BlasTech Industries DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol

Crynn POV

"So, thrilling experience?" I laughed and asked as we emerge to this room empty like a void except for a few trinkets here and there. There's actually a sofa now and a short coffee table with some fresh refreshments on top of it. "If you consider near death as thrilling then I'd have to agree," well then, it's frustratingly thrilling!

"Are my eyes blind the last time I'm here or is this sofa, coffee table and that ATM machine not here before?" Aria questioned as she slumped down on the fluffy sofa, her body sinking in it relaxingly as she grabbed one of the jugs on the table and poured herself a cool glass of orange juice, mhm, I need one of those. But anyway, ATM? That's different, what might be its uses?

{Mission : Fantastic Beasts : The Crimes of Grindelwald : Prevent the Destruction of Paris (Accomplished) (Rewards : Hard Reward Box, Lottery Chance, 10000 Mission Merits) }

{Bonus Objectives Completed : }

{2. The Bodyguard : Ambushes, hidden attacks, secret strikes, all are categories under the pretense of underhanded tactics and that is exactly what's gonna happen! Attend and protect the British-MACUSA meet in the small Wizarding Diplomatic Island of William Joseon. (Rewards : Defender Title, 20000 Mission Merits) }

{4. The Forbidden Library : Forbidden spots will stay forbidden until cracked. Steal and retrieve the Book of The Silver Star in the Lost Forbidden Egyptian Catalog Library of Forbidden Books located somewhere in Egypt and hand it over to the Director of The Department of Mysteries. (Rewards : Junior Explorer Title, 25000 Mission Merits) }

{6. The Magizoologist : What's a magizoologist without an animal and here, you are the animal! Have a magizoologist accompany you or you accompany a magizoologist for 30 days and stepping 20 meters further from the magizoologist will not be counted in the time (Rewards : Accompaniment Title, 10000 Mission Merit) }

{Total Rewards : Defender, Junior Explorer, Accompaniment, Hard Reward Box, Lottery Chance, 65000 Mission Merits}

Good God! 65000 mission merits! And I don't even have any idea what I could use it for other than time skipping and having Aria learning books. The former could be useful in times and the latter is actually really useful. Let's not forget the three new titles we've got! I opened my title panel to check out what these titles entail.

{Defender (Title) : Increase 5% strength, 5% endurance, and 5% defense when defending someone or something.}

{Junior Explorer (Title) : Enables slight trap sense, focus well enough, discover all kinds of traps!}

{Accompaniment (Title) : Increase 10% favorability towards someone you're travelling together with.}

Ok this is all very useful, now to distribute the titles. "Have you checked the new titles?" Aria raised her brows and replied with a, "Wait a sec." After a second passes, Aria opened her mouth to speak, did she only check the titles for a precise second? When people usually say wait a second, they usually mean much longer than 10 seconds even more than a minute.

"How about you take the Defender Title and the Accompaniment Title while I take the Junior Explorer Title," Aria decided, I guess she wants to be the trap detector huh, that's actually a very useful skill. "Sure then," I accepted wholeheartedly and immediately pushed the titles into my my remaining title slots.

"Why don't you open the hard reward box and go for the lottery in the mean time," I have to admit, you get kind of addicted opening reward boxes and playing lotteries whether it's after death or before death. "You don't want to open it?" Aria asked and so I gave my reasoning, "I've already opened the boxes and played the lottery twice, it's your turn now."

"Don't mind if I do then," Aria smiled unabashedly and grinned widely, is opening boxes and spinning lottery wheels this exciting? Aria released the box as it floated into the air in front of us, spinning wildly as the cover started bouncing around, slipping out. Vibrant blue seeped out from the top as the cover blew open.

And what comes next, the item deposited out, landing right onto Aria's hands. What is it? It is a unique looking pistol which I admit, I found very familiar. It's got a thin pear-like brown handle, a rectangular structure with a short thick barrel with a cone muzzle. But what's intriguing is that a long scope almost longer in length than the pistol is connected by its side.

Aria stared at the pistol, her eyes moving from left to right and gradually downwards while her lips subtly moved in some occasions. She should be reading the description, blue weapon huh, if my gaming knowledge is as mainstream as I believed it to be, then blue should be a tier lower than purple, I guess?

"So, what is it? It looks like something out of George Lucas' Set Studio," I laughed and said as Aria finished reading and looked up from the pistol, turning towards me. "Maybe it is, check it out," Aria smiled and tossed the weapon over and I caught it mid air without a hassle. Don't say it's something from Star Wars.

{BlasTech Industries DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol}

{Blue Laser Pistol)

{By focusing energy towards a central point where energy enriched gas is gathered in, this pistol can fire a laser blast hot enough to melt and pierce through a centimeter of steel cover. Not only that, the range in which the energy won't transfer to is up to 500 meters in distance with a moderate firing rate.}

{Although not as modified or heavily damaging as Han Solo's self-modified DL-44 Heavy Blaster, this weapon as its name implies still deals heavy damage. Complete with a long scope to snipe out distant enemies, it also comes in with a completely new feature among BlasTech pistols, that is the charge function and the rapid fire trigger.}


{Charge Shot: By holding down the trigger for 5 seconds, a much more energized and condensed laser beam 1.5 times much powerful than ordinary shots would instantly fire out of the barrel. Unfortunately, this charge shot will deem the weapon overheated for a critical 5 seconds before it could resume operations. The other downside is also the effective firing distance which is effectively halved as a result of the much more unstable energy the beam stores.}

{Rapid Shot: On pressing down the gun hammer 2 times in swift succession and then pressing the trigger, the pistol will release a 10 shot extremely fast paced small lasers each with a damage equals to 0.2 of ordinary shots. This will also cause the pistol to overheat in a short 2 seconds before it could resume operations.}

Well damn, turns out, it IS an item taken straight from George Lucas', more specifically STAR WARS, set studios.