Place Cachée

Crynn POV

"So... When are you going to stand?" I knelt on one leg and looked downwards towards Jacob's figure, laying flat on the ground. "..." No response, is he dead, unconscious? Probably not, I thought to myself as I gazed up to Newt, scratching his head in bewilderment, motion sickness brings the worst out of people, in this case, the worst being knocked out in a random alley in the middle of Paris.

"Întineri (Google Translate Romania to Rejuvenate)," Newt spoke a spell that emits fresh green light, as flush as a tree leaf in a highly lush area. "One sec," Jacob suddenly raised a finger and one second later, he finally stood up in difficulty and had to place a hand on the alley wall to balance himself out.

"I'm not doing that again, what's it called?" Jacob also began kneading his temples to ease the brain pain, subsequently blinking his eyes over and over again to be rid of the slight sight inertia. "Portkey, one of the Wizarding World's most popular method of transportation, especially internationally," Newt explained, it sure is convenient but it's also painfully inconvenient.

"I don't like portkeys," Jacob began hammering his head on one side as well as quaking it to refocus and essentially, fully reboot his bodily functions. "Done yet?" Aria curiously asked, it's interesting to see how someone without any motion sickness can easily recover in comparison with Jacob, had to use a spell to get a literal rise from him.

"Yes, yes, where are we going again?" Jacob tried walking in baby steps, finally succeeding to really walk in adult steps after 10 steps. "Place Cachée, it's a Wizarding Street, just like Diagon Alley. I had information that Tina was last spotted there," ah is that the street where the circus took place in, if so then Newt's information is right.

"Ehm... I had also requested the illegal portkey tout to send us to a location just next to the street entrance," great, what's not great is the fact that I'm going to be walking around Paris with Napoleon's two sabers strapped to my hip, very bad, oh I need to get rid of these. I vanished the sabers right in front of everyone's eyes because I suppose it's normal for things to disappear in the Wizarding World, though it earned Newt's raised eyebrow.

"My sabers are considered famous and prized around France, you might not know it but I don't want anyone to notice it," I cleared my throat as Newt waved it away. "Ready, Jacob?" Newt asked exasperatedly in which Jacob raised a thumb but it's not sure whether he raised it willingly or reluctantly.

We strolled out of the Alley and went right because well... right is always right, right? Either way, right is actually very right, because just up the road stairs, is a very familiar statue that I saw in the movie. It's this lady made out of bronze, not the usual brown shiny bronze, but the corroded Statue of Liberty like, green oxidized bronze.

It's a small statue sitting on a 2 meter tall pedestal, very beautiful statue, but also very magical. There's also a police officer guarding right in front of the statue! Oh no! What are we going to do about it?! Yeah I know, very sarcastic because French muggle police officers are very easy to deal with, just a swish and a flick of, "Confundus," Newt chanted.

"HiHiHiHi *Hiccup* HiHiHiHi *Hiccup*," the police officer descended into a bunch of voice morphing, girly laughter and numerous hiccups, wouldn't want to be that guy. As if detecting that we're of the magical kind, the statue lowered itself and held part of the bronze statue to open the way through.

Jacob laughed at the police before getting pulled inside by Newt, I and Aria followed after, making our way into a brand new world. The street we came into, is like a parallel street to the street we came out of. They're both exactly the same, the only difference being one has muggle activity and muggle shops in it, as well as carriages and ancient cars, while this one, has magic.

Newt instantly ran down the stairs in a rush and placing his briefcase in the middle of the wide street. Thankfully, it's not rush hour and the street is almost empty except for a few passer bys. I mean, Newt needn't be so dramatic, even Jacob is confused. "What's he doing," Aria whispered in my ear as Newt got his wand out.

"He's tracking, playing events that happened in this exact street to be reviewed by him," complicated, I know, but it's not for Newt Scamander. "Appare Vestigium," Newt brought his wand in front of his mouth and said two magic words before blowing through it, simultaneously turning his body 360 degrees, gushing out golden glitter gas-not-gas.

The gas almost immediately disappeared but what didn't disappear are footsteps formed by the gas, retaining the golden color on the street "Accio niffler!" Newt pointed his wand at the briefcase and a niffler came fountaining out along with a couple of galleons. "Get looking, hey get looking!" Newt said once but had to say it twice because the niffler was in disarray.

Newt then plunged his wand into one of the footsteps on the edge of the street and the tracing spell formed an image of a magical creature, with head like a large wooden cup and long moustache like an old sage, it's a. "Japanese water demon, a Kappa!" The golden image soon formed another illumination, but this time, of a women walking away.

"Tina! Tina!" The women, Tina, slowly disappeared as Newt called out to her, his wand between his teeth, eww, gross. But, another clue arise in the form of the niffler, nose on the paement next to the main street like Tom the Cat or Jerry the Mouse looking for something. Newt came down to the Niffler, put a finger to the ground and then to his tongue.

What comes next is possible humiliating as Newt proceeds to lie on the pavement and lick the ground. "We're licking the dirt now," Jacob said with a sigh, looking around to see if anyone is witnessing this event or not. Newt finally got up and inserted the wand into his ear as the tip of the wand expanded into a cone, hearing the sound of the ground, not music, just the ground.

Newt seemed as if he had caught onto something and chanted, "Revelio."