Crynn POV
Theseus whispered something to his aurors and begun a very slow but ready descent downwards towards Grindelwald. But seriously, they're taking it really leisurely, a step down every 10 seconds, couldn't you pick up the pace. Then, the MACUSA aurors started following what the British and French are doing, only on another stairway.
Everyone around is staring at the aurors, I mean, the aurors all do look very trigger-happy. "They have killed many of my followers," Grindelwald said in resentment and disdain but as did everything he said, it's probably an act to entice more wizards and witches to follow behind his 'high' and 'mighty' banner.
"It is true, they confined and tortured me in New York. They struck down fellow wizards and witches for a simple crime of seeking the truth, because we want freedom, the anger and desire of revenge is true," he ended and I sighted one of his fanatics eyeing an auror strangely, murderously wit a glint of killing green on the edge of her eyes.
Crap! I know what will happen next, what should I do? What should I do? How far can my spells reach? I will know once I tested it now, won't I? I nervously stared at the auror still going down, nearing the steps in which the witch fanatic is on with her wand out. I summoned my wand and aimed precisely at the man, hope this works.
"Delabor," I muttered the tripping jinx and a wisp of barely noticeable red fog came out of my wand and moved towards the auror with speed, specifically towards the legs. "Avada Kedavra!" The witch fanatic chanted with hate towards the auror but she never expected for a red rope tied both the auror's legs together as he fell a step down, avoiding the killing curse by a few centimeters.
The killing curse went past and hit a fanatic behind the step where the auror previously stood on, effectively killing him in one shot. And as usual, gasps were heard throughout the room but this time, not to denounce the auror, but as an insult to the crazy witch fanatic, she got what she deserved.
"No!" Grindelwald said out loud, his anger apparent from his tone, seems like he never did expected this to happen, he'd need to improvise a few things. The aurors looked at the still surprised witch fanatic and the wizard fanatic standing right next to her looks absolutely horrified, possibly familial relationship?
Either way, Theseus disarmed the witch of her wand as the auror whom tripped, stared down incredulously and gratefully at his legs, tied by the magical rope, casting finite to dis-spell it. "We mustn't attack! We see our fellow wizard and witches as our brothers and sisters!" That's fast improvisation, Grindelwald.
"We attack not indiscriminately, we should not point our wands back at our blood!" Grindelwald warned as he approached upwards through the steps, the aurors backing off bit by bit as Grindelwald knelt down in front of the dead body. "Get this young fighter back to his family and led this day be known to all," Grindelwald calmly said as he closed the eyes of the dead.
From one to two to three to tens, all the wizards looked up and apparated out of the Mausoleum, enveloping themselves in black as the whirl of smokes rose and disappeared. It's just us, Newt and his friends, Theseus, MACUSA and the aurors, and of course, Grindelwald and his followers. This will be a clusterf*ck.
Grindelwald instantaneously pointed his wand at the edge of the stage, a mystical fire, black and dark, so hot it burned bright blue! He swiftly circled the entirety of the stage as the fire followed his wand, creating a circle of fire with him positioned in its center. The aurors near the flame flinched and retreated upwards the steps.
But, Grindelwald's followers stepped up onto the stage, unhurt by the fire like a test of loyalty. Abernathy reached first and apparated away, joined later by a few others but when it comes to Krall, the last of his followers, he burned in pain, torture and ultimately death. That's what folks whom aren't loyal to Grindelwald will receive.
"Firstly, I'd like to ask a question! Have any of you seen my friend, Vinda Rosier!" Grindelwald questioned as flames danced around him, Vinda Rosier? Hmm... Never heard of her... Oh! It's the witch Newt captured and imprisoned in a den of sleep fairies somewhere in his briefcase, can't say I've seen her besides that one time. The flames flared once more, seemingly to strike.
"Everyone, be careful! That spell is Protego Diabolica! It will protect whom the caster deems loyal and his allies, there's a big but! It will burn the caster's enemies to ashes!" I yelled but it's too late, Grindelwald had already swished his wand as the fire went on to envelop at least 5 aurors. Another 3 tried to escape by apparition but as they lift to the air in black smoke, the fire had reached and intercepted them, burning them alive.
"I remember you! You tried to prevent my escape!" Grindelwald growled and the fire shifted over to my direction! Oh shit! I and Aria jumped out of the way, me to the right and Aria to the left with a stretch of blue flames in between. "Remember! Steer clear of the fire!" I rolled toe vade another bout of fire launching, eventually making my way next to Newt.
"So, this has been fun," I sarcastically said as I met up with Newt and Tina, Jacob and Queenie appears to be running around. Yusuf, Credence, and Nagini is nowhere to be seen. "Where's Credence?" I asked, louder that I should be but whatever right. "They're hiding somewhere on the stands," that's helpful, just need to rummage around the f*cking fiery stands!
I looked around and saw practically what I expected, aurors getting burned one by one and not even to ashes, they just... evaporate. Oh boy, what to do?