It's a Trap

Crynn POV

"Can you tell me how I am," Credence looked very hopeful, his eyes suddenly bright and intense. "Wait, you know who Credence is?" Newt exclaimed with an accusing expression. "Save the best for last," that's a principle I often use especially when it concerns food, I always save the most delicious to the end and ate all the less delicious bits first.

Everyone became very attentive, their ears itching to hear what I'm about to say. "Credence, you've met with Irma Dugard, am I right?" I looked towards Credence who nodded and said, "She was killed right in front of me," everyone else raised their brows thinking what would anyone possibly achieve at killing Irma Dugard right in front of Credence, unless...

"Do you know who killed her?" I asked him, I could use a chair, I look more the storyteller sitting on a comfy couch. "It was a wizard, British, short blonde hair, a callous face, experienced, deadly, he looked at me like a viper would to a prey," that was quite the description, not enough to make anything out but I did remember who it was.

"Gunnar Grimmson, that's his name," I finished speaking, no one seems to know who he is except for Leta and Newt. "Gunnar Grimmson? British bounty hunter, that's probably who the British Ministry hired to track and assassinate you, Credence," Newt spoke and Leta nodded after, yes that's correct but there's also some other secrets.

"Do you know why Gunnar Grimmson aimed and killed Irma Dugard? Simple, Gunnar Grimmson was a double agent, he was sent to kill Credence Barebone but on Grindelwald's orders, he went after Irma Dugard instead. Specifically, to kill Irma Dugard in front of Credence Barebone," Credence looked like he was struck by lightning, he was shocked.

Newt looked at him in pity and Leta shook her head, this is all a very intricately made conspiracy. "Why would Grindelwald do that?" Credence looked up in betrayal, looking more downcast than before. "A man, depressed in anger is easier to convince and control than a calm man with clear sights," now Credence realizes how much he'd been manipulated.

"Grindelwald has connections everywhere," Tina remarked and sighed a few times, personal experience perhaps? "Oh right, have the both of you reconciled?" Out of nowhere, I asked as Tina and Newt blushed, I'll take that as a definite yes. "Now back to you," I gazed at Credence who is very gloomy like a British rain.

"I know who you are, Credence, I just need you to promise me not to ever join Grindelwald-" A sudden rumble and a lot of noises of different gestures cut me off my words, damn, is it time already. "Think about my offer," I said to Credence and if it sounded like a threat, I assure you, it's not.

A hidden door opened as the ray of light penetrating to the dark crypt, shall we? Newt slowly walked into the door an past it as everyone closely followed behind with their wands at the ready. What's inside is a circular stadium with hundreds of wizards and witches standing on the viewing steps, all focused on the stage below.

"This- This, everything is just bait, it's a trap! The box, it's all a lure," Newt looked positively horrified at the large and bustling gathering of basically all of France's purebloods or at least all of France's young purebloods, all wanting to a rise in their ladder of influence, all wanting not to be underestimated but to be praised.

"Is that Queenie and Jacob?" I said as Newt followed my line of sight to two figures, also just entered the room through another sliding stone door. "Queenie! Jacob!" Newt yelled with a wand raised to his mouth and a tube of sound waves came out and was directed instantly towards only Queenie and Jacob, probably a spell used to send messages to a specific person or group, clever.

Queenie and Jacob, hearing the voice quickly looked around and found us. They ran towards us as the crowd is getting more and more out of hand. "Why are the both of you here?" Newt sounded very anxious and I cannot blame him, this gathering is a catastrophe waiting to happen, it's a trap according to Admiral Ackbar's terms.

"We looked into this glass ball and saw images," Jacob explained and Queenie continued for him, "We saw Grindelwald in all his glory, you, Newt and Tin looking up with terrified eyes and a blaze of blue flames reaching the sky." That's all very accurate, I have to say, that's why I am here for, to prevent Paris' destruction under Protego Diabolica.

"You shouldn't be here, it's all a perfectly planned trap!" Tina warned but the rice had already turned to porridge, nothing more can be done. A slight shifting occurred and the doors behind us and all the other stone doors in the walls slid down and closed. "Don't go down, stay up, we have the high ground here," I immediately grabbed Tina's shoulders as she tried to descended down on the stairs but we can't have that happening.

"This is bad, aurors of the British and French Ministry will be here any second, a bloodbath would occur," Leta seem to know just how dangerous aurors are, any slight suspicious moment made by the crowd and the aurors will instantly react and kill whoever made the movement. "The aurors will panic and end up doing something utterly stupid!" Newt also realized that.

"Just don't every strike first, if someone pointed a wand at any one of us, don't do anything, let them fire first and then we would have justification to attack second," I effectively alerted everyone as the nodded, I'm already not anticipating this disastrous speech, it will go terribly, I can just feel it through the tingle of my skin.

"How will we do this," Aria looks very wary and clutched her bow tight. "We'll just have to wait and see."