Jacob's Story

Crynn POV

"Have you seen my bakery, Newt?" Jacob starts off with a question and Newt shook his head, obviously hadn't had the chance to visit because of his international travel rights revocation. But, I know about the bakery, it's got these pastries and cakes modelling magical beasts, entirely illegal but hey, wizards don't mingle in muggle streets.

"One of the reasons my bakery flew off so well is because what I bake are these kuchens or just cake, anything with dough really and what's special are the shapes of it. I molded them mimicking the forms of the magical beasts I saw in your briefcase which I originally thought was all just my genius idea. And the second reason being that my baking is as the British said, 'Bloody' delicious!"

Newt held a hand up with a puzzled expression before speaking, "Wait, you mean to say you bake cakes with the appearances of my magical beasts?! That can't be possible, firstly, the memory wipe should've prevented any memory or even flashbacks regarding the Wizarding World. Secondly, even if you somehow managed to remember and baked magical beasts cakes, MACUSA aurors will come down and terminate you."

Jacob looked up and then down towards Newt, opening his mouth, "Wizards generally don't go down to roads overflowing with muggles, do they? And about my memories, you see, when I was serving my customers with happy welcoming smiles, I saw a very beautiful women in front of my shop through the windows."

"There she stood, graceful like the wind, and as soft as the oceans, as warm as the sun. You guessed it! It's Queenie! I don't know what happened then, it felt like my head was crashed by two steam trains and flashes of light entered my eyes! Though it's only a split second that I regained my bearing and remembered everything, you Newt, Tina, the wizards, Queenie."

"Err... Right, I don't need any descriptions, I just want to know how you got your memories back. Don't worry, I won't obliviate you," Newt looks like he's having more of a headache now, one hand pinching the side of his forehead, drawing circles to calm himself down. The other hand reaching down to scoop a spoonful of food to be eaten down.

"Queenie came to the solution that I could regain my memories back because I already had too many meaningful memories with Queenie, you Newt, Tina and your magical beasts. You know it Newt, you can never erase important memories because well, they're important, just like the banks locking their cash in their vaults, similar to my memories."

That's a nice clarification, the movie didn't exactly explain how Jacob came to get back his erased memories but that explanation would suffice. "Anyway, Newt, what's the story with these two," Jacob, not wanting to discuss more about his memories decided to divert the attention to I and Aria, he seemed rather curious.

"Oh? They are acquaintances from work," Newt completed short, very short, didn't even describe anything else, only that. "Nothing else?" Jacob suspiciously gazed at Newt, understanding that he isn't telling everything. "You probably did not know but I am stuck here in Britain, my international travel rights are revoked all because of New York."

"Crynn helped me in recovering my rights, traveled to Egypt for a while, more like a day that's actually three months but let's not dwell into that," hmm, bitter much, Newt. It's only three months, trapped underground in a desert temple, no biggie, considering that the stakes were his international travel rights, very vital rights.

"Well, nice to meet the both of you. I first met Newt in a bank to apply for loan. Needless to say, it went horribly, Newt showed me some eggs, I took one, and then it was about to hatch, Newt pulled out his wand to pull the egg, mistakenly pulled me as well. Apparently, Newt had a Niffler escapee rummaging around the deposit boxes, the banker saw it and thought that I was there to rob the bank."

"Newt froze the banker and tried wiping my memories but then I was quicker and hit Newt with a briefcase and ran away. My fiancé left me and upon opening the briefcase, I found it wasn't my briefcase and a bunch of magical creatures got out, I was bitten by one and Whoo! Newt and Tina came to my rescue, healed me and went out to recapture the escaped creatures."

"Long story short, I met Queenie, we were arrested, then out again, met a goblin gangster which gave us out and we were chased by the magical police, saw a rampaging obscurial, and saved New York, all in a few days work. Had my memories erased by a magic rain and I found some occamy eggshells, used it to open my very lucrative and successful bakery, done"

And it's all said in one huge breath. Ehm... Sorry but I'm not sure if I got everything that you said because it's just too fast but never mind, I watched the movie, I know the full story, blah blah blah, done. "Stories closed, err... Jacob, might you join us for a trip to Paris, just a few days at most," Newt invited Jacob on a not so safe trip to a not so safe city in yet a not so safe country

"With you, Newt?" Jacob asked the obvious question. "Yes, with I, Crynn, and Ms. Veil," yeah, it feels strange that he regards Aria as Ms. Veil. "You know, you could just refer to me by my first name rather than a miss, makes it sound like I'm an old lady," Aria suggested it to Newt as he apologetically smiled.

"It looks to be quite late, gentlemen, we need to get go. We'll arrive in time tomorrow Newt. It's been a nice dinner, wonderful dishes, definitely compliments to the chef or house elf," I stood up and said, Aria directly got up as well, following my movements, we soon said our farewells and out of the house.

"How dangerous will you rate Paris?" Aria asked as we strolled down the pavement, the night breeze in an unpolluted London is great, but will Paris be dangerous. "It will depend."