Gossiping on the Lovegoods

Crynn POV

"And why exactly are you going to Paris," that's a bit of a personal intrusion, Newt, but sure, I'll fill you in. "Let's just say, a certain wizard is holding a great speech there. I'm there to make sure everything's alright," that should be both vague and specific enough for Newt to figure out himself, oh this is delicious!

"And who're you making sure of?" no misunderstandings here. "Why, Paris of course, won't want it to burn down in a blaze of diabolical fire, hmm," Oh I just love these lobsters and the big fresh prawns. Although the spell, 'Protego Diabolica' is by far one of the coolest and badass spells I've ever seen, I still don't want to see it claiming millions of lives.

"And, when are you going," whoa, Newt, you've used 'and' as a sentence starter for three sentences straight. "Tomorrow, as fast as I can be," don't want to be late to Grindelwald's party. "So... Turns out, I'm also going to Paris and err... would you like to come with me," I thought Newt'd never asked, having an acclaimed magizoologist accompanying to Paris couldn't have been better.

"Of course, when'll we meet?" I also loved the medium rare steak. Whichever house elf made this would directly earn a Michelin three star, hell, I've eaten in Michelin three stars and they don't hold a candle against this. "Hmm... how about you come to my house at 9 in the morning?" I expected earlier as I usually woke at least at 5 o'clock but sure.

I nodded and continued finishing up my plate. There are more dishes but I guess I'm too full to eat 'em all even if I wanted to. "So, Newt, I heard you've found a number of fantastic magical beasts, am I right," I wished to try and troll Newt, this will be hilarious. "Ehm... Yes of course, I've discovered a few undiscovered species and others though extinct. Why do you ask?"

"Then, have you discovered the Crumple-Horned Snorkacks," yup, it's this guy, a magical creature made up by one Xenophilius Lovegood, it's just imagination, let's see how Newt responds. "Crumple-Horned Snorkacks?! You mean the Lovegood made ups?" What?! How did Newt know about it?! Isn't it a delusional beast made by Xenophilius Lovegood whom shouldn't be born in this time?!

"How do you know the Lovegoods?" I raised a brow at this, and Aria is like 'I don't know shit so I shouldn't join this shit'. "The Scamanders and the Lovegoods are 'close', but we haven't contacted each other since... since they joined Grindelwald's cause. Err... To be honest, I think they're a crazy bunch, every known Lovegood have been powerful, but lunatics nonetheless."

Did Newt just mock the Lovegoods behind their back, plus the Lovegoods joined Grindelwald? Unknown lore right there. "It was even rumored that the first Lovegood was descended from the Malfoys. A son turned mad from too much experimentations, the Malfoys decided to drop him out of the house."

"Oh the son didn't care, he only cared about his experiments. He also claimed that these experiments, whatever those are, are for the good of the world. And since he loves experiments and 'did' good from them. he changed his surname to Lovegood. Well, it's apparent that every Lovegood since then did do good, what's bad is their minds."

Newt really loves to gossip ain't he, I was just trying to prank him but it turned to Lovegood mocking talk session. "I mean, the Lovegoods even made this weird book which they lent me a while back full of weird magical creatures and illustrations of them, some adorable, some you wouldn't want to see for the rest of your life."

"The Crumple-Horned Snorkacks were one of them. And even if I see it has some mumbo jumbo an entire family of madmen made... I could've sworn I saw one flying above the Swedish skies. A skin of purple, laced with the beauty of the stars, a sparkling golden spiraling horn on its head and absolutely beautiful and innocent eyes with tiny wings."

"But the problem is, I can't be sure if I'm seeing a real creature or I'm under an illusion. I briefly closed my eyes, and the next second I opened, it's no where to be seen anymore. After that, I found myself debating if the Lovegoods' magical creature book is legit or if it's simply dreams plunged inside our minds, only to exist inside and not outside."

"Right," I think you could stop for a second, right. Ok, yeah, not asking anything else. "Hey, Newt. Queenie sort of teleported away, can I..." Jacob has returned from a lovers' quarrel and stood by the door, not knowing whether to step inside or wait until he's invited in. I think the answer's obvious, ain't it.

"Erm... come in Jacob, have a seat and have a slice of dinner," hmm... this tea is also wonderful, I've always known that British tea and Chinese tea are delicious teas, but magical British tea, reigns over all so far. "Err... I need to reintroduce you again, huh. Jacob Kowalski, this is Crynn Avter and Ariane Veil," we stood up and shook Jacob's hands the second time now.

"Nice to meet the both of you, Newt's friends?" he set himself down, grabbing the food one by one. "More like acquaintances from work," Aria answered for me, still drinking the tea, I don't know how they did it, but the very hot tea, somehow appeared hot yet not harming my mouth when I'm sipping it down, some spells probably.'

"So, Jacob. How's your bakery? Doing fine?" Newt, having not eaten, decided to finally take a bite. I also almost forgot that Jacob seemed to open a bakery in New York in the end of the first 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' movie. "It's going surprisingly well, successfully opened in 13 states," Jacob proudly said, that's certainly something to be proud of.

"How exactly did you regain your memory?" Newt questioned with squinted eyes, I would also like to know, please.