Crynn POV
Hmm... where am I again? I feel my feet on some soft grainy ground, sand. Right, wizarding diplomatic island and if my eyes are correct, we're on the beach, viewing the ocean ahead of us. I seem to remember looking at the giant map and this island should be somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
"Have we arrived?" Aria looked around as I turned back, switching from the clear blue water to lush green palm trees brimming with vitality. "Err... we're definitely on an island," Newt held his head up while rubbing the temple. "We're surely on an island, a moderate sized one, where are these meetings usually held? Besides the island itself I mean."
"Ehm... They usually have a long wooden cottage," Newt answered for me. "It's probably in the center of this island, we need to move mainland," Aria peeked up, we're kinda' in an open place, and there's just one more problem. "We need masks, why didn't I think of masks earlier! The president will recognize I and Aria, she will also damn well recognize you, Newt."
"Then... Why would she recognize the two of you?" The one million dollar question right there that I don't want to bother answering. "We sort of... pissed her off," at least Aria answered for me as Newt just glances on weirdly. "Err... Mr. H gave me 3 masks before when the both of you were out having a conversation," why didn't you say earlier, I now felt as if a hundred crows were crowing above me.
Newt then pulled out three silver masks. Oval, has quite the design on it, would look really cool on anyone, I feel like a cultist wearing it. In fact, there's no straps connected to it to circle around the head, it sticks to your face even if it doesn't make out like it. It's like putting on a mascara that's neither cold nor wet, it just sticks but at the same time, there's no sensation of any adhesive. To put it simply, It's like not wearing a mask at all.
"So, we good to go?" Newt and Aria nodded as we moved into the palm trees, trying our best to be discreet and stealthy, I obviously excel in it, Newt and Aria... maybe a little bit of training would do but overall, they're doing a great job staying silent, knowing where to move. "There it is, diplomatic cottage," Newt said before pointing at the direction.
the cottage has two doors on two different sides, a British Ministry flag swaying over the right side and the MACUSA flag on the left side. The cottage is similar to the blue houses found on the South Korea-North Korea DMZ. Two horizontal roads in front of the doors, perhaps they are carriage runaways.
"Here they come," Aria spoke as she detected a space fluctuation over on the right side of the island. A roofless black carriage came out, followed by a golden colored carriage with a roof and finally another black carriage along with about a dozen guards on broomsticks, quite the escort number.
Meanwhile on the left side, a similar convoy came out but instead of the middle carriage being gold, it's instead painted with red, white and blue stripes, not missing the bald eagle and white stars, nationalism to the max. As they landed on the runways, long red carpets started to appear from the doorway down to each middle carriages front door.
"Everything normal?" I asked Aria and Newt, surveying the area for any irregularities. "Err... Not yet," great, everything's going well so far. The door on the British side opened grandly as someone went out of the carriage. Short, childish, devilishly handsome, eyepatch, Earl Ciel Phantomhive, got to watch out for him.
Behind him, also strolled out another man, tall, got style, an aura of danger and also protection, let's not forget that very neatly worn butler tuxedo, Sebastian Michaelis, I think that's his name? Let's switch sides to the Americans. That's obviously President Seraphina Picquery accompanied by an unidentified witch, all seems secure.
"So, why are we here when there's obviously loads of guards," I decided to ask in boredom because the diplomats have entered the cottage, the guards are on their stations unmoving, I don't know what to expect. "Maybe the guards are incompetent?" Aria gave out her opinion, might be liable in some ways or another.
"Hmm... Mr. H also gave us these devices you put inside the ear in order to listen in on their conversation," Newt pulled out what looks like wireless earphones to me. But sweet, I love eavesdropping, even if its ethically wrong, I'm always a true busybody. I plugged the earphones into my ears, time to listen in!
General POV
"It certainly is a pleasure to meet you Madam President," A child wearing a dark blue suit with tied ribbons greeted, but don't get fooled by his outer appearance when inside, he's a demon true and out. "I have to say that it's all my pleasure, Earl Phantomhive," the president politely greeted back before moving in to their respective diplomatic seats to begin their talk.
"Frankly, I want to get this over quickly just as much as you, I've attended two such British-Macusa meets and it never ended well," Earl Phantomhive began by speaking to keep this meeting short. "We'll finish when the topic's finished, I can't be expected to rush when the problem is certainly beyond complicated," the president does not reciprocate on the earl's views, a shame.
"Grindelwald, Europe's scourge, another war coming soon?" Ciel began rubbing his head in mock dizziness but we all know just how much headaches Grindelwald is bringing to everyone right now. "The circumstances are dire! Grindelwald's followers number in the hundreds of thousands first rate to third rate purebloods, all wanting to rise up their ranks!"
"And not only that! A prophetic source predicts another major muggle world war that will somehow align perfectly with the wizarding war coming! This is no mere coincidence," the president finished and gave room for the earl to talk. "What about his associates living about the muggles, have we got any information."
"There is one under our attention but we decided to put him off. A halfblood with too much nationalistic views about his country. Can't do in the Wizarding World, decided to be a muggle soldier instead, fought in the previous muggle world war. A German, now a dying muggle country without anymore a chance to stand up."
"And who is this man's name?" the earl seems interested and so, the president complied, "His name is Adolf? Should be... Adolf Hitler."