Crynn POV
"Il y a récemment beaucoup de cambriolages et quelques imitateurs, tout cela à cause d'un seul homme que toute l'Europe cherche (There's recently a lot of break-ins and some impersonators, all because of one man the entirety of Europe is after)," I totally just made that up in the nick of time, I think that's a good enough reason.
"Vous n'avez pas l'air français, vous n'en avez pas l'air aussi. Votre accent est un peu décalé," oh God did she just say, 'You don't look French, don't sound like one too. Your accent's a bit off.' Maybe because I just incapacitated the supposed French guarding the place. Why so many questions man.
"Peut-être parce que je ne suis pas français (Maybe because I'm not French)," I need topractice from French accent after this, I'm failing to look the part. "Oh vraiment, n'a pas d'importance," okay she just said, 'Oh really, doesn't matter.' Which is good, very good. We have arrived upstairs and are in a circular passageway, overlooking a lot of bronze colored pillars.
"Lestrange," Leta Lestrange declared and the pillars moved to her decree, shuffling about and rearranging themselves to find the pillar that contains the Lestrange records. Soon enough, the pillars stopped moving and only one individual pillar made its way down towards where Leta's standing, this going to end in Newt and Tina being discovered, isn't it?
Leta slowly opened the records and was evidently surprised to find only a single latter left from the records. She squinted and grabbed the letter, opening it to reveal its contents. "Quelqu'un est-il venu et a déplacé les disques?" Oh dear she just asked if anyone had come here to remove the records.
"Pas que je sache de (Not that I know of)," actually, I know but need to keep the pretense. Leta then noticed a small creature stuck in some of the pillar's crevices, a small little branch like magical creature, great. "Circumrota," Leta silently said without a wand in hand, the pillar rotated 180 degrees to reveal Newt and Tina on the pillar, hanging and looking like two deer caught in headlights.
"Hello, Newt," Leta said without any expressions meanwhile, Newt and Tina looked so, so awkward and out of place. "Hello Leta," Newt smiled wryly, can't do much really. "Hi," Tina said as Leta looked at her blankly. "Est-ce l'un de vos intrus habituels," she just asked me if this is one of my usual intruders and no of course not.
"Not really," I decided to answer in English, we're busted anyway. Leta raised an eyebrow at that but a sudden growl from behind distracted us. Three large black cats with glowing alien eyes came from a doorway looking very fierce. "What kind of cats are those?" Leta warily looked at the three approaching cats, this time, she had a wand.
"They're not cats, they're matagots. They're spirit familiars, they err... guard the Ministry. But they won't hurt you unless you-" Before even hearing the end of what Newt has to say, Leta had already raised her wand and shouted "Stupe-" Thank God my reflexes were as top notch, and I gripped her hand, redirecting the wand from the matagots to the roof, "-fy"
The magic hit the ceiling and chipped some marble off. "Unless you attack them," Newt finally finished, looking extremely horrified at the thought that Leta may have just caused an army of cats to chase after us if it were not for me, stopping it just in time. "Well, good then, you Newt's accomplice," The cats continued to growl but aren't attacking which confirms Newt's explanation as Leta heaved a sigh of relief and turned to ask me.
"No I'm not, I'm just here with him," I spoke as Newt and Tina carefully got off the pillars and onto stable ground. "Ehm... I'm here for Credence, the records could prove who he truly is, your brother or not?" Apparently, you don't discuss about Leta's brother in front of her as she immediately flared up.
"How many times do I have to tell anyone that my brother is dead!" She strongly objected but without substantial proof, any subjective objections won't count. "And secondly, someone moved my family tree to the Lestrange Mausoleum in the Cimetière du Père-Lachaise," with the mention of that, Newt and Tina both stared at me.
"What? I did mention going to the Ministry would be a waste of time, it has been moved," I shrugged and lightly whistled which annoyed Newt. "Is that letter vibrating?" Tina brought everyone's attention to the folded letter, Leta is clutching. "Touch based portkey!" Newt shouted before a blackhole sucked everyone in, matagots included.
Here we go again, at this point, the incredible whirling of my organs don't really faze me anymore. And we're out! I could've sworn the day was still young before we entered the Ministry, how did it get so dark so quick?! The matagots have turned from scary alien cats to cute gray French cats, sitting, purring and occasionally rubbing themselves, aww, so cute.
"Where are we?" Aria was first to say, well, in front of us was an entrance that looked eerily tomb-like. "I know this place anywhere, Cimetière du Père-Lachaise, and we're standing precisely in front of the Lestrange Mausoleum," Leta spoke, narrowing her eyes down towards the creepy crypt. "You mean we've just been thrown from one end of Paris to the other, great," Tina drawled.
"Hmm... Is this where you wanted us to go to in the first place, Crynn?" Now, Newt asks, it's a bit late, isn't it? "Yes it is, if my source of information is correct, then Grindelwald had already had the Lestrange family records moved all the way here from the Ministry. Also, when are you going to interrogate the unfortunate witch in which is residing in a den in your briefcase?"
"I'll surrender her to Theseus later, err... I'm afraid I'm not an expert in interrogation," okay, whatever Newt, now our primary objective is to prevent the destruction of Paris, an 'our' that only stands for me and Aria. It's gonna be difficult, I just know it.