Calian POV
Jill is wearing a collared navy blue short sleeved tactical shirt but that's not my focus of attention. She has also don on a black bulletproof vest with some pockets attached to its side-fronts and a large S.T.A.R.S writing plastered in white on the bulletproof chest. Her pants are also a similar dark navy color with a handgun holster on the left and some pockets as well as a knife strapped to the right.
Damn, she looked... simply said good. "Why is this different?" One of her eyebrows shot up as she asked me the question. "Don't you usually wear the light blue collarless shirt, gun straps tied to your waist, the two shoulder pads and beret?" Because that's what she wore as S.T.A.R.S in the first game and as a changeable outfit in the third game.
"Oh that? That's a personal outfit which I usually wear use on more casual tasks and what I'm wearing right now is the more serious gear for more dangerous cases like bank robberies, raiding illegal drug transaction meetings and generally along the type," wait, wait, wait, isn't there something wrong here?
"So... The Arklay Mansion Incident isn't serious?" Because if that's not serious enough, nothing will be serious enough. "That... That was supposed to be a casual mountain hike in which we investigate wild animals around a mansion, we never expected the mansion to be a f*cking hell-hole where most of the S.T.A.R.S team is dead."
Yeah, expectations vs reality, it always ended up with reality winning. "Well, you do look like a woman ready to face the world," I complemented her as she smiled and folded her arms. "Mind me asking, where you put away your grenade launcher and shotgun?" I still have my silenced submachinegun on me, but where did two of her weapons go to?
"Ah right, I accidently discovered something, I was also wondering where my shotty and grenade launcher have gone to when a screen suddenly appeared before my very eyes. It was 6 rows and four columns of 24 boxes and some of the boxes are merged and in those merged boxes I found my grenade launcher and shotgun. Mind explaining?"
I genuinely envy that, ooh how good would it be to be a game character. "That was your inventory, most characters in different games have inventory space, I too never expected you to have such a... cheat," not that I haven't had one, I actually also have an inventory. But the problem is, my inventory on stems out towards the items 'given' to me by the Gods, presumably so The difference is, Jill could probably store all types of items while I can only store specific things.
"That's great then, I don't need to carry so much mass in the future," good for you, so is there anything left to do? We've opened our box and spun our lottery, we checked the store for goods, we opened and used those goods, yeah, the only action left hanging is to pull down that slot machine!
"So, Jill, ready for your first official mission cause the last one didn't count," actually, I'm pretty sure it didn't, right? "How does the missions work?" Jill questioned, sounding intrigued, I still don't get how she could get this whole situation over with so fast. I have to admit, first time in the void, I panicked a little, only a little though, totally didn't scream like a little girl, *cough*... moving on.
"There's three types of missions, one, easy mission. As the same suggests, it could be concurred that the mission is easy. The second mission, 'normal' mission, you might be thinking, normal must sound ordinary. It isn't, I had to face down an egotistical villain trying to rule the world through satellites and human-integrated sim cards, almost succeeded too."
"Another normal mission I took involves me having to lend a hand to a very enigmatic and dangerous assassin known as the 'Baba Yaga', also famous for killing three armed men at a bar with a pencil. What help I gave you wonder? I helped him take revenge on one of New York's largest Russian mafia only because they happen to kill his dog."
"So there's absolutely nothing normal about these 'normal' missions. Next up and the last of all, the hard missions which is by its name, you'll know it's going to be quite difficult. The trip to your world is a hard mission which I can definitely see why it is. Zombies, zombie dogs, sewer monsters and the occasional constantly evolving and almost nigh unkillable Nemesis."
"Let's not forget your ex-boss, Albert Wesker for a second yeah, even though he was exploded and fell a long way down and probably nuked as well, I can bet all my cash in, that he probably survived the ordeal. So, pick one, what do you want, easy, normal, or hard, hard grants more rewards but is also very dangerous."
"Well... Go big or go home," did she really just say that, we're literally not anywhere near home, so it's more like, go big or go back, yeah sounds better. "Okay then, hard it is, how hard could it be," I sighed, walked down the room to the slot machine. Dauntingly standing right in front of it with fake courage, oh well, I'll probably go insane but whatever right, I'm already mad as it is.
Just right before I yanked down on the slot machine, the voice decided to greet me out of nowhere, once again surprising me. [Ho ho ho, you made it! With a new beautiful companion as well! Ho ho ho, It's near Christmas over in heaven, so I'm trying my new Santa persona, charming ain't it! Everyone is saying I ought to be the next grand winner of the annual Santa Cosplay Competition!]
Heh... I sighed, now the voice is literally talking bullcrap, what does he want? "Who are you? Where are you?" Jill called out, looking vigilant and guarded, right, I didn't tell her about him didn't I? [I'm sort of like your new favorite supervisor! Call me the Vault Overseer! Although the Fallout games have fallen in quality, I still love to play New Vegas!]
[Oh blimey, I almost just forgot to tell you the reason I'm here, and look at the time! Welp, tell you when you arrive! See you!]
{Commencing Inter-Space Teleportation. In... 3... 2... 1...}
What the actual- Zoop! No one remained in the void.