoned my wand and created light, I have a torch but... why would I need it when I have magic! "Creepy, scary, dark corridor, totally doesn't scream insecurity," Aria peeked inside the darkness, not finding anything within.

"I'll lead the way," I can boast that although I may look brave in the moment, my heart is screaming loudly. "Proceed carefully," I warned and finally went into the corridor with a width of a meter which isn't small. And... a wall. Okay, around 70 feet in and we ran into a wall, essentially a dead end. "Where do we go from here?" That is a good question Aria.

"There's a dead end and a hole next to me, anyone got any guesses?" I manage to spot a gap in the wall to my right, a width enough to fit an arm inside. I concentrated my Lumos inside the gap and I found a lever. "Ok, there's a lever inside," I'm most certainly not putting my hand in it. "Newt? You did say that traps sare disarmed, why don't you pull the lever?"

"Ehm... I say that the traps should be disarmed, not must be disarmed. You see, must and should are different words," a bunch of excuses. "You're a wizard, can't you pull the lever with magic from outside the hole?" This is just like Hermione and the Devil's Snare, forgot about magic when we're wizards and witches.

"Right, right," Newt laughed sheepishly and held down his wand, the sound of the lever getting pulled down and the shift in gears indicated that a mechanism is activated. "What's the worst that can happen? The floors ope- AHHHH!!!" I tried to joke but the floor suddenly opened up and we dropped down to wherever's down!

Are we going to die? probably not. Are we going to be severely injured? Most likely a yes. "Arresto Momentum!" Newt shouted and a magical wind started to slow down our fall and such a coincidence, we have made it to the bottom where a pool of very dirty water awaited us, looks like we're supposed to land on the water.

Newt waved his wand and we were all floated to the floor next to the water and landed safely, still dry. "That was quite the experience," Aria spoke as she leaned on the wall, still surprised. "The Ancient Egyptians are too much!" Newt screamed in anger, I'm mostly unaffected because I've been through Hamunaptra, this has almost got nothing on me.

So? Where are we exactly? I looked around, the wall in three sides are built close to the water but one side is extended to a larger room! A very enormous hall. I walked closer into the hall and eventually, torches everywhere started lighting up magically, providing the sight to see. "Ehm... Newt? I thought Sphinxes aren't supposed to live down here?"

"Because they aren't, Sphinxes prefer to bask in the sun and stare at the skies," Newt replied back. "Then... Why is there a giant Sphinx in front of me?!"