Tina Goldstein

Crynn POV

"Dark, rather..." Yusuf Kama continued before being interrupted, jeez, let the man talk for a sec. "Serious?" "Beautiful?" Jacob and Newt said at exactly the same time, words overrunning each other. But I mean, serious and beautiful are both very subjective, can't you think of anything else to say?

"You know, what I meant to say was she's very pretty," "She's also serious," once more, Jacob and Newt overlap each other, this is what happens when we don't plan who says what in this occasion. "I think I saw someone like this, last night," yeah I think I could do with some more French accent in my life, it sounds so good.

"Perhaps if I showed you where?" Yusuf Kama suggested with a very fake smile which both Newt and Jacob never noticed, and according to the movie, we're walking right into a trap. "If you wouldn't mind, that'd be..." Newt turned to Jacob whom nodded and shifted back to Yusuf Kama, "Err... That'd be lovely."

Yusuf Kama stared at Jacob and then onto Newt with an inexplicable gaze before leading away. And about 5 minutes later, we've reached our next destination. No one seems suspicious or even worried of following this man whom they just met, no one suspects a thing. Vigilance is something that's needed to be practiced more in the Wizarding World or everyone'll be digging their own graves.

But seriously though, not a single person in our entire group said anything when following Yusuf Kama into this dark sewer? This is insane! Aria showed me a puzzling look that clearly depicts the though of, 'Why are we entering such a dark, damp, corridor underneath a bridge in Paris?' Why I don't know, ask them instead.

We enter deeper going below a three step staircase into what looks like a big opening with light shining through its center, complete accommodation, wardrobes, bed, a small kitchen, all included. The bonus being, Tina Goldstein, awoken from the noise, rushing to stand up from the floor. Apparently, she looks to have fallen asleep on the bare ground with her head on a chair directly in front of a study table, wonder how that happened.

"Tina," Newt remarked, bringing Tina's whole figure into his eyes, full of adore and Jacob saluted for no reason. "Newt?" Tina looks shocked to find her ex-boyfriend? I guess they never did officially break up as Newt is indisposed when the hoax of his marriage came to be. At that moment, I heard a searing noise from my back, the sound of casting iron.

"Oh, no you don't," I instantly sliced at whatever's behind me and as I suspected, an metal door is quickly forming to lock us in but unfortunately for Yusuf Kama, I'm faster than him. With a single slice down, the casting stopped and the door evaporated. Yusuf Kama is clearly surprised and looked at me with wide eyes. He must be thinking how much of a bad idea it is to bring us into his little cubby hole.

"Kama!" Tina shoved Newt and Jacob away, even her sister whom is very happy to meet her. Yusuf Kama still had his wand raised, absolutely wary and ready to attack whenever any hostile movement is made. "Kama, put down the wand, we can talk!" Tina said out loud, trying to convince Kama, bt that isn't happening any time soon.

"I will talk! Once Credence is dead!" Yusuf Kama exclaimed with power, but sadly enough, the power is very restrained. "Kama, wait!" Tina tried to reason once more but can't get into Yusuf Kama's vengeful brain. "Either he dies, or I die!" Kama pointed the wand at us, his right eye is fidgeting, get to work parasite!

"No! No, no, no, no, no, no!" Yusuf Kama painfully put a hand on his eye and the other to bring his hat down. Slowly but surely, Yusuf Kama excruciatingly fell down, still clutching his right eye, that ended well. Tina face palmed, that's comical. "Well, that's not the best start to a rescue attempt," see the situation, Newt.

"Oh?! This a rescue attempt! You just lost me my only lead," Tina flared and strolled back to look at Newt, properly and intimidatingly. "Tin..." Queenie went forward to calm her sister down, but nope. "I told you to stay at home and when are you going to break this fragile relationship with a muggle, up?! Yes, that's you Jacob!" Yup, Tina Goldstein is really mad right now.

"Well, how's the interrogation going before we, err... turned up," good point there Newt. "Ahem, what about the Yusuf Kama guy?" Aria made an intentional cough which broke the argument as Newt rushed to check what's wrong with Yusuf Kama. "You need this man you said?" Newt surveyed the man on the ground.

"Yes, I think he knows where Credence is Mr. Scamander," wow, did she just call Newt, Mr. Scamander. That's not a very good sign. Newt is disturbed by it, Jacob had his mouth open and Queenie gave a face of disapproval to Tina. Great relationship goals. For a few seconds, the silence extended and nobody is willing to say anything.

ROAR!!! ROAR!!! ROAR!!! A loud and mighty roar generates from above us, ah great, the big magical lion is just on time. "That would be the Zouwu," more headaches for Newt. "How likely are your chances against the Zouwu?" I've seen the movie, it's a hundred percent but I want to know from the man himself.

"Err... Highly likely, won't put a tough fight. There's always a trick for every little giant creatures," ahh, boasting are you Newt? I can see why you're confident though, as the man who wrote the 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them', book, simply unchallenging. "You're going up against that giant beast and you're not afraid?!" Jacob shuddered upon thinking of the image he saw of the Zouwu, I would be afraid.

"You cannot be fearful in front of creatures, fear only brings wreckage, anger, destruction, killing. These creatures, all they want is to live, to love, to be in peace, why need to be fearful when we can coexist with them in one world," ooh, wonderful philosophy Newt, I acclaim you but it's not exactly the time for philosophy, is it? Not with a Zouwu running above ground.