To Paris

Crynn POV

"Oh well, it's best not to plan these things. You just say whatever comes to you in the moment," Jacob said as reassuring as he possibly could, looking up at Newt then back down, secretly nodding. But I also think that, that is actually what you would want to do, practicing a script is definitely worse than speaking your hearts out freely when the time comes.

"She has eyes like a salamander," Newt begin, his eyes very optimistic, his heart on spot. "Don't say that," Jacob turned to Newt with alarming eyes like, 'What are you saying, bro?'. And Newt also looked before both of them shifted back forward. "Ahem, you just tell her that you miss her and that you came all the way to Paris to find her! She'll love that," Jacob doesn't look too sure himself.

"And then tell that you're losing sleep at night from thinking of her... Just don't nothing about no salamanders alright," Newt looked hesitant at that, appearing more worried and anxious. "Hey, hey, hey! All's gonna be right, we're in this together pal. Okay, I'm gonna help you out, I'm gonna help you find Tina, find Queenie and we'll be happy again just like old times." Jacob grabbed Newt's arms in encouragement but Newt is still hesitant.

"I think you should go with the salamander," I cleared my throat, drawing attention to the both of them, surprised. Jacob gave me the 'What?!' look while Newt is waiting for a 'why'. "One of the most important aspects in love is trust and if you said what Jacob said to you, you're not trusting for her to love what you think."

"It's just like saying that a follower only trusts the leader because of his political speeches, empty words, not his inside heart, that's not giving trust, only lies. And although what Jacob said may I guess be true if you're really not getting sleep and you're certainly going to Paris for her but it's not entirely truthful either because you're hiding your true views and not trusting these views to her."

"Secondly, love comes with knowing the other partner, which means she'll know your mannerisms. Saying what Jacob said will have her doubt what you said because it might not fit to your usual characteristics, whatever they are. So, I suggest just using the salamander eyes, I mean, it can't get anymore worse, can't it?" Great love advice right there, it's great right, hello?

"Wow, you might just be right!" Jacob was first to react with a stricken expression and two thumbs up. "Err... I'll go with that," Newt, very speechless, decided to go through with the 'you have eyes like a salamander' statement which sounds extremely... I don't know. "Who is this guy?" Jacob shifted a bit to the left, caught something in the edge of his vision, and full on turned.

On the far side, just on the edge of the tall cliffs overlooking the seas is a poorly dressed man. He could only be regarded as a penniless beggar in rags and a long old stick, and also a bucket. But we all know not to judge someone by their cover even if it's impossible not to do that but at least, we can try not to.

"He's the only way we could leave the country without any form of documentation and even if I had my travel rights back, I don't want to be followed by the ministry," Newt voiced as we slowly approach the man which is actually not a beggar but an illegal portkey enchanter. "You don't have motion sickness, do you?" Newt questioned all of us.

I don't, Aria shook her head but Jacob, "I don't do well on boats," well that's unfortunate. "You'll be fine," oh really fine, Newt, liar. "Leaves in one minute, 50 galleons," the man said in a heavy accent which could still be understood despite the voice tremors. "No, we said thirty," Newt argued with a frown, wrong price.

"30 to go to France, 20 not to tell anyone I saw Newt Scamander leaving the country illegally. Price of fame pal," he gave a very unconvincing smile, full of greed, and a stretched hand for those golden galleons. Newt reluctantly took out a handful of them in a pack and deposited right on top of the man's big open hand.

"Mhm, 10 seconds," the man started counting down with a neutral face. "Jacob," Newt gripped Jacob's left hand which he gave rather confusingly while I took Aria's hand on my right and Jacob's on my left. The bucket started trembling like there was an earthquake right underneath it. "3... 2... 1..." Newt quickly raised a foot and stepped into the bucket.

Newt's entire body blew out of proportions, sucked into the bucket, next was Jacob, I, and Aria. The only sound I could hear, was Jacob's terrified screech that would reach miles away and the fact that my ears felt like it's being crammed and uncrammed repeatedly. My entire body felt like liquid as my stomach sounded like it was very angry and is spewing hydrochloric acid all over.

I could see my head spinning, like literally. I don't know how it happened, but my eyes somehow exited their sockets and stared right back to my full body. I can say it's quite the wild ride. I effectively became a slime, then a polygon, then a storm of spirals. Ok, I'm really sick, not even carriage apparition is this bad.

Luckily, my mind is still clear, I can still think. And... woosh! I saw one by one, Newt vanished in front of me by yellow flashes, Jacob next and I am out! "Welcome to Paris," Newt said without batting an eyelash. I immediately regained my bearing, looking like I was experienced in this when I was not and just faking it all the way.

Aria staggered for a bit before collecting herself. Jacob was the worst, he fell down right away, lay unmoving for 5 seconds, tried standing up, it failed, fell again. Not at all recommended to anyone with motion sickness.