Records Room

Crynn POV

Ding... The soft sound rang and the doors opened, in front of the elevator is a single wide hallway towards an old lady behind a desk. "So, we'll just stroll through and get the box?" Tina's question went unanswered as we walked in fast strides towards the front desk. "Puis-je vous aider?" The old lady asked and I'm sure that meant, 'How can I help you?'.

"Yes, this is Leta Lestrange," Newt said up front, well, that was a big lie. Tina is like 'What????' as she turned to look at Newt with a boggled expression. "Right, I'm his... fiancé," Tina answered with a very unsure tone of voice and hidden within, a slight bit of sarcasm. The old lady just stares a us, okay, this is not working.

"Nope, Petrificus Totalus," I whispered and pointed my wand from behind Newt and my sudden spell cast took everyone by surprise, luckily, the old lady counts as one of them. The old lady froze and can't move any longer. "What are you doing?" Newt is stunned by my sudden incapacitation of the old lady, I respect the elderly but this elderly is no ordinary elderly.

"Look, to any's careful eye, they can easily summarize that Tina Goldstein is not Leta Lestrange by even a percentage. She doesn't look French, clearly an American, she doesn't even have the bearing, no offense. Also, the French lady won't even be convinced by your words just on the claus of how unconvincing you sound, no offense once more."

"Just... Ok," Newt can't say anything else and Tina is speechless. "Stupefy, Obliviate," Newt quickly knocked the old lady out and erased her memory regarding what just transpired. "Err... Now, we don't know how to open the door," Newt honestly sounded salty. "Not quite," I pressed a small button on the desk and the big door automatically opened up.

"We'll stay guard here, the both of you can go find the box," Newt accepted and went in and down the stairs. "Where do we hide the body?" Aria asked and I looked around, this is a big and open hallway so... "Under the desk," sorry old lady, this is disrespectful, I folded her hands and legs, stuffing her in the space beneath the desk, she would only be found if anyone would to look from behind the desk and not from the front side.

"Will this be okay?" Aria seemed hesitant. "Yes, it'll be all fine, I just need to act like the receptionist for a few minutes until Newt is done looking. You can just stand behind me or do whatever you want, I guess?" Okay, how to be French 101, I'll just say how can I help you in French if anyone came down here, I should still be able to get a little bit of French accent out.

"So, what do you think so far?" Time to make small talk in such a quiet place. "It's incredible, seeing dragons, Egypt, and a hidden side of Paris, all so wonderful," II have to agree with that but that's not what I'm asking in context. "No, how do you feel about being... reborn and sent to dangerous worlds for mission, this should be just the first stop before many for you."

"Hmm... When I died and woke up in nothingness, I felt literally as nothing as the environment. I was just floating endlessly for a second and a voice came from nowhere, saying how I was honored to be chosen and blah blah blah. Truthfully, I've had a very fulfilling life, I had friends and relatives who loves me, I live happy and so..."

"I guess, I need an adventure to top my life off and... I don't know, I'm excited in a lot of ways but also lonely, leaving my friends and relatives behind, at least I'm not here alone," wow, I don't know whether if I should be sad or happy hearing that. But I'm the same as her, a complete life with happiness and although short, it's already full, being 'reborn' is just adding an extra layer in my cup.

"Is this going to take any longer?" Aria suddenly said. "According to the movie, Newt and Tina will be having a very sweet romantic talk about salamander eyes at this exact moment, so yeah, it's going to take a while," Aria made a sigh hearing that, I know right, such a bother. Ding... A silent elevator sound made us shift our head straight to the opening elevator doors.

What came out was a very beautiful lady, walking as elegant as a crane meeting the sun, wearing a long purple dress with a deep neckline and a fashionable witch's hat. Ok, I know who this is and the real character is much, much more pretty than the actress in the movie, not that the actress isn't good looking though cause she is.

"La vieille sorcière a pris sa retraite tôt?" She answered in French which took me by surprise, let's translate that in my mind, 'The old hag retired early?" I think, I don't know but I know she's referring to the old French lady tucked away beneath the desk. "Oui, j'ai entendu dire qu'elle était tombée malade (yes, I heard she had fallen sick)," I spoke but no she hadn't.

"C'est malheureux. Je suis Leta Lestrange, ici pour accéder aux records de Lestrange," uhm... let me make that out. 'That's unfortunate. I'm Leta Lestrange, here to access the Lestrange records.' That's about it, I'm sure maybe. "Bien, laissez-moi vous envoyer (Right, let me send you in)," oh great, Newt please be faster this time.

I pressed the button and the door opened as I got up from my front seat and joined Leta as she entered the records room but unlike Newt, she went upstairs. "Tu sais, tu n'as pas besoin de me suivre, non?" Ehm... What was that? 'You do know, you don't need to follow me right?' Actually, it's best if I do.

(A.N : All the French is taken from Google Translate so if its very butchered or the grammar and vocab is all terrible, I'm just saying that I'm no French.