Crynn POV
"You two, I know the both of you love each other a lot but please. This is a public area, if you want to be very affectionate, you should do it privately," in the end, it wasn't me but Aria whom broke first. Looks like she understands the pain of us singles in front of these lovey dovey couples. See how you like that, Jacob! Queenie!
Newt coughed as well, seemingly embarrassed by the public display of love, at least he still has Tina while we have nobody. "Wait, I thought the both of you were a couple as well," pardon, Jacob? "Do we look like a couple to you, because we sure as hell aren't," I secretly nodded and I saw Aria's expressions agree, we are just acquaintances turning into friends I think.
"Fine, fine, jeez," Jacob surrendered and Queenie did a mock-head-shake. We are sitting outside of a random café, we didn't even order anything, no cakes, no coffee, no tea, just intruding and shamelessly putting our butts on their seats for no apparent reason. "Are you sure the guy we're looking for is here?" Jacob asked while looking around in the crowd.
"Definitely, err... the feather says so," well, Newt trapped the feather in a glass bowl he conjured, the feather is also ticking onto the glass ever so slightly, not overly moving which successfully indicates that yes, the guy we're looking for, Yusuf Kama is here. "So, anyway, what are you guys doing in Paris?" Queenie interjected, I think Queenie's sweet, it's a shame she fell to Grindelwald's side in the original movie.
"Jacob is here for you and Newt, well, Newt is here for Tina Goldstein and Credence Barebone," I answered for them as I held my head back against the chair, at least Paris has a cool breeze in which my hair would flow to, except, I hadn't had a haircut. procrastinated so many times, I need a haircut for my ever-growing hair.
"Really Jacob?" Queenie asked in surprise, certainly very moved by Jacob's actions. "Of course Queenie, I miss everything about you, I even miss the stuff that draw me nuts, like your mind reading. I was lucky to have someone like you even interested in anything I thought," Jacob passionately said, affecting Queenie to tears of joy and love, not another public affection.
They hugged once more, God enough! Switching to Newt, he seemed very distracted, looking blankly towards in front of him, unmoving, in deep thinking. "So, who are you looking for?" Queenie inquired, but Newt still absent-mindedly gazing at... nothing. "Ehm... Newt?" Queenie snapped him out of his empty state as Newt shook his head and turned to Queenie, "Sorry, what were you saying again?"
"Who are you looking for?" Queenie re-asked and this time, Newt is focused enough to answer. "A wizard, Yusuf Kama, he had contact with Tina in the Place Cachée Wizarding Street," Newt uttered as he anticipatingly waited for the wizard in name to come out. "Do you know what's funny? Tin said she's here on diplomatic auror duties but I asked the France Ministry's receptionists and they said that there's no Tina Goldstein on diplomatic auror duties."
"Credence, she's after him too, probably an undercover operation. Last night, the British ministry also gave me a request to assassinate Credence, I rejected, it's highly likely that they're sending someone else as well," essentially, Credence Barebone is a ticking time bomb, all countries in the west wants him down it seems like, not good.
"Tin, what do you get yourself into," Queenie muttered and sighed under her breathe, she should really worry. "What's this wizard-you're-looking-for's story?" Argh, not again. "Err... You'd need to ask Crynn for that, Merlin is it long," no, Newt, no, I'm not repeating that entire sad as hell tale of a sad as hell family, just not again!
"Well, you're going to have to ask the wizard himself cause I am not explaining it twice, too long for my and your own good," done, case closed, now where is this guy, what's taking him so long? A couple of eye drops shouldn't take that long, I mean, I know he has a parasite stuck in his eye but still, please don't make us wait.
"There he is," Aria looked past me and spoke to everyone. True enough, a French-African male dressed entirely in black except for the white buttoned shirt, it's very complimentary and I can talk a long while about his fashion but that's not the reason we're here, were we? Newt easily raised the bowl and the feather swiftly flew out and rejoined onto the man's hat.
"Sorry, are you Mr. Kama, Yusuf Kama?" Newt stood up in a flash and went up to Yusuf Kama together with Jacob, shouldn't you say hi first? Yusuf Kama frowned and turned, trying to walk away but Newt isn't having it. "Wait, err... So- Sorry, we're just wondering if you'd come across a friend of ours," Yusuf Kama still acts as if he doesn't know what Newt is talking about, at all.
"Tina Goldstein," Jacob added with extra emphasis. "Monsieur, Paris is a large city," Yusuf Kama replied with a less of a frown than previously. "She's an auror, and when aurors go missing, the ministry tend to go looking for 'em," Yusuf Kama frowned back, looking like he had just been intimidated, provoked, and blackmailed all at the same time.
"Well, then, it's probably better if we just report her absence," now that, that is a genuine blackmail, cheeky little Newton Scamander. If he reported it to the MACUSA, they will come to Paris, either to look for Tina Golstein, or to send more agents after Credence Barebone, thus will limit Yusuf Kama's field of operations.
Yusuf Kama squinted in anger but finally, in a second of decision, kept his cool out and fury inside before finally asking, "Is she tall?" That directly proves that Yusuf Kama indeed knew of Tina Goldstein, great, like I haven't already.