Crynn POV
"I was away for three months on an errand in which I cannot contact anybody of. This errand was just finished yesterday, yes, yesterday," top notch reasoning, not sarcastic, maybe a little. "And what sort of errand?" Tina looked quite mad, not mad in the matter of anger but just mad 'mad' you know.
"I can't say," Newt looked down, pressing fingers together. "What's so secretive that you can't even tell me what the errand is?" Tina looks like she wants to scream all of it out but restrained, a lot. "I'm under an unbreakable contract," Newt said but I don't want this to continue, we are running out of time already going to The Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France.
"Can we or the both of you have this conversation in a later date. We have a timeline here to adhere to, Grindelwald will be rallying in a few hours and we need to find the box and we definitely have no more time to continue this useless argument, got it?" I practically commanded right there, I need no more headaches.
"We're continuing this conversation later," Tina yelled at Newt with a point before turning and glared at me, why me?! We walked up to the lantern pedestal with some statues carved onto it. As we stood side by side, large and small roots with different girths came from the four trees on the four corners.
These roots create room, housing us in but what's more incredible is next. Metal and dare I say wood in liquid form exited from under the ground and constructed metal walls with gaps where glass started to crystalize. The previously concrete floor changed colors and textures, certainly material too into unstained, polished white marble.
This is all so cool! I love this! The feel of being in the Magical World, where anything can happen! I know Aria is excited too but she is hiding it deeply beneath her eyes, is she used to masking her emotions, that's not too good for psychological health I don't think. The transformation stopped, leaving us with two different buttons.
Button number one says that it goes to the main lobby and front desk while button number two says that it goes to more access points? I can speak and understand a bit of French but its not very deep at all, just grazing the surface. I only learnt French because it is required for some of my 'business' back in France.
Tina pressed button number two and we zoomed down. Not 10 seconds later, the full Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France appeared on my eyes. It's bright and very pure in color, consisting only of white, white, white, white, with occasionally a bit of gray and black. It's also very artistic with statues around the place and hanging paintings, very beautiful paintings let me tell you.
"Lead the way," Tina said to Newt as he pushed forward to guide us out the elevator and to the box which is not here but fine. We exited and went forward, I and Aria is amazed at this place, very minimalistic showcasing French elegance and grace, unlike the British Ministry, showcasing arrogance and power which they clearly can boast about.
I mean, look around, it's a big rotunda with statues of winged men and women which I think are angels, who know and the map of the world along with a globe. Newt looks comfortable, and I followed his gaze, oh, that's why. Theseus Scamander is looking straight at Newt, bad news. "Looks like your brother is here for Grindelwald," I opiniated before Newt made a run for it.
"Err... You can't just disapparate out of the French Ministry without permission, can't you?" Newt hurriedly asked with the question ended by Tina's brief "Nope," popping the 'p'. "That's a shame," I don't think you can disapparate out of any ministry around the world. "Newt!" A shout startled us as Theseus Scamander cam charging out of some stairs.
"Oh that's your brother?" Tina questioned as we went running, we needn't escape at all, it's a four on one. Aria promptly looked back to fire 3 magical arrows at any one of Theseus Scamander's four limbs. Though he deflected all of it, the arrows just managed to slow him down. "Please don't kill my brother like you did on the island."
"Won't try to," Aria answered shortly. "What island?" Tina looked puzzled and this is no time for 20 questions! "Unbreakable contract, can't say," Tina huffed at that as we continued sprinting endlessly through round corridors. "Newt! Stop!" Theseus' warning came from behind, what a hassle. "I may have mentioned of my brother in several letters and we have quite a complicated relationship."
"Does he want to kill you?" Tina questioned for fun but instead met with a serious, "Frequently!" from Newt which I can't help but think he's joking because the seriousness is pretty fake if you ask me. We turned a sharp right to another big rotunda room, completely empty other than two crooked old man pushing carts full of bags, baggage and briefcases.'
"Enough!" Theseus shouted and verballessly blasted the entire content of the carts at us. Thankfully, Tina as an auror has fast reflexes enabling her to cast a pretty large shield bubble that suspended all the bags midair. "He needs to control his temper," ooh, Tina's feisty and with a flick, she conjured a rolling chair, tied Theseus hands together hit his face with wind and pushed his body onto the chair, rolling out of the room, fantastic.
"I think that might've been the best moment of my life," Newt snickered and grinned, bad brotherly relationship much? He set the bags back to the cart as the old men walked away as slowly as they could, we need to go, fast. "Where do we go next?" I'm not sweating, which is great, I hate sweating and after running this long, I usually show a few ticks of sweat.
"There, elevator, it will lead us down to the records room where it stores accurate family documentation dating back centuries and millenniums," nice, next trip, records room.