Time Skip (Not in the Way You Think)

Crynn POV

I saw the platform glowing blue and then... why is my clothes all dusty? Err... Why are there 5 unspeakables staring right at us? "Finally!" The unspeakable in the middle of the group said out loud while pretending to wipe a sweat. "What are you doing here, Unspeakable Head?" I asked first hand, polishing the dust off my robes.

"Err... why am I so dirty?" Newt looked down at his own robes and flicked his wand to get rid of all the dust and made his robes squeaky clean, I want that spell. "We just pulled you out of a very big trouble, my interns. The difficulties it put me and my team to get you off," I believe we're not in the same page here, Mr. H?

"I can see the confusion in all of your faces. What did I expect, a one day task, grab and leave. I waited a day, nothing came up, I waited two days, nothing as well. 5 days I waited, and I figured, maybe you had a bit of trouble. 10 days I waited, I thought, exploring ruins must be a hassle. And finally, 15 days I waited, and I thought, it can't be that long."

"Wait a second, we have just grabbed the book a few minutes ago," Aria called out, yeah, this is weird. "Now here's the problem, do you know how long time has passed?" The unspeakable head asked. "I'd guess, a long time?" I made my best confusion face I could exert from my facial muscles and it works splendidly.

"Yes, a while. It's been almost 3 months since the job," I'm sorry, but almost 3 months! Let's track, Grindelwald escaped 6 months after New York almost got destroyed by an Obscurus. And three months after the escape, Grindelwald went to Paris and almost destroyed it. You mean to say, Grindelwald's Paris visit is going to happen a few days later!

"I can see the shock, don't worry, you hadn't aged a day! The ICW has always reminded the Egyptian Ministry to clear out their old tombs, temples and ruins, they never listened. The three of you had months ago, tripped into a very intricate trap. It's a known trap that essentially activates because your blood don't match an Ancient Egyptian's blood, simple right, we're Anglo-Saxons here."

"And so, the trap activated, causing you all to freeze in time, wonderful. I can also guess why you didn't get out via apparition, this place has anti-spatial runes set up," ehm... We sort of forgot about using apparition but... sure, I guess it wouldn't have worked either way. "Although the runes are starting to waver up, it could still block of any spatial transmission and transportation around here."

"I mean, the Anicent Egyptian sure are crafty, aren't they? To invent a time stopper is a miracle in itself! This is a great discovery to our Department of Mysteries! Anyway, it's also very tricky, one wrong move by us, you may be completely aged or de-aged or ripped in time, or stopped in time for eternity, a lot of risks."

"That's also why we've only been able to deactivate this annoying trap after 2 and a half months so congratulations," this doesn't deserve a congratulations, at all. "Don't blame yourself, this trap is truly hidden! If I were the one exploring this building, I would've fallen for it just the same as you all, there's almost no way to avoid the trap."

Thank you for the compliment but it doesn't necessarily help a bunch. "So? You got the item?" Before I or anyone else could utter anything, Mr. H questioned once more. "We've got the whole library in Newt Scamander's briefcase," and also a bunch of gold but we can mention that later, now, the book is the most important.

"The whole library, is this place a library? Doesn't look like one but did you just say that you snagged the whole library away?" The unspeakable looked interested, might he be a man of books? Reading books is a way to widen your knowledge, widen your worldview, it really is important for anyone, especially young kids to read more books before embracing the world before them.

"Yes, the library only consists of three golden shelves along with a number of thick different books," that probably sums everything up, I need to really get out of here and start preparing for Paris, God I hate Paris. City of love and fashion my arse, more like city of thieves and liars, killer mimes and absolute discrimination to anyone incapable of speaking French.

"Hoho! Come come, let's get all of you back to the Department of Msteries Operatives! By the way, Newt. You really ought to write a couple dozen letters to you parents, grandparents and your brother, they're worried sick! The Department of Mysteries told them that you've gone on an errand but somehow, they thought you're killed by us. Some people just are senile aren't they, hehehe."

That's a creepy laugh right there, Newt nodded so everything should be find. "How do we get out? the most important question right now is that, I wouldn't even bother with the fact that we just time skipped almost three months into the future. "Easy, pull the lever. Now that trap has been deactivated, the lever should get us out with ease," hopefully it should.

Mr. H commanded an unspeakable wearing a bronze mask to go give the lever a nudge. What happened? The roof opened up and we on the platform, ascended upwards to the top of the building I presume! "Incredible aren't they, the Ancient Egyptians. Inventing an elevator in times where the anyone else is still very primitive."

"Anyway, we should be out of the spatial range, be ready for transport. I've called it in, approximately... now," we are immediately engulfed by light and appeared back in the Department of Mysteries Operatives standing on the 'Portal to Everywhere' platform. Now that's quick.