Killing With Intent

Crynn POV

"Ready your bow, ready your wand, ready your fighting spirit and any cards you still have. Remember, Expelliarmus is to disarm and Protego creates a shield bubble to deflect most spells. But, it would be preferred to dodge every spell rather than blocking it because as I said again, it only blocks most spells, most weak spells, and I doubt the enemy will use weak spells."

Aria nodded as everything I said seeped into her brain, wouldn't want her using a Protego on any Avada Kedavras. "Killed anyone before?" I asked her before we join in the fray, I doubt she'd killed anyone. "I once saw someone die before my eyes, impaled by a giant sharp rebar through his chin and out from the back of his head, wasn't a pretty sight."

Oh? I'm sure that wasn't but seriously, not even I want to see that happen to anyone. "And your reactions at that time?" I can totally understand if she vomited or well, had to look for a psychiatrist. "I feel fine actually, watched a lot of gory films before. Though the spectators around all bawled their insides out, I guess I had good mentality?"

Ehm... sure, she feels fine, not normal but I will put the question for the future. "So? You ready? Ready for dead men and women, maybe some impaled by your arrows and others under the dark spells of the foes?" Just need to make sure, I don't worry about myself because I had experienced injuring people, although not to the extent of killing, it's still gruesome.

"Come on, Cry. I died once, by an arrow. You think I couldn't just about kill anyone, killing is not all about an action, it's about intent. Intent to harm and intent to protect is two completely different meanings. And I, I want to protect," ok, ok, if you're so sure, that's good thinking though. "How do you think we should approach the battle? Can you be our marksman for this operation?"

What's one of the most important aspects in war or generally in any conflict? Support, without support, an army is nothing, a soldier, all just cannon fodder without support. Air strikes, artillery, medic, long range firepower, all very important ratios needed to win a battle. And with an expert archer next to me, she could be the perfect sniper, like 'The White Death'.

(A.N : Simo Häyhä is a Finnish sniper, one of the best snipers in the whole world with a body count of more than 500 soviets that died under his bullet. Totally deserving and feared by the Red Army as 'The White Death', bringing death all the way from the vast white snowy terrain along the Finnish-Soviet war line in World War Two.)

"What's the range between this very short cliff and the meeting site? About 50 to 100 meters, I should be able to accurately aim at anyone, I've also learned that although the magical arrows have drop, they aren't however affected by wind speed, which will make my job a lot easier," she grinned, okay, I'll leave her here.

"Always, be vigilant on your surroundings," I reminded Aria before I jumped down the 2 meter tall cliff and rushed down, this is a good time to quit carrying my brief case and let it follow me around. BOOM!!! A giant explosion sounded from behind the cottage, Bombarda Maxima? Everything is going to get more chaotic, isn't it.

"Petrificus Totalus!" I shot out at a dark wizard, not paying attention to his back. I learned a long time ago that there's no honor in battle, just losers and winners, from there I knew, sneak attacks are the best kind of attacks. There's no shame attacking someone's back or even when they're down because they would do the same to you if you hadn't been first to do it to them.

The light of magic hit squarely on his back as the dark wizard froze in petrification and fell over. I immediately pulled my saber and made a slit on his neck, killing the dark wizard immediately. Intent to protect, sounds shady but sure. I turned my head to look at my left to see another dark wizard raise his wand to have a get go on me.

Swish! A sudden golden arrow came flying and directly punctured through the dark wizard's robes on his left chest. The dark wizard dropped his wand to clutch his chest but alas, the arrow probably stroke through the heart, killing him. I looked at where the arrow come from as I put a big thumbs up to Aria up on the cliff, great accuracy.

Next up, what's the most important thing to do to a dead person, two dead people. IS to loot them. You can call me a looter, a scavenger, it's in my blood. I grabbed both their wands and any rings they've got on their fingers, could either be precious or useful. Swoop!!! I looked towards the skies, a naughty dark witch on a broom stick is zooming in.

She's definitely heading for me, cackling loudly too, very cruelly. God?! She reminded me of Bellatrix Lestrange, not someone I'd like to mess with. Her wand is out as she sped down at me and as she made her way a meter ahead of me, I traced the broom's trajectory and slashed sword down. Cut!!! She doesn't suspect her thing as I chopped her broom in half before she could even fire off a curse.

The dark witch immediately fell tumbling and rolling down the sandy dirt surface of grass. "Petrificus Totalus," and petrified. It has become my favorite spell very recently, freezing the enemy equals to certain death for them. I plunged my sword down to the side of her neck and very fast arterial bleeding commences, no mercy for any enemy.

Roar!!! The dragon came in all berserk on the ground, spewing fire all over. Not to mention, Newt Scamander is climbing while simultaneously trying to ease the control on the dragon. Not his first rodeo, huh?