Attack on the Meet

*General POV

"And is this... Adolf Hitler as insignificant as you put it?" Earl Phantomhive questioned with a calculating look, not wanting to miss a single detail. "Staged a little coup against the weak muggle German government, failed, got into jail, wrote books, simply a small politician not worth our time," President Picquery replied and the earl nodded in agreement, ants always saty as ants.

"Anyone else we need to worry about?" The earl began once more, making a mental file over his head for lists of Grindelwald affiliates to investigate. "Why don't I just compile the list and I'll send it over to the British Ministry," not wanting to continue discussing suspects, the president decided to just folder 'em all up to be given at a later date.

"Don't send to just anyone within the ministry, you may send it to the king or simply the minister, trust no one," Earl Phantomhive gave an excellent advise, Grindelwald has his roots everywhere, spies crawling in the dark and rats ready to take that delicious cheese back to their rightful dark lord.

"You do realize the circumstances regarding the statute of secrecy?" The president questioned and the earl waved his hand, willing the president to talk, indicating that also he knew what the circumstances were. "Grindelwald is amassing a full army, you should know what this means, you should know what his intentions are!"

"Grindelwald has always made it his goal to conquer Europe in its full size, always made it clear in every of his glib speeches. It would certainly take an army with the size of tens to hundred of thousands to be able to invade," the earl said with a hand on his chin, thinking deeply of a solution to this big problem but he what he didn't understand was that the problem is much larger than that.

"Earl Phantomhive, Grindelwald doesn't only desire Europe, he wants the whole world, muggle, wizarding, and supernatural under his hands!" Now that is a big problem which the earl is having a hard time believeing. "Impossible! It's downright impossible for Grindelwald to make such a move! There too many factors acting as unbreakable obstacles!"

"Does Grindelwald think he's invincible?! There's the Qin in the East, Edo in the Far East, MCSAK in Southeast Asia, the UAMC in the South, lastly, let's not forget you folks and South America. Not to mention the Vatican, Tsars, and the ICW peace force. It's impossible for him to take over the world. Maybe the muggle world is easy but there's another problem."

"Let's ignore the muggle and wizarding for a second, what about the supernatural world? You think the Volturi will let a world takeover slide? Think the New Templars will just let Grindelwald roll in? I'm not even beginning to mention about the Old Man of the Mountain Assasination Group or Themiscyra or the infamous Indonesian Curse Organization."

"All of these are brackets that no one wants to cross, we live in our Wizarding Bubble, the Supernaturals and the Muggles on their own bubbles. Pop one, and all will pop all together, the world then will probably be... speaking terms, a macabre," Earl Phantomhive finished speaking with definitely a bunch of important information.

"Then what if I tell you that Grindelwald ha-" DING DONG DING DONG!!! The President was just about to speak something very prime when loud bells started ringing. "Ma'am!!! We're under attack!" A wizard opened the door to the cottage in a bang, panicking a lot. "Knew this would happen, let's continue our conversation some other time in private," the earl eavily sighed in annoyance.

"Who dare attack us?!" President Picquery stood up and flared in anger! "Grindelwald!"


Crynn POV

Wait. Just wait. Did I hear it wrong? Did I somehow heard about Adolf Hitler in a magical meeting? I heard it twice now! What the hell is this?! Is Adolf Hitler a wizard?! This is all kinds of f*ck! I tilted my head and locked eyes with Aria, both of us seem to give the same message of 'We'll talk about this later', through our eyes because this is indeed shocking.

Secondly, what's up with the supernatural. I thought the Wizarding World is all there is! Why is so many unexpected things keep popping up! I'm very frustrated, too many matters came beyond estimation! "Look! Spatial distortions in the air," Newt notified me and I looked at where his fingers are headed.

Holly Molly, did I just see 5 carriages and more than 10 wizards and witches on broomsticks came out from a black void swirl with their wands in their hands looking all offensive? I guessed right, anything couldn't get any more better, could it?! And is that Gellert f*cking Grindelwald! Should've known the dark lord of all dark lords would strike into the British-MACUSA meet.

"Looks like your old enemy has surfaced, Newt. Should we go greet him?" Luckily, I still had my penchant to joke, Newt looks pissed. I mean, Grindelwald is technically the one who resulted in Newt's international rights revoked. "Hmm... Wait, we should only take part if matters have turned over the top," patience is a virtue.

ROAR!!! A big black dragon with with spikes all over its head roared fiercely as it came out of the closing portal, I hate my life. "Is that over the top enough?" I should be terrified (I guess?), but my voice came out more into the pure mirth. "Err... right yes it is," Newt's eyes and facial expressions blacken, is he getting angry?

"Looks at what they did to the dragon! Enslaving it with a servitude collar! This is Morgana-unacceptable!" NEwt immediately rushed into the fields after that outburst of a declaration. Is it too much to say that he loved his magical creatures way too much, I mean... without the collar, I doubt the dragon wouldn't not try to kill us either way.

"What should we do?" Aria asked by my side. Well, ready for battle then.