Vision of the Future

Crynn POV

I slowly strolled left and put both my hands on the railways, getting a better view of everything. "How bad will it go?" Aria nervously asked beside me, Grindelwald hasn't shown up, he will be in a matter of seconds. "It will go as badly as it can get," I let out some air from my lungs, getting really tense here.

A loud sound of sliding metal came from the bottom of the room. Everyone went dead silent and looked down with anticipation. Soon, footsteps were heard, echoing around the quiet room and there he is, a handsome German man with intense white hair, wearing a dark blue long coat, lighter blue vest behind it and relaxed white buttoned up shirt.

What's noticeable to the discerning eye is the small vial and silver chains hung on the vest, rather beautifully actually. But only a few know what it really is, a blood pact vial. I have to say, Grindelwald really dresses coolly and arrogantly which is how any leader of any kind should be. Grindelwald walked up the round stage and looked at everyone.

"Grindelwald!" One fanatical shout later and the whole room bursts in exclaims and applauses. Grindelwald spread his arms wide for everyone, to welcome them all 'warmly' thugh he is clearly smirking with a gaze that clearly looks down on everyone but they're all too busy admiring him and being his fanatic to even realize that.

Grindelwald raised his arms to stop any noises left and started by walking to the left of the stage. "My brothers, my sisters, my friends, the great gift of your applause is not for me, no. It is for yourselves, you came today because of a craving and knowledge that the old ways serve us no longer."

I have to admit, Grindelwald is really great at conducting speeches, did he memorize his words or did he made it up on spot? Either way works for him, I guess. "You came because you crave something... new, something different. It is said that I hate the non-magiques, the muggles, the no-majs, the can't spells!" Along saying all the different names for people who don't have magic, someone in the crowd shouted 'Vermin', usual pureblood antiques.

"I do not hate them, I do not fight out of hatred, I see the muggles are not lesser, but different. Not worthless, but of other value. Not disposable but of a different disposition. Magic reigns only in rare souls, it is granted to those who do of higher things. Oh what a world we could make for all of humanity we who live for freedom, for truth and for love," Grindelwald showed a sympathetic face but I could see his smug inside.

"Are we really going to listen to this bullshit?" Aria said next to me, that's some strong language but yeah, everything Grindelwald manage to say is pretty much bullshit. "Yes we are for at least some more agonizing minutes," it's not agonizing per say, although the speech is really interesting and strong enough for anyone to be interested in, it's also very discriminating.

"The moment has come for me to share a vision of the future if we do not rise up and take our rightful place in the world," Abernathy went up to the stage, replacing the disappeared Vinda Rosier, no doubt in Newt's briefcase right now. Abernathy is holding a crystal skull, filled with smoke and fire. Connecting it is a tube in which Grindelwald sucked the smoke out.

He then kept the smoke inside his mouth and blew it out towards the stage. BOOM!!! DADADADADA!!! The sounds of bombs blowing, grenades fragmenting, lights flashing as a torrent of bullets was shot out! The smoke changed the scenery of the room, from a rally to war as fortifications was destroyed, buildings crumble, Japanese zero fighters kamikazed into American aircraft carriers!

And for the grand finale, a blinding light and deafening sound pushed us as a huge shockwave launched from the scenery, an immense size of clouds, smoke, rubble and radiation shot out to the air, forming a giant mushroom of destruction! The nuclear explosions of Hiroshima and Nagasaki devoured by our sights!

"This World War Two?" Aria whispered in shock as the surroundings dissipated into smoke. Everyone in the room started gasping and exclaiming, I took a peek at Newt and Tina, they look solemn and flabbergasted, blown out of their minds. "Yes, it is World War Two," I sighed, with this vision, Grindelwald will be able to gather followers times faster than he had already done.

"That! Is what we are fighting... That is the enemy, their arrogance, their power lust, their barbarism. How long will they take before they turn their weapons against us? Do nothing when I speak of this, you must remain clam and contain your emotions," Grindelwald said with fighting spirit first and serene tone next, this guy could easily be a first rate Hollywood.

A rumble and a door opened from a direction opposite to ours, led by Theseus Scamander, came in tens of aurors, both French and British, looking fierce and ready with a slight sensation of fear, attributed to Grindelwald. Another rumble and another door opened to reveal more wizards and witches, probably aurors, getting in the room.

And I spy with my eyes, an eagle embedded onto their robes, the MACUSA are here as well? This is not in the movie. Seeing the aurors flooding the room, or at least the highest level of the room, all the Grindelwald fanatics murmured and muttered, noise feeling the room in hushes of whispers and wariness.

"There are aurors here among us," once Grindelwald said it, everyone went into panic mode, teh purebloods started silently chatting once more, warning each other. Newt, hearing that, looked all around and easily spotted his brother as he returned the gaze. Theseus then shifted left, setting his eyes on Leta in the far left side, watching Grindelwald silently with no one by her side.

And this will all go bad in probably let's say 3 minutes.