Crynn POV
"Ok... This is good, this is good," it actually looks nice, the grip fits perfectly, the trigger easily accessible and the scope is an unexpected feature. "Heh, who do you think pulled it out," Aria smirked while grinning, showoff. "Well, you pulled it, you use it then," I tossed it back as Aria took it by her hand, looking surprised.
"Wait, what?" Aria questioned with an open mouth, I already have a sword and a handgun, why would I need a laser pistol for? Besides... "You're a great archer, you're already quite the expert with a bow. What's a gun compared to it?" Using a bow should be much more difficult than a gun, You need to pull a bow and properly aim to shoot, while a gun, just a press and bang! Shot.
"Ehm... I've never really used a gun..." She murmured, using a gun is simple, take off the safety if it has any, aim at something, press the trigger, you don't need to worry too much of bullet drop if the target isn't too far away. Actually, does laser pistols have laser drop? "So... do you just..." She muttered once more, raising the pistol and pressing back the trigger.
PEW!!! A straight red light emerged from the barrel as it went out in a laser beam. The laser travels slower than a bullet fired by a normal pistol but its still fast regardless as it hit right beside the ATM and a forcefield forcefully disintegrated the shot as it turned to dust? Gas, that's the right word. "That is dangerous," Aria pointed out the obvious.
The gun sure looks fun to use though I can imagine the gore in seeing the laser melt right through someone's abdomen. I guess it's no wonder stormtrooper armor are so easily pierced through, I mean, it did say that the laser is enough to penetrate a centimeter of steel which is certainly no easy feet for any weapon.
"Are you sure you don't want this?" Aria spun the pistol around her finger, as attractive as it is, I already have my own gear and so I shook my head, no regrets. "Then don't mind if I do," the pistol disappeared, probably into her inventory, pretty nifty. "How about now, You spin the wheel," the wheel of fortune is a scam, but here, it shouldn't be one.
"Do I just stand in front of it then? Or do I have to physically turn it?" Aria slowly strolled to the lottery wheel, very bright, very attractive also very addictive. "You just stand right in front a screen should pop up," as I said it, Aria seem to have found the screen in front as her finger moved to touch it, and I can bet all in that she'll be pressing the big 'YES' button.
And the wheel spins! from slow to fast, the colors all mixed up and nothing can be seen or predicted. This is all luck, and luck I have a lot of. Aria however, I can't be too sure about. The wheel continues to rotate wildly before it considerably lost momentum and started to be put on a grand stopper!
What does she get, what does she get? A key? It looks ancient enough to be a key from the 19th century except for the fact that it's very golden and very shiny unlike the usual bronze and rusted ones. For a matter of fact, it also glows purple which could only mean one thing, it's a purple item which is always good.
"Hmm... This is useful," Aria spoke, a golden key, what could it be? I have absolutely no idea, a key can't be a weapon, can't it? Well, I guess anything is possible around here eh? "It's a skeleton key," Aria said, handing me the golden key. There's just one problem, skeleton keys don't look like these at all.
What are skeleton keys? Skeleton keys are keys which teeth, cuts and notches have been removed to a completely straight line leaving only the larger tip end remaining. This is to allow the key to be able to bypass most locks easily, pushing right in without having to worry about the inner lock's locking mechanism.
This one however looks like a legit key to some specific lock. Ancient 19th century skeleton keys have their key wards hollowed out but this one isn't which is not a characteristic skeleton keys have. Now although I severely doubt the legitimacy of this skeleton key, if the description says it is genuinely a skeleton key then it IS a skeleton key.
{Golden Skeleton Key}
{Purple Skeleton Key)
{What is the most important tool for a fully fledged thief? Many would say a lock pick and although I wouldn't consider that incorrect, it's still not the best. What is the best however is these magical skeleton keys used for centuries by the Thiefs Guild, capable of unlocking most locks, any type of lock you can imagine.}
{From a computer password locks, biometric scanner locks, normal door locks, anything you can think of that is either locked or unopened, you can open, at least you can open most of them. After all, it's still a lower grade compared to the diamond skeleton key, a real deal that one let me just say.}
{Limited Access: You think this skeleton key is for unlimited use? Who do you think you are? God? Of course it's limited to only three uses, not more.}
{Lock Opener: Open locks with ease the advertisement to this product might say, and I have to say, it's completely correct. Just position this key right in front of the lock you want to crack and if it's not too high graded, the lock will be unlocked.}
Okay, a skeleton lock that can unlock all type of locks, I guess I could believe in this even if this is quite the fantasy item. "Mind if I carry this?" This is absolutely the perfect item for me although I need to choose wisely what to use it on. "Go for it," Aria shrugged, and it's mine, ho ho ho.