Crynn POV
"Why's it raining all of the sudden," Jacob grumbled as he looked towards the sky. No one even thought of bringing an umbrella or two but thank God Newt's here. With a few disillusionment charms or as the or as some fanons call it, notice-me-not charms paired with some rain-repellent charms, essentially creating a small invisible cover above our heads that will block the rainwater, a miracle spell if I say so myself.
"It's raining because the sky says so," Aria shrugged, not incorrect, I mean, anything will happen when anyone says that it will happen. "Come on, the feather's still pointing," Newt pointed up where the feather from Yusuf Kama's head is insisting us to go whichever way it shows us to by doing consecutive moments of pointing forward.
"Argh, I hate the rain, everything's just so... gloomy," maybe that's because Queenie isn't currently with you, Jacob. Either way, we continued to walk in a relaxed fashion, no obstacles, just us and the road to find Yusuf Kama and oh is that a familiar silhouette I sight? "Wait a sec, maybe we could stop by for some French Patisserie?" Jacob asked, he's a baker after all.
"Err... We're kind of in a rush here?" Newt stopped and turned but Jacob really wants to try some French pastries. "Pain au chocolat? Maybe a half of Croissant? Bonbon?" I'm really concentrating here, familiar silhouette and this awfully familiar dialogue between Newt and Jacob, "How about after we meet Yusuf Kama," Newt said and aha! This is the scene where Queenie broke down on the pavement of some street and a Grindelwald acolyte comes, picks her up which will led to Queenie joining Grindelwald.
I'm a happy ending guy so nope, I'm not going to let that happen! "Guys, guys, guys. Calm down about your chocolates and doughs. Can we go that way for just a moment, I think I spotted someone I might recognize or maybe one of you will recognize her," I uttered in the flash, Queenie's grief is right about now, quick, quick, quick!
"Sure, why not," Newt briefly answered, that's great. Jacob is pretty grumpy right now, yeah the rain is pretty depressing to be honest. A left turn and ooh there she is! And I'm right, she is mentally collapsing, placing a briefcase beside her and putting down the umbrella. Queenie moves both her hands to clutch her ears in order to block all noises caused by her legilimency.
"That's! That's QUE-" I immediately put my hand in front of Jacob's mouth, silence, not a word. I then felt his mouth open up more and I immediately realized what he was up to, ain't gonna bit my hand! I directly redirected the palm of my hand to Jacob's chin and the other to the top of his head, pressing them together so his mouth wouldn't open, close one.
"Can you please be quiet, I want to see what will happen next," I advised Jacob but he's still struggling, though to no avail. "Someone is approaching her," Newt remarked but seriously, Grindelwald's goon really knows how to act quick and perhaps to pull in a potential sympathizer to his great and noble cause. What was it again, 'Für das Größere Wohl', 'For the Greater Good', right...
"Newt, any instant incapacitation spells that you know of?" I inquired Newt, because like, I really want to kidnap one of Grindelwald's acolytes. "Why did you ask?" Newt wondered, for him, it must look like a kind French is helping out Queenie but let me tell you, not to judge a woman by its cover.
"That's because the woman helping Ms. Goldstein is none other than Vinda Rosier, Grindelwald's loyal follower, here in Paris with him in fact," finally, Newt showed his shocked eyes, that's correct. Newt without any to wait, first chanted two disillusionment charms at Queenie and Rosier before... "Lux Trahere," Newt shoved the wand facing Rosier and she went tumbling down the streets, knocked out.
(A.N : 'Lux Trahere' according to Google Translate is Latin for 'Pull the Light'. Get it? Because when we're conscious, we could see our surroundings because there is light in the environment. And when the light is pulled from us, then we aren't able to see which means we're {Not really but...} technically unconscious.)
"That's easy enough, you can scream to your heart's content," I released my grasp on Jacob and he rushed forward with open arms while shouting Queenie's name out loud, so dramatic. "Well, could you lock Rosier up inside your Briefcase," I looked to Newt and he nodded, levitated the unconscious body into the very spacious (Understatement) briefcase.
"Jacob!" Queenie looked up towards the voice and when her eyes met Jacob's figure, she too ran forward in the middle of the rain, abandoning her umbrella and hugging Jacob tight. Am I in a Fantastic Beasts movie or am I in The Notebook? Because this awfully reminds me of the scene where the man and the woman kissed each other in the rain.
"How are you here?" Queenie asked with surprise, eventually believing in what she's currently seeing, Jacob in the flesh. "I'm here because you're here, you're my love and will be, forever," Jacob lovingly stroked Queenie short blonde hair, please refrain from doing such things in front of us singles, I can't stand it!
"How long will the incapacitation spell last?" I muttered next to Newt. "Hmm... A few minutes at best. But worry not, I placed her inside a den of Karazans, tiny African fairies that exudes a mist capable of rendering any adult wizards or witches 'senseless'," ding ding ding! Right choice, Mr. Newton Scamander just won a million dollars, I'm joking but damn, that's cruel.
"Anyway, are we going to be meeting with Yusuf Kama, or are we going to stay and watch the two lovebirds?" Aria and her sharp tongue, Jesus, tone it down a bit. But true, we really should get going and just throw out these two disgusting love suckers.
I never knew how much we single men and women hate to see public affection, now I know.