Crynn POV
"Right! So? Is this place big enough for an entire Ancient Egyptian library?" Mr. H asked with mirth. "It's only 3 shelves, 15 feet tall, 4 feet wide. It's got nothing on this room," I said the truth, it's only 3 moderately sized shelves but let's not forget, their golden shelves. "Then what are you waiting for then?" Mr. H is very interested in the pile of books.
"Newt, can you please bring out the three shelves for a second," I asked not asked Newt who is currently furiously scribbling letters to worn out relatives, worrying for his safety. "Regardless of it, my brother's going to kill me anyway," he did a short movement and wandlessly opened the briefcase on the floor before proceeding with a wand swipe.
A second later, the shelves floated out of the briefcase and appeared in each of its complete forms in front of us. "The Ancient Egyptians sure have class!" The unspeakable remarked as he slowly surveyed up and down the three golden shelves, shiny. "If you think this is class, you should've seen the previous tomb," much, much more value than this.
"What's most important is the books. If you've not got any use for it, why not donate it to the Department of Mysteries Operatives? You can always come and read it after its fully translated which will be a long and arduous process. Everyone around hates translating with a passion, too many unfamiliar characters and runes can make an unspeakable's brain blow."
I met eyes with Newt, signaling him to take the lead, whether he wants those books, or if he wants donate it instead. I and Aria shouldn't need any of the books so... decision comes to Newt. "Err... sure, just take it," Newt doesn't seem to have any extra opinions so we're all good! "Wonderful! We're most certainly grateful for these books donated to our ever-growing library section."
{Bonus Objectives Completed : }
{4. The Forbidden Library : Forbidden spots will stay forbidden until cracked. Steal and retrieve the Book of The Silver Star in the Lost Forbidden Egyptian Catalog Library of Forbidden Books located somewhere in Egypt and hand it over to the Director of The Department of Mysteries. (Rewards : Junior Explorer Title, 25000 Mission Merits) }
{6. The Magizoologist : What's a magizoologist without an animal and here, you are the animal! Have a magizoologist accompany you or you accompany a magizoologist for 30 days and stepping 20 meters further from the magizoologist will not be counted in the time (Rewards : Accompaniment, 10000 Mission Merit) }
Wut... I guess we did give all the books to the unspeakable head so that's completed. We also stayed with Newt for 3 months frozen in time. Yay for me! Two bonus objectives complete! I looked at Aria and she looked at me and nodded. "Now that we have done this job what about I send you both to another job!"
"No! No! No! No! I quit!" Before I could even say anything, Newt started stammering and refusing with crossed hands. "What about if I offer you an ancient manuscript detailing on a number of magical creatures, translated," wow! Mr. H just dropped the seduction bomb on Newt Scamander, no way he's gonna refuse that.
And of course, Newt's face turned to a constipated expression of want and reluctance, also denial. "I-I'll think about it," Newt gritted his teeth and answered. "Get back to me in five minutes, in the meanwhile, let me get these books sorted out before we talk," Mr. H turned the shelves and books smaller, enough to carry on both hands and strolled away, leaving us be for 5 minutes.
"Well, now that he's gone, I believe we're not properly acquainted with each other. My names Crynn Avter, she's Ariane Veil, we're sort of explorers," I said in front of Newt, introducing us both and stretching my hand forward. "Err... Newt Scamander, magizoologist, pleasure to be of your acquaintance," Newt awkwardly reached for my hand and shook it.
All left to do, is wait 5 minutes which went very quick as Mr. H returned in a flash. "Accept yet, Newt Scamander? I promise this mission doesn't have time stopping traps or any traps, you're not even going to a ruin. It's only a 30 minutes job, one hour tops," sounds good, I want hear it, and because its only between 30 to 60 minutes long, it won't affect my Paris schedule.
"Fine, what's the job," in the end, Newt Scamander could only succumb to the offer that is a very seductive ancient magical creatures manuscripts. "It's simple, attend the British-MACUSA diplomatic meet," I'm instantly in! "Oh are you kidding me! This is bollocks!" Newt instantly complained with a British curse word, what got to him?
"What's wrong with a simple diplomatic meet?" Aria herself asked, seemingly confused as well. "There's a lot of things wrong with the British-MACUSA diplomatic meet," Newt said first before Mr. H talked as well. "To put it ordinarily, the meet is somewhat jinxed. Every diplomatic meet the British Ministry and the MACUSA has conducted, it always went downhill, some ways or another."
"We can take a few examples from the past, the British-MACUSA diplomatic meet in some mountain thought to be dormant eventually erupted on site. The British-MACUSA-Japanese diplomatic meet in Japan, got the brunt of an earthquake and tsunami in its full force, it's just... terrible to say the least."
How unlucky is that? I think they should get a drink of Felix Felicis before attending the meet, because an erupting volcano, earthquake and a tsunami is horrible. "Now, you should know how dangerous this job is! Even if no one died, it's still a huge mess," Newt complained, looking to rethink of his decisions.
"The task is straightforward, you just need to protect the two diplomats until the meet is over," sounds easy enough but I know it's not going to be that easy especially after hearing about the circumstances the previous meets have produced. "Who are the diplomats?" Aria asked ahead of me, I'm also curious of that.
"President Seraphina Picquery of the MACUSA and Earl Ciel Phantomhive of the British Empire."