Crynn POV
"Earl Ciel Phantomhive?! That Ciel Phantomhive?!" Aria suddenly went full shock mode and asked unabashedly, what's wrong with her? I certainly do not find the name familiar, how could she? "Is there any other Ciel Phantomhives we know of? Err... there should only be one Ciel Phantomhive," Newt told her with a raised brow. What are they talking about? Please, someone?
"Yeah, there's only one Ciel Phantomhive. Head of the Aristocrats of Evil and famously known as the 'Queen's Watchdog' but now as the 'King's Watchdog'. Whom other earl to have the same standing of a duke when obviously is 2 ranks lower. No one I tell you, he's also immortal, married, still in the body of a 12 year old, never aging, very protected."
That's some great information on the British diplomat. We're looking at a 12 year old presumably male man with the title of an earl but as high as a duke, also immortal, gotcha'. Next, I'm gonna have to ask Aria on why she's so freaked out by this earl? Maybe he's from another trope that somehow got mixed up with Harry Potter, like the Mummy and Twilight isn't enough.
Aria soon got rid of her shock into a weird expression that made me puzzle a lot more. "I forgot! The Earl also wears an eyepatch, don't forget that," and an eyepatch as well? Noble pirate much? "When will we be proceeding to the meet?" I don't need to prep or anything but might as well know the time.
"Approximately... 10 minutes," Mr. H pulled out a dangling pocket watch to check the time. "Great! Of course we'll accept the job. Meanwhile, I and Aria should go have a little personal talk," I willingfully nodded because this task directly correspond with my bonus objective which is sweet, I love it.
"Hahaha! That's the answer I'm waiting for! Of course you can have your personal talk," Mr. H jovially laughed out loud and excused us. We exited the room and went face to face after a few paces away from the room. "So? What's with Ciel Phantomhive that got you in a twister?" Time to ask the question.
"Earl Ciel Phantomhive is not an ordinary man. Specifically, he's from an anime," that's an opener, anime mixing up in a world that consists of at least three movies combined, what could get worst. "Go on," I waved my hand to let her continue. "Ciel Phantomhive is a demon, he has a butler which is also a demon, and a friend slash subordinate, a grim reaper, you see the trouble now?"
Apparently, things CAN get worse, I can accept an immortal 12 year old demon? We have demons and grim reapers now. Only thing left to do is to collect the three Deathly Hallows and I can summon Death, you know, complete the crew. "So essentially, we need to watch out for the earl?" I shrugged, I don't watch anime except for a few selected ones, I actually like Naruto.
"We don't just watch out, we need to stay cautious at all times facing the earl. Somehow, he's married now, not in the original anime. He has certain supernatural abilities such as viewing of otherworldly realms and inflicting psychological torture. Guaranteed for an A+ insanity, the earl is a very dangerous man, Cry."
Ok... Dangerous just got jammed into my memory along with the Earl's name, right. "Anything else?" Got to make sure everything is good, being extra careful is never wrong. "His butler, Sebastian Michaelis is a dangerous demon, super strength, super speed, super hearing, loves throwing butter knives."
"Also has a little bit of a transformation ability, used only in the more dire of times. It basically transforms him into a human bird-cat. Fingers into talons, humanistic eyes into cat slits, wings, you get the general," that's clear now, got to really be wary of the earl and his butler, I can do this, we can do this.
"Is that everything? I believe that's everything, let's go back in," we walked into the room to find that Newt has done scribbling away on his letters and have given them to the unspeakable head. "By the way, congratulations on your brother's engagement, lovely girl," are they having small chat, about Newt's brother's engagement?
I seem to forget that the timeline went differently this time. Because Newt and us are trapped in an Ancient Egyptian Ruin, he is therefore not the object of engagement in the newspapers and magazines. "Ehh... My brother's engaged? Don't say, Leta," Newt gave out his guess very quickly and very much right.
"We're back, so, we good to go?" Mr. H and Newt turned their heads on me. "It should be a little early but better to be prompt than to be late, let's go," Mr. H checked the time and made a decision of leaving maybe a few minutes before the exact schedule which I don't mind at all. We took a stroll down the hallways and finally, 'Portal to Everywhere'.
"So, you three will be going to the Wizarding Diplomatic Island of William Joseon. It's an island sacred to housing every kind of wizarding diplomatic meet. From the Tsar-Edo peace signings to the Qin-MCSAK border placements, no doubt they pick this place to held the meet in hopes that the luck this place retains would be able to fight off the jinx."
Ok, apparently the Russian Empire and the Edo Dynasty of Japan had a wizarding war, huh? And a Qin Chinese with what I presume to be the Southeast Asians discussing how to split their borders, this is very very very interesting, I love it! "As per usual, step on the platform," I don't worry using the portal, it's way better than apparition.
"Roll 'em up!" The unspeakable shouted at the two sitting behind the control panels. Pushing the levers up as the giant rings started rotating. "You'll be departing in 3... 2... 1... I hope you'll return in one piece and all the good lucks!" And... I'm gone.